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J.K. Rowling defends speaking out on trans issues

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God the explanation is pretty tame and somewhat understandable at the very beginning, but it just gets more and more horrible the further down you read.....


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7 hours ago, Gagaloo911 said:

I'm sorry but you trying to hide behind this as some legitimate argument to "save women" is a massive ****ing joke.  It has ZERO legitimacy. 

Do you not even realize that GENDERED bathrooms were not even a thing until the 1900s when MEN made it a thing when women were allowed into the workplace in order to keep men from being distracted? Before then bathrooms were not even split up. Not saying we need to go back to that but this is the reality.

It's really not this deep. Men aren't just going to be going into womens bathrooms suddenly, trans women ARE women and so **** NO THIS IS NOT ABOUT ALLOWING MEN INTO WOMEN'S BATHROOMS.

Where do you even get this from, and based on what evidence other than the fearmongering and ignorance you've seen and bought into?

Stop being ignorant on this. There are so many other things that can be done and by no means is one of those policing gender at the door. One option is to make a bathroom one stall for only one person at a time and making it gender neutral.

Or, continue as bathrooms currently are because they're aren't even actual issues or problems with that currently. Men aren't going into women's bathrooms simply because trans women are, and policing someone's genitals at the door isn't going to stop a man who wants to get in to one to harass a woman

Bottom line is any person trying to argue this baseless claim like you that it's about "saving women" is not only ignorant, but is hate masquerading as public safety. We've seen that one before with police and racists!

It's hateful, harmful, bigotry and transphobia pure and simple to defend this stance.

Spare me with the harmful, bigot, hateful, transphobic accusations re: what I said. If I could, I’d give trans people the rights they deserve & more - I am absolutely on their side. 

Im not claiming that ‘men in women’s bathrooms’ is the core issue here. I merely commented on Rowling’s statement in my first post as an observation in this thread & that’s what I was quoted on. I’m not making it about that issue too - if you’ve interpreted it that way, then so be it. Honestly. 

I never suggested policing bathroom doors. Not sure where you got that from my post. 

I have no hard evidence, obviously. Same as you, & anyone in this thread when it comes to risks involved with this particular scenario. I’m not an expert, I’m a human with opinions. I’m not ‘hate masquerading’ - I want trans people to be able to use the bathroom of their choice. I just refuse to over look a section of our society that could potentially use it to their advantage to hurt women - women in my life, & women all over the world. Not changing my stance on this, & I support trans people too. I don’t care if you persist with your narrative that paints me as some sort of evil. 

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Franch Toast
8 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:


I highly suggest you read my post above. I like you a lot and I'd like to think you'd appreicate my views on this as someone who, like Jo, is very well-intentioned but is sometimes misunderstood. I really don't think you'rebeing naive, you're initial instinct is there for a reason. Read what she's actually saying, note her support and understanding for transwomen and hear the true intention coming through. She wants transwomen supported but not to the point where biological women's rights and feelings are disrespected and called into question. It is indeed an overwhelming feeling I get when stuff like this occurs of women being told to shut up because our feelings don't matter, which I really hoped we'd be over by now.

Hi, I was working most of the day, and haven't had a chance to properly respond. I'll re-read her piece, though I probably need to search for the sources to which she is linking and her other tweets, so it will take me some time. 

But before I do that, I'll just say really quickly (or maybe not that quickly, ha!): I think women's rights and feelings are important, including trans women's rights and feelings. Obviously, there are certain differences among cisgender women and transgender women, but overall, I don't view these two groups in opposition. I'm too sleepy to make any intelligent remarks though, and I'm not that informed on Rowling's views beyond her essay which I should read more slowly and carefully. I was reading it on my lunch break before. :)


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She's filthy rich, why doesn't she just delete her account and go away? She's literally destroying her legacy and ruining her books for so many people. If she needs to be on Twitter so much go and make a private account then, but the public one should really go. She's cancelled, and Twitter users aren't going to let this go anytime soon. Maybe she loves the attention it brings her, possibly?

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God Control
13 hours ago, Brecht said:

A man who wants to sexually assault a woman will not stop because “he’s a man and can’t go in the female bathroom”. A criminal is a criminal, he doesn’t need to pretend he’s a woman. That’s the most ****ing absurd argument I’ve ever heard.

“A thief who wants to rob a house will not stop because there are locks on the door. A thief is a thief.”

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God Control

I’m surprised there are multiple people here saying that she’s clearly wrong because she turned off replies to avoid any compelling argument against her, well here the replies are open and I can’t see a single intelligent argument against her, it’s all memes or stupid GIFs or people writing TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN! without any context, without addressing any of the points mentioned, so no, your attempt at a “gotcha” moment by saying turning off replies is a sign of weakness doesn’t really hold water here. No wonder she wouldn’t be interested in hearing more hatred and absolutely zero intelligent discussion.

I can’t say I’m a fan of her. I haven’t watched a single Harry Potter movie and I only knew her name in the last few years as the one who wrote the books from which the overrated movie saga was taken, so I’m not saying this out of spite for trans people, whom I love and support or out of fandom to her, but the left or the right are both mostly not worth discussing anything with because it’s all the same copy paste answers, claps and accusations. No exchange of ideas, just a desire for a target who’s socially acceptable to bully.

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Electric Mary
7 minutes ago, God Control said:

“A thief who wants to rob a house will not stop because there are locks on the door. A thief is a thief.”

I think you're comparing two completely different situations, that's the same thing saying gays shouldn't adopt because men "tend" to be sexual predators and pedophiles (more than women) 

plus you're comparing the environment in a private place (your home, where you have your life) and in a public space ( a freaking bathroom that you and 434524253 people  use 3 to 4 times a day ) I think every bathroom should become gender neutral, in my country people have been doing it for years now (some schools, shopping centre's etc) and it's been working great, nobody is complaining. 

Now I think people are focusing too much on the bathroom issue, that's honestly one of the simple ones regarding transgender people lmao, have you ever thought about sports? a much bigger issue.



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14 minutes ago, God Control said:

“A thief who wants to rob a house will not stop because there are locks on the door. A thief is a thief.”

I'm sorry, which women's restrooms have locks on them or guards to whom you have to prove you have a vagina?

Meaningless analogy. 

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Electric Mary

I said it before on this forum, I fully support transgender people (that transition to male-female and vice versa), now if we start talking about non binary people that "aren't male or female" or "both" I dont get that at all, and probably never will, people need to stop, for real ( there are a lot of transgender people against the non binary agenda so are they transphobes too? lmao )

people need to stop coming with names and genders just because are trying to be woke and they dont fit in the social construct of gender (men wear this, women wear that) , if you're a man in wig and high heels on Thursdays, you're still a man tbh

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God Control
16 minutes ago, Electric Mary said:

I think you're comparing two completely different situations, that's the same thing saying gays shouldn't adopt because men "tend" to be sexual predators and pedophiles (more than women) 

plus you're comparing the environment in a private place (your home, where you have your life) and in a public space ( a freaking bathroom that you and 434524253 people  use 3 to 4 times a day ) I think every bathroom should become gender neutral, in my country people have been doing it for years now (some schools, shopping centre's etc) and it's been working great, nobody is complaining. 

Now I think people are focusing too much on the bathroom issue, that's honestly one of the simple ones regarding transgender people lmao, have you ever thought about sports? a much bigger issue.



In California, a content creator was escorted out for filming in a public bathroom at a convention considering that an invasion of privacy for others, so it clearly isn’t as public as you make it sound like, especially when there’s threat of someone who isn’t whom they say they are and only claiming so due to ulterior motives. It may be rare, but for women who are always told to be careful of rapists and abusers and are always on high alert, even a one in a thousand chance would still add to their list of things to worry about.

I’m not saying trans women shouldn’t go into women bathrooms. They’re much safer with women than other men. However, in the scenario that she described where any man can get a certificate that is based on their word alone or any gendered spaces that relies only on a person’s word, it would definitely leave room open for the issues that she’s worried about.

As for the example I gave, gay men can adopt and that has nothing to do with men being predators because even in a straight household, the “predator” man is still present, and for some reason people keep saying “you can’t ever take precautions from rape, from abuse, from private space invasion. A criminal is a criminal! And it’s not the victim’s fault!” but they’re missing the point which is that it’s not about shifting the blame nor about fault, it’s about wanting to be at least a little bit safer, at least a little less under risk. It’s not my fault if I get sexually harassed or raped, that’s for sure. It’s the abuser, but I will take precautions anyway because I don’t wanna be put on a position where the damage is done and then wonder what if I did this and what if I did that. 

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"Ironically, radical feminists aren’t even trans-exclusionary – they include trans men in their feminism, because they were born women."

I'm sorry has anyone ever been born a WOMAN? :lmao: Ma, female infants are women. They can be born female, assigned the gender girl, but they're not women :toofunny:

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God Control
5 minutes ago, derpmonster said:

I'm sorry, which women's restrooms have locks on them or guards to whom you have to prove you have a vagina?

Meaningless analogy. 

I don’t have guards at my doorstep??

If you don’t need someone to check your vagina, then you clearly pass well enough as a woman. But if you look like a typical man and only come in and say “I identify as a woman” and their world would be taken, then there could be a chance for this to be taken advantage of by an abuser. It would be naive to completely overrule that. 

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God Control
Just now, derpmonster said:

"Ironically, radical feminists aren’t even trans-exclusionary – they include trans men in their feminism, because they were born women."

I'm sorry has anyone ever been born a WOMAN? :lmao: Ma, female infants are women. They can be born female, assigned the gender girl, but they're not women :toofunny:

She clearly means “born female”. Let’s not turn this into a linguistics debate to escape form presenting a valid argument.

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5 minutes ago, Electric Mary said:

I said it before on this forum, I fully support transgender people (that transition to male-female and vice versa), now if we start talking about non binary people that "aren't male or female" or "both" I dont get that at all, and probably never will, people need to stop, for real ( there are a lot of transgender people against the non binary agenda so are they transphobes too? lmao )

people need to stop coming with names and genders just because are trying to be woke and they dont fit in the social construct of gender (men wear this, women wear that) , if you're a man in wig and high heels on Thursdays, you're still a man tbh

you're confusing gender expression with gender identity. They can be different. 

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