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AjayII re-listening to Chromatica this weekend


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whatever lol. I like her but if I am being honest I do not care about her Gaga related opinions anymore. I have no problem with her not liking a Gaga song or album but to me she was disrespectful when she said she wished Gaga wasn't even on ROM. That was really weird and almost like spiteful lol. I still watch her for her other album reactions but I will never click on one of her Gaga reactions ever again. 

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I needed re-listens to get into the album too. And her first reaction video to it was pretty popular after a mere hours so she'll probably get coin from it. Kind of surprised she doesn't do re-listens regularly given she has such a heavy following.

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That's great, I don't even know how it's possible to have an opinion about a song/album after only 1 listen. You need more listens for everything to grow you and to hear every detail that take things on another level

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20 hours ago, M Monstre said:

Imagine if the re-listen was worse :bradley: 

Hopefully she'll actually give the album a chance. Her first "review" wasn't bad, per se, but it was more just "whatever" than anything. She liked some of the songs, and I appreciate that, but for most of them, she just sorta sat there waiting for the song to finish. I felt like the reaction was more like, "If you guys want a ****ing reaction, then here's your ****ing reaction," sort of thing instead of her actually digesting and understanding the music like her normal videos. 

Even after a re-listen, if she doesn't like it, whatever, but I just hope she gives it the same opportunity that she gives other albums. It was clear from her video that she was just over all of it. 

after watching that straight guy that cries at everything (thethirdbill) actually understand the meaning behind the songs better than I did, it really made me realize how shallow and lame most reaction videos are. I also just feel like I'm searching for somebody to confirm how i feel about something when i watch those videos. Idk why I bother! We should all stop lol 

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8 hours ago, DonnieDarko said:

They way ya’ll gave her 6 pages of attention here. Lmao.

The way you contributed to it by posting this :billie: 

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20 hours ago, Dominic said:

We have a new supreme now


awww I love watching Georgina!

In my messy era.
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20 hours ago, pedrohemg said:

This woman needs to be canceled once and for all. Not in the way of attacking her, but not giving her any attention. I only care about reactions from vocal coaches and she isn't one.

Then stop giving her attention damn :awkney: 

I’m indifferent towards her but y’all loathe her and claim her opinion doesn’t matter one bit, yet y’all were living for her when she was eating up Gaga’s discography :oprah: 

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Also, why does this AJ deserve a thread every time she does something Gaga?

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Linus Gaga

I watch lots of reaction videos, 

yes, she may not like the songs/album sometimes,

but she is the only one that I really always want to watch, because she is honest.

Ofcuz I hope the reactors would enjoy the album, but I don't wanna see fake happiness.

For lots of chromatica reactions on youtube, I can tell many of them actually feeling confused or not enjoying some of the songs, but they keep act like they're boping to the songs just not to look awkward in front of the camera. While if Ajayll doesn't like it she just tell us. I rather see a real reaction more than fake reactions. And I don't get why lots of you always come to an Ajayll threads comments "Why should we care", if you don't care you can go. There is a reason why some of us and other people love to watch her reactions. 

Hit me a message and say hi !
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Cameltoe Chariot

I don't understand why this woman has the following she has :awkney:

All of her videos look the same, she offers nothing in terms of actual critique (good or bad)... like why do we give her opinion any respect?

Also her taste sucks :billie:

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I think she deserves a second chance tbh. I mean even I rarely hook onto gaga’s songs after initial listen. 90% of them are growers for me. I do believe that the first listen is fundamentally for getting used to the overall album vibe. It’s pretty much of an appetiser. So, doing a re-listen video is necessary.

I am my Hair.
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On 6/4/2020 at 12:48 PM, pedrohemg said:

This woman needs to be canceled once and for all. Not in the way of attacking her, but not giving her any attention. I only care about reactions from vocal coaches and she isn't one.

Agree. I think ajayll has had her moment but the novelty of her reviews/reactions has grown old, because her reviews lack any substance. We can all sit down and and pause a song and go “oooh!” Like she does a million times. 

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