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Jeff: "ARTPOP not coming in short time frame"


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Alien Tulip

If I were you guys I would not get your hopes high for an early 2013 release so for now look for another artists to listen to while you wait for ARTPOP. I honestly don't see ARTPOP first single being released until April. I think it makes sense that the album will most likely release in the end of summer 2013 because it's good promotion when she performs her 2nd single off the album at the VMAs WHILE her album releases. So realistically we'll be getting the new album in about 10 months or so, it's a long wait but there's other things in life to keep you busy.

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If I wanted to say the actual thoughts that were going on in my head atm, in their entirety, I would get perma banned. So instead, I'll just say #****.

:taylor: :taylor: :taylor:

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I'm pretty sure it won't take a long time until release, but I wouldn't mind waiting until 2014 :laughga:

3 points in and ready for more
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see this is why I don't like that she drops hints so early because then it just keeps us waiting. She could have kept this quiet for longer. She did the same thing with BTW and the hype lasted forever and was so drawn out...

but I like this - I really want her to take an extended time to work on this, I would rather her take a lot of time and make it really grat then keep banging out albums one after another.

on another note in the next era I would like the tour to coincide with the release of the album, I feel like the Born This Way Ball started as the era was ending would be nice to see her go on a tour close to the release of the record. This case may allow for that becasue she can plan the tour in the extended time between albums.

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Inb4 ARTPOP's just being a big joke and Private In Public being the real album :troll:

We better stan for someone else than Gaga because this waiting is going to feel like it lasted forever.


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Do you have a source for this? What I remember is there being speculation that there'd be a single this year, with Gaga herself not confirming it. When she did say anything though, she said we'd get new music this year, but it might not be anything related to ARTPOP, which I guess was supposed to be Partynauseous or whatever, which didn't work out.

I thought Vincent said it.. I don't have a source but I'm sure it was said.

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see this is why I don't like that she drops hints so early because then it just keeps us waiting. She could have kept this quiet for longer. She did the same thing with BTW and the hype lasted forever and was so drawn out...

but I like this - I really want her to take an extended time to work on this, I would rather her take a lot of time and make it really grat then keep banging out albums one after another.

on another note in the next era I would like the tour to coincide with the release of the album, I feel like the Born This Way Ball started as the era was ending would be nice to see her go on a tour close to the release of the record. This case may allow for that becasue she can plan the tour in the extended time between albums.

Nah she didn't do the same thing with Born This Way. Well I mean we knew the name of the album but everyone was under the impression it would come out sooner than it did and we were never led to believe otherwise. Especially since the release date of the album was pushed back even further than intended.

This time around we at least know were not getting it any time soon lol so speculation is left for those willing to stick it out if they choose to lol

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because most of them want an official date and EVEN if Gaga posts such date lets say "Single Feb, Album April" they'll say


this fanbase is just so doble standarded

that would actually be a good release pattern, and nah I dont believe the majority of fans would act like that some. but it isn't overhyped as much as BTW was. If she releases it around August next year then that'l be overhype that's how it was with BTW her saying ARTPOP is worth the wait is her saying so since she did say originally it'd be released in 2012

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It's really not that much of a big deal, I can wait forever haha been waiting for Lena Katina's and Julia Volkova's solo albums since they decided to break-up t.A.T.u. in 2008, I can wait for GaGa xD

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