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Appreciating Gagadaily & Lady Gaga (Your best memories)

Caothan Mcbride

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Caothan Mcbride

i remember my 11 year old ass checking every single day to see if there wa any updates on born this every single day i literally cant even remember the first time i visted it it was well over 10 years ago im now 20 lol ,

my favourite memories was probably when art pop was announced the hype was so heartwarming on the site we were all so ****ing excited , and we literally discussed most days up to the release good and bad the same with joanne 


the katy plus gaga drama was alot too how times have changed 

share your memories below and your first time visiting

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Been on both sides of this. 


I like being the cat


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I think I am creating my GGD best memories right now.

best gaga moment? Listening BTW in a hot tub at 2am.

such joy! 

"Just because you know my name, doesn't mean you know my game"
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14 minutes ago, Caothan Mcbride said:

born this every single day

i must've missed this album

Former First Lady of the United States. Now card-carrying member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
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Best memory was when Perfect Illusion was announced out of no where and I was asleep and woke up to 12 new "ladygaga just posted a new photo" notifications on my lockscreen and in my heart, I just knew it was the LG5 single announcement :kara: and then GGD crashing shortly after 

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My favorite (and earliest) GGD memory was staying up until midnight refreshing the thread over and over again waiting for the Telephone music vid to drop!! :legend: :firega: After the Paparazzi and Bad Romance vids, I decided that Gaga was more than just any old musician/popstar, and her artistry was an EVENT worth finding every clue and anticipating every appearance :saira: So that was the first event where I was 100% buckled in and hyping myself up with every cryptic tweet, street candid photo, and fan theory. 

My old cat is a tough man, but i cant deny the way he bites my hand and he stabs me, he grabs me by my heart <3
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Soccer Moms are my favorite, next the thread where the person lowkey found animated animals sexy, and then the thread where the guy who said gaga is not popular in  their obscure country and keeps on saying they are straight.

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Diamond heart99

My favorite memory is a recent one.

When that other website did that insufferable BS about a key and a door. We have so much fun in the LG6 thread with that.

Also all the fun I’ve had on here with @Regina George this year. Didn’t see that coming in 2020.


I’m blonde, I’m skinny, I’m rich and I’m a little bit of a bitch
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Regina George
1 minute ago, Diamond heart99 said:

My favorite memory is a recent one.

When that other website that insufferable BS about a key and a door. We have so much fun in the LG6 thread with that.

Also all the fun I’ve had on here with @Regina George this year. Didn’t see that coming in 2020.


I'm so happy we actually became friends on here! :heart:

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Been here from the very beginning - June 2009. To say I've seen it all on here is an understatement. The stories I could tell. :bradley: 

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