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3 hours ago, xoxo Craig said:

Yay because on earth, every single living creature are our friends and we TOTALLY didn't eat cows and meat in ancestral times :enigma:  

We also have child brides, have sex with children, and kill any human we see as different, since we did it in ancestral times, right? I mean, it’s only human nature, right? Since we’ve done it for centuries. I love your train of reasoning! :huntyga:

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xoxo Craig
24 minutes ago, Glamourpuss said:

I know the history of why we eat meat. You seem to think I was born with an idealistic point of view and I don't know anything about why we eat meat. 

I was raised as a meat eater. I haven't been conditioned. I always felt it was wrong and I stopped eating meat when I was old enough to choose.

I see all animals as sentient beings and feel that humans don't have a right to exploit other sentient beings. 

In your next post you go on to talk about how animals don't feel emotions like we do. They absolutely do. Just because they can't articulate themselves in the same ways we can doesn't mean they don't feel anything.

We aren't natural hunters at least not anymore. Most people wouldn't know the first thing about how to hunt an animal. If it requires being taught then it's not natural. 

Then why did we meat? What was the point of killing cows and other animals for meat?

We were all raised meat eaters at one point... why? Because thats our natural diet. But movies such as The Lion King literally have the message that all animals are our friends and from a young age we are surrounded by ideologies that eating animals and animals produce is wrong and bad. 

I never said animals don't feel emotions. They do. BUT they do not experience emotions exactly like us because they don't have the brains and the development to make them feel such things. The human brain is so complex, our feelings and emotions are so huge and such a wide range. For a cow, its much more simplistic. They don't experience the same range as humans. 

I have always looked at things with the perspective that some animals are food (the foodchain) and some animals are not. Those animals that are not food are like dogs and cats, and the ones that are food get killed like cows and deer. I've always been okay with that because I understand that its the correct, natural way humans get their food.

We are, and still are, natural hunters. You can't change biology. You can't change evolution over night. You can't change whats natural to us. We always got taught how to hunt. A child some 500 years ago didn't just wake up and learn how to shoot a bow + arrow. We are now being taught that vegetables are good for you, and for parents to force their children to eat them EVEN if they refuse it and don't like them. We are being taught that humans are friends with cows... that is not natural. A child knows that vegetables aren't good for it, and thats why it rejects vegetables often. Thats how you know we as a society are going against whats natural 

End Racism Now
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I want to put a 'Love' reaction but I'm also going to a burger place for lunch so I'm not sure what to do.

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xoxo Craig
4 minutes ago, ALGAYDO said:

We also have child brides, have sex with children, and kill any human we see as different, since we did it in ancestral times, right? I mean, it’s only human nature, right? Since we’ve done it for centuries. I love your train of reasoning! :huntyga:

How is that the same to food?


End Racism Now
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I’m all for animal welfare but I’m not letting my culture die. I do find it creepy that veganism has started to become a modern day colonialism.

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3 hours ago, xoxo Craig said:

Yay because on earth, every single living creature are our friends and we TOTALLY didn't eat cows and meat in ancestral times :enigma:  

Define ancestral cuz proto-cows weren't domesticated till about 10k years ago, and factory farming wasn't a thing till a couple of decades ago... Also, this article is focused more on animal abuse than anything else, which... no matter how you spin it, factory farming is that...

Also also, if you were trying to present an argument against veganism, you've came up with the worst one - there are a lot of things people did in the past that is just not necessary nowadays... The technology is there to make sure other living beings aren't being exploited and subjected to a life of harrowing pain to the extent that they do - people keep doing it not out of necessity but pleasure and profit - on average people eat way more meat than is actually needed, and in the US at least, the meat industry receives giant subsidies to allow for meat to be lower in price and enable that cycle even further... 

Oh, and one of your responses later in the thread said something like it's ok to exploit animals cuz they don't feel the same emotions? First of all, there is no way to verify that, and if anything, people who work with animals will tell you that animals can experience feelings very similarly to humans, to the point they can develop the same mental conditions... Just because an animal can't make a sad face doesn't mean it can't be in the same amount of physical pain - it likely very much is - they're mammals, they have the same mechanisms to experience the pain of starvation, dehydration, bodily damage... That argument also kinda opens up a whole other can of worms - is it ok to treat mentally handicapped people as lower just because they aren't as intelligent? And how do you measure intelligence and emotional response anyway?

OH, and for some reason you don't put dogs on the same level you put cows or pigs - if you think it's ok to kill a pig then its also ok to kill a dog :gayhat:


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22 minutes ago, ltlmnstr said:

I’m all for animal welfare but I’m not letting my culture die. I do find it creepy that veganism has started to become a modern day colonialism.

Cultures not only do, but NEED to change overtime - that's how communities grow, and whether you like it or not, all cultures will die or morph into something as far removed from its origins as you could imagine... which is a GOOD THING - in the past it was ok to burn people alive, do you want to bring that back? It's part of culture...

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38 minutes ago, xoxo Craig said:

How is that the same to food?


Your reasoning was because of ancestral time. Food has changed. We are no longer wild savages who hunt and gather for food. Evolve with the times babe :vegas:

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3 hours ago, xoxo Craig said:

And there are studies out there that say a Vegan diet is most damaging to the environment AND to us as human beings

@xoxo Craig I love you but this made me cackle

We all won't agree on diet, but there are plenty of studies that say the opposite. :kara:

Also, be weary of studies. What I've learned through my research is to look and see who paid for the study. Especially since the popularity of vegan diets, there have been A LOT of industry funded studies which are typically (shocker) biased. 

For example, Egglands Best funded a study saying people got healthier when they started eating eggs. Or Tyson funded a study showing people got healthier eating red meat (:ally:)

Another thing to look for is what are they comparing in the study? Sometimes you have to look at the actual study instead of the article, Facebook post, etc. For example, several studies will say "85% of participants reduced inflammation by adding more chicken to their diet" but what the study will tell you (or not sometimes...) is what these people were eating before. 

Like, of course people's inflammation markers will go down if they went from eating McDonald's or tons of processed food everyday to eating free range chicken. What a lot of these studies don't take into account is the bigger picture of overall health. 

And it's not only factory farming that's killing the planet. It's the fact that the demand for meat is so high, that we use TONS of resources just for one burger. A diet without animal products uses a FRACTION of the resources it takes just to make one burger. 

Not dragging or coming for you, genuinely wanting to spread information and a new viewpoint. This is how people come together to make change, not arguing over who has the right idea. But presenting the facts and learning from each other. :kiss:

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58 minutes ago, ltlmnstr said:

I’m all for animal welfare but I’m not letting my culture die. I do find it creepy that veganism has started to become a modern day colonialism.

You're 100% welcome to do so. Just know the long-term implications on your health and the planet :kara:

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32 minutes ago, CautiousLurker said:

Cultures not only do, but NEED to change overtime - that's how communities grow, and whether you like it or not, all cultures will die or morph into something as far removed from its origins as you could imagine... which is a GOOD THING - in the past it was ok to burn people alive, do you want to bring that back? It's part of culture...

People of Color are already under pressure of assimilationist policies from White Majorities.

I don’t believe an Ethiopian should give up Kitfo. I don’t believe a Japanese person should give up Sushi either.

Food is the one aspect of culture that defines a culture. People are within their rights to not give up an aspect of themselves and where they come from.

I’m tired of White Vegans thinking “we are all one race” when Native Americans are still to this day are still treated as shxt, and on top of that, you want to take away the process of how they eat. And the clothing they wear.

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3 minutes ago, AHippieIsBorn said:

You're 100% welcome to do so. Just know the long-term implications on your health and the planet :kara:

I think the gif you used is the most farce thing you could have done.

You don’t know me and there is no “love” between us.

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1 minute ago, ltlmnstr said:

People of Color are already under pressure of assimilationist policies from White Majorities.

I don’t believe an Ethiopian should give up Kitfo. I don’t believe a Japanese person should give up Sushi either.

Food is the one aspect of culture that defines a culture. People are within their rights to not give up an aspect of themselves and where they come from.

I’m tired of White Vegans thinking “we are all one race” when Native Americans are still to this day are still treated as shxt, and on top of that, you want to take away the process of how they eat. And the clothing they wear.

I don't think anyone wants to forbid any food from any culture. People just wanna let people know about veganism and vegetarianism and its benefits for the planet and animals.

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1 minute ago, kyanewest said:

I don't think anyone wants to forbid any food from any culture. People just wanna let people know about veganism and vegetarianism and its benefits for the planet and animals.

And I think you’re lying because the end goal of Veganism is that everyone becomes Vegan.

It is essential to that way of life. It is undiverse and some cultures are not for everyone to share. Native Americans have closed cultures and warbonnets are not some quirky accessory. 

It’s a trend of here GGD that cultural appropriation is not taken seriously and it shows that Black hair is just “any old hairstyle” for everyone to wear when Black people are harassed for having those styles

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1 minute ago, kyanewest said:

I don't think anyone wants to forbid any food from any culture. People just wanna let people know about veganism and vegetarianism and its benefits for the planet and animals.


Some people act like we are literally coming in and stealing their steaks or burgers from their dinner table :ladyhaha: We're just presenting facts and there's more research now than ever. Veganuary (An annual January trial of veganism) had RECORD #s this year of 400,000 people. Not to mention that the plant based options in grocery stores is growing also. Plant based restaurants are also booming. 

Heck, just look at the Oscars/Grammys this year: Joaquin for Best Actor and Billie for Best Song, Record, Album etc Both vegans :kiss:

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