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Stop treating Gaga like crap.


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1 hour ago, Doot said:

Twas time for a change!

I know. I get it. I honestly do. 

But seeing how they can't just get booted, I don't feel right just letting them spew toxic hate every chance they get. 

I agree, seeing people who proclaim themselves to be "fans"  while portraying their viewpoints in particularly abhorrent and overtly negative ways (some of which are immensely unjustified and entirely illogical) is definitely unpleasant  to witness. My main issue isn't even with their opinions usually, but more so the execution of what they're seemingly trying to express. It's simple, just be a bit more considerate, try to have some perspective in regards to what you are saying and how it can affect others instead of incessantly saying things like this,

"Gaga is so ****ing lazy. She hates her fans"

"Ugh she has clearly sold out."

"Haus Labs is such a cash grab LMAO"

"Sarah needs to go."

"Enigma ****ing sucks"

"She (Gaga) is such a bitch"

"Enigma is so goddamn cringey, how does anybody like this crap?"

Perhaps alter what you are saying to not sound like an entitled, immature, and bitter person who is clearly trying to be condescending towards Gaga or her team over something that isn't worth getting upset over at all.


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I agree. They're entitled, hypocrite, selfish, and don't deserve Gaga at all:ohwell:

🇵🇭༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽🇵🇭
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11 minutes ago, WholesomeOOf said:

I agree, seeing people who proclaim themselves to be "fans"  while portraying their viewpoints in particularly abhorrent and overtly negative ways (most of which are immensely unjustified and entirely illogical) is definitely sad to see. My main critique isn't even with their opinions usually, but more so the execution of what they're seemingly trying to express. It's simple, just be a bit more considerate, try to have some perspective in regards to what you are saying and how it can affect others. Instead of incessantly saying things like this,

"Gaga is so ****ing lazy. She hates her fans"

"Ugh she has clearly sold out."

"Haus Labs is such a cash grab LMAO"

"Sarah needs to go."

Perhaps you should alter what you are saying to not sound like an entitled, immature, and bitter person who is clearly only trying to be condescending towards Gaga or her team over something that isn't worth getting upset over.


Someone with some sense wow. :diane:

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Can we create a topic asking Gaga to stop treating us like crap? :huntyga:

Time. It will not wait, no matter how hard you hold on...
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I’m more disturbed by this fanbase being mad about Gaga doing/not doing something they like and going on twitter trying to “cancel” her or members of her team trying to trend #fireSarah or #fireBobby.  It’s usually over something shallow like not liking her makeup or wigs or being so bitter she’s doing something else rather than what they want her to do.

Other fanbases are sometimes nasty towards rival artists but I never see any of them get as nasty towards their fans like Gaga’s fans do. It’s like LM are more possessive over her. Toxic, entitled, nasty people ugh.

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46 minutes ago, Ouranos said:

I think I’m the only one who hasn’t listen to the Stupid Love leaks 

i haven't! it's my own way to give her my loyalty haha

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1 hour ago, Ultimecia said:

Can we create a topic asking Gaga to stop treating us like crap? :huntyga:

It's the other way around.

"Can we create a topic asking her fans to stop treating Gaga like crap?" (This topic)

Like, have you even seen the things her fans said about her? Gaga didn't do anything yet y'all come here dragging her, like, wtf!?:interestinga:

🇵🇭༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽🇵🇭
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The people harrasing HL accounts are dumb af i mean its a MAKEUP PAGE dont follow it if you hate it that much.. ugh..


The only things i hate atm are enigma and gaga's silence about LG6 but i can wait.

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Daylight Jokers

It's like they have a checklist they have to do everyday to get free Starbucks giftcards.

• Hate on Enigma - ✓

• Hate on Haus Labs - ✓

• Hate on Gaga's Team - ✓

• Call her a sellout - ✓

• Act like a vocal coach and announce that her vocals are deteriorating - ✓

• Call her lazy - ✓

• Shade Joanne - ✓

GaGa is a flop, not Katy - ✓


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Normally when these type of threads pop up on here, she’s about to drop a new single/announcement real real soon

*psychic voodoo energies*

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15 minutes ago, Doot said:


Down playing the several points you made in the OP and they had nothing to add except a tired joke that's over used on this site in the wrong context. :enigma:

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