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CEREMONY// Honey- Robyn


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2 minutes ago, DelusionalGaga said:

I just can't.. I- 



Just one more low score left


What you want Lady Gaga🥂 What you want with Christina🥂
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5th place:


Overall Score: 8.44

Highest Score: 10 - @imitalian, @GaGaLB

Lowest Score: 7 - @OG Gaga Stan @Davian :stalkga:

This one seemed extremely out of place to me when I first listened to the album. But it grew on me, it's beautiful.

The comments:


@enzo: the instrumental snaps
@vitleysingur: We love a scientific bop.
@huttont: it’s definitely one of the best on the album
@hoeanne: This song sounds exactly like an emotional midwinter walk through the city late at night.Granted I listened to this album whenever I was leaving a club alone this winter so that might just be me. 
@Sestri Levante:  an enjoyable song but doesn't do much for me
@FlopSlurper: I fell in love with the song from the first listen, which I can't say about most of the album tracks since they're growers


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Im sad that's it's not higher but at the same time 8.44 is pretty high already. One of Robyn's best for me :tony:

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2 minutes ago, Sneaky said:

5th place:


Overall Score: 8.44

Highest Score: 10 - @imitalian, @GaGaLB

Lowest Score: 7 - @OG Gaga Stan @Davian :stalkga:

This one seemed extremely out of place to me when I first listened to the album. But it grew on me, it's beautiful.

The comments:

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@enzo: the instrumental snaps
@vitleysingur: We love a scientific bop.
@huttont: it’s definitely one of the best on the album
@hoeanne: This song sounds exactly like an emotional midwinter walk through the city late at night.Granted I listened to this album whenever I was leaving a club alone this winter so that might just be me. 
@Sestri Levante:  an enjoyable song but doesn't do much for me
@FlopSlurper: I fell in love with the song from the first listen, which I can't say about most of the album tracks since they're growers


I gave it a 10 too :selena:

also human bean leaving before between the lines I-

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4th place:


Overall Score: 8.50

Highest Score: 11 - @Sestri Levante, @badgirlmeat

Lowest Score: 5 - @huttont@Davian

"That ****'s so good!":lolly:

The comments:


@enzo: another weird one, I like it
@vitleysingur:The choreography on Honey Tour is FIRE!
@huttont: I feel like this had the interworkings of a really good song but it just doesn’t go there for me.
@retroglamx: MAKES ME WANT TO DANCE MY ASS OFF. And the video is so much fun
@hoeanne: Bop!
@Sestri Levante: this was my instant favourite. The synth riff on the chorus makes me dance (that's rare) I couldn't stop listening to it since it came out, and the MV is really cool too with the perfect editing it has :tony:
@FlopSlurper: I like the production but  I wish it had a more memorable melody


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2 minutes ago, OG Gaga Stan said:

The second best song on the album...


Baby Forgive Me? What about it? 


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