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CEREMONY || Lady Gaga music videos megarate


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yeah i have no ideas this is such a close and iconic top 3 but marry the night should be in top 3 and judas should be 4th (no shade)

Used to be HighRoad
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3. Judas


Overall Score: 9.493243


Highest: 11 @GagaVenusStan, @VenusHooker, @KatieJudasGaga4

Lowest: 7 @Didymus



Glittertinks - Again, the religious references, the concept, the choreography, the looks… Judas is really THAT bitch. The editing of the video is also one of the best she ever had. FUN FACT: at the VERY beginning on the highway (when the title gets shown) you can see the Animation building of Walt Disney Animation in the background 

OpenHeartedMonster - I love the makeup and the crown of thorns. The video pleases my eye very much. And the choreography is reaaallly good

BradleyCooper - Best choreography of any Gaga video. The production was gorgeous. Great casting too. Perfect.

Imitalian - Another perfect video: choreography, storyline, looks, the makeup alone is iconic. The Gaga I live for the most. 

Enzo - living for the outfits and the choreo

RudraCNG - Okay this was hard bc I think it really IS her best video, but I don't want John Wayne to flop, so I can't rate it with an 11. Sorry, KatieJudas!

Talenti - Something bugs me about this vid but idk why maybe it’s the quality. Just wasn’t what I envisioned the song to look like but it’s a bop nonetheless!

AndiGaga – Great choreography but i would love to have some special effects

Manicure 6 - Perfect

Oriane -  It’s good, I like the outfits and the setting. There’s really an emphasis on the dancers and the choreo. Some of the shots look beautiful (the dancers, the bathtub, the close-ups on Gaga’s face) but the beginning is meh, the mix of colors seems off.

Didymus - I know it's a fan favorite but I can't get into it. I find the directing really amateur, especially in the choreography scenes which are so static they ruin the video's momentum. The whole Christian storyline is fun but doesn't quite come together as a music video. It feels like high school theater to me and I don't feel a lot of genuine.

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1 minute ago, PinkPop said:



Bad Romance. I mean, it's iconic but Judas and Telephone are way better.

Edit: what??????? Come on, Judas deserved #1

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Talent and taste lost but maybe it won’t if Judas wins somehow



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1 minute ago, PinkPop said:


RudraCNG - Okay this was hard bc I think it really IS her best video, but I don't want John Wayne to flop, so I can't rate it with an 11. Sorry, KatieJudas!



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Bad romance is probably gonna win and I hate to see it


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1 minute ago, KatieJudasGaga4 said:


I'm sorry. If I had known that John Wayne didn't have a chance I would have given Judas an 11 :messga:

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1 minute ago, dllcll said:

This top 2 is disappointing

why both videos are great and iconic :trollga:

Used to be HighRoad
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So many disappointments that if Bad Romance isn't first then I don't know what to do. And Bad Romance got an eight from me..

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I hope telephone wins at least


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