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CEREMONY || Lady Gaga music videos megarate


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Here I come 



Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen
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1 minute ago, DiamondKing said:

And this is the first video that deserves to go :reductive:

You sure about that?

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Who put this seating chart together? I can’t believe I have to sit next to Mariah for this ceremony. 

Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen
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2 minutes ago, IrishMonster said:

You sure about that?


But The Lady is a Tramp and Million Reasons can go after that :vegas:

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So we've already had a few opinions but who do you think is coming last place at #21?

wondering simon cowell GIF by X Factor Global

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Just now, PinkPop said:

So we've already had a few opinions but who do you think is coming last place at #21?

wondering simon cowell GIF by X Factor Global

Million reasons or TLIAT are the only acceptable answers to this

Used to be HighRoad
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Just now, PinkPop said:

So we've already had a few opinions but who do you think is coming last place at #21?

wondering simon cowell GIF by X Factor Global

I've got million reasons to guess who it is.

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21. Million Reasons


Overall Score: 4.197297


Highest: 8.5 @Andreu

Lowest: 0 @dllcll, @BradleyCooper, @Daenerys



@DiamondKing- She could have done so much more with this.

@Glittertinks- Listen, I understand what she tried to tell us here. But I hate the technical side of this video, the camera types are changing with makes it look like something is off and some scenes look so staged and dishonest… I think this could have done much better, I would have preferred a simple video only with her in the pink suit tbh, those are the best scenes. 

@RudraCNG - I mean, the parts where she is wearing the pink dress playing guitar are actually nice, but I just can't with the rest of it.

@OpenHeartedMonster - It's decent. It's not that bad that many people claim it to be

@imitalian - Wow. I think I've never been that disappointed in a Gaga mv ever. I was really about to unstan. I like to pretend it doesn't exist. I would have preferred a whole mv with just the pink look. 

@Enzo - really undeserved hate towards it. it's not as bad as people say

@IrishMonster - no explanation needed

@Inferno- i think its a cute video. it gets an absurd amount of hate which is just wild to me. it looks fine. it may be simple but shes had videos that were crammed with imagery that were ultimately much worse off for it. so to me, this video was everything it needed to be. could it have been something else? I guess but. what we got wasnt "bad".

@Talenti– Anyways-

@AndiGaga – No. Boring.

@MANiCURE 6 - There are cool shots but nothing really memorable.

@Oriane - We can all agree that this one is bad. Funnily, it has the exact same flaws as G.U.Y, but because G.U.Y was high budget, has a beautiful setting, crazy outfits etc, suddenly people think it’s a masterpiece. The shots are even better-looking here than in G.U.Y, they’re basic but decent. If the video had only consisted of the shots where she’s singing and playing the guitar, it would have been nice, unfortunately the rest of the video with the questionable story makes it bad...

@Didymus- A disaster and undoubtedly her worst video to date. The solo shots with her guitar are actually really nice and memorable but everything else is a giant mess, from her fillered up mirror reflection face which just looks comically unlike her to her horrendous "emotional" acting, to the "love you sis and here's a rosary" let's-call-it-a-storyline, this is really a low point in her artistry. I feel no ambition, no effort, no creativity,... It might be meaningful to her and her friends and family but as a music video this is shockingly badly executed.

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