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Mario Lopez calls trans children ‘alarming’

BUtterfield 8

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BUtterfield 8


Owens brought up the topic of transgender children, talking about celebrity parents letting their children “pick their gender” and calling it “weird” and “strange.”

Lopez started with a more measured tone, saying, “If you come from a place of love, you know, you really can’t go wrong.” Of course, there was a “but,” and what followed was transphobia. “But at the same time,” Lopez said. “My God, if you’re 3 years old, and you’re saying you’re feeling a certain way or you think you’re a boy or girl whatever the case may be I just think it’s dangerous as a parent to make this determination then.”

The conversation continued with more transphobic talking points. Lopez said, “just think about the repercussions later on,” and Owens compared a child expressing their true gender to calling themselves a mermaid. She also characterized parents respecting their children’s gender identity as “narcissism, like virtue signaling.”

Lopez said parents with kids who want to self-identify their gender must, “be the adult in the situation” and said that these conversations and determinations about gender shouldn’t happen until the child’s “formative years,” though he did not specify what age that meant. When Owens asked about playdates with families like this, Lopez responded, “they don’t kick with those kids.”


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Not the greatest points and I don't necessarily agree with him, but it's fairly leveled, considering the more traditional views on parenting.

Now, the other person...

3 points in and ready for more
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He is absolutely right. Some 3 year olds still use diapers and their parents are supposed to let them go through a sex change surgery? :deadbanana:

Honestly there should be an age limit. Like 18 or in extreme cases 16 or 17.

Es solo una paja entre colegas
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Squeeshy Keety

But at the same time, let's just say things like "Look he's got a girlfriend" at 3 and buy our infants "Future Womanizer" onesies


They / Them 🏳️‍🌈
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For those of us (most of us) who are ignorant of this topic, no treatments for being transgender would ever be done before puberty. So letting children live their lives literally means nothing and has no repercussions on them.

You only really need to start considering the pros/cons of treatment at the start of puberty. Most children who express the desire to be the opposite gender are not actually transgender in the future. It's a moot point, only designed to hurt transgender people.

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Young Pancake

When I was six-seven I used to wish I was a girl. I thought being a girl was going to solve my problem of being gay. Now I’m twenty-three and I’m happy with my body. I hate identifying as a man but I wouldn’t want to have a different body. Sometimes age does play a role and you grown out of thinking one way like me. 

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I think the point is that we should let kids be fluid if they want to be. I don't think anyone is saying MY SON WANTS TO BE A GIRL, LET'S GIVE HIM SURGERY NOW.
The important takeaway is: if your male/female child wants to bend gender, just effing let them. This may result in a gender reassignment later in life, or maybe they just wanted to feel different for a moment.
Regardless, it's all important in the journey, and self discovery.

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Anybody who supports chemical castration and loading your child up with hormone medication is sick. I don’t believe anyone under the age of 17/18 should have their body altered in these ways at all. Dressing differently and altering appearance, sure. But medically transitioning, absolutely not. 

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Squeeshy Keety
13 minutes ago, uo111 said:

For those of us (most of us) who are ignorant of this topic, no treatments for being transgender would ever be done before puberty. So letting children live their lives literally means nothing and has no repercussions on them.

You only really need to start considering the pros/cons of treatment at the start of puberty. Most children who express the desire to be the opposite gender are not actually transgender in the future. It's a moot point, only designed to hurt transgender people.

Exactly, and with the use of puberty blockers into the teenage years, kids get to choose their primary sex hormone and have more time to think about it, since they only delay sex hormone production. If they choose not to take the other hormone their body would not otherwise produce, there can just come off the blockers and mature as they would have without intervention. 

Edit: @geopang the use of blockers is low risk long term as they can choose how they want their body to mature and get a concrete idea of themselves, either with outside hormone intervention or with typical hormone production. Of course most trans people medically transition after puberty, and many (and definitely not all) do wish they could have acted sooner and not developed some of the various secondary sex characteristics they may have. Dysphoria can be painful, and teenagers who are sure of their identity deserve say in their bodies

Btw I don't think puberty blockers are necessary for everyone, but I think they should be an option for those who need it

They / Them 🏳️‍🌈
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I can understand why people would be hesitant because 3, 4, and 5 year olds don't fully understand the conept of gender and how society's viewpoints impact gender.

That said, kids who are older (i.e. going through puberty) do have a fairly solid concept of what gender is. In those cases, I think that it's completely fine to have a conversation about gender, and if they do feel like they are transgender, to have an open-minded discussion about it. 

It's also not like children are getting gender reassignment surgery at the age of 3 anyway. What we're talking about here is letting children explore gender and breaking "gender norms".

That's why I'm totally for gender neutral parenting. I hate this "oh, it's 'weird' and 'unnatural' to raise kids as if they're the opposite gender" rheotric. Like, even before the kid is born you already have a blue/pink crib, blue/pink wallpaper, blue/pink cake, blue/pink decorations, blue/pink everything.  Stop trying to act like just because a boy likes pink or a girl likes blue all of a sudden it's a "strange" thing. These are concepts  of what gender is. 

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doja scat

I think it is absolutely up to the child to fully decide their identity for themselves and whether they wish to transition. ONLY them. Parents that selfishly take it into their own hands are dangerous. 

As a child I wanted to be a girl so badly. I remember telling my parents and I went through all the classic things: playing with dolls, wearing scarves on my head to act as long hair, wearing my sisters makeup and clothes. Now as a 19 year old boy, I guess I’m happy with who I am, and I feel more so androgynous/non conforming to Male/female gender clothing. I’m happy that my parents allowed me to decide for myself rather than acting on the signs and what I was telling them. 

Obviously this is my own personal story, I can’t speak on behalf of every child.

don’t get stabbed with the (b)rat tooth
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Lion Heart

He's not wrong.. 


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19 minutes ago, geopang said:

Anybody who supports chemical castration and loading your child up with hormone medication is sick. I don’t believe anyone under the age of 17/18 should have their body altered in these ways at all. Dressing differently and altering appearance, sure. But medically transitioning, absolutely not. 


Puberty = hormones.

Forcing people to undergo hormone therapy IS sick, we can agree on that. So why would you force a transgender man to undergo estrogen therapy by depriving them of their right to choose? That's sick.

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I personnally think the best way to go about it is around puberty to let your kids know that if they feel any type of way about their sexuality/identity they should express it freely and will not be judged about it, so that way they'll come forward to you as a parent if there is anything that needs help or focus.

If you say that to a kid, who has more imagination than an adult by the way, of course he might say yes, not knowing yet what sexuality is about, as he/she should.

Let kids be kids and stop talking to them about things they need to know later on about life, for now let them enjoy being carefree and if there's anything different about the kid you'd know, trust me, and he'll let you know in different ways. No need to be doing this thing, it's seen as being super liberal and super open minded, but it can cause more problems than there needs to be.

It's simple, you were born gay, you were born straight, you were born with a sexual identity, you were born with whatever you feel like is right for you and you'll have to express it one way or another, even if you were called the he pronoun at 3 year old and not 'she', i'm pretty sure and correct me if i'm wrong, that that's not what causes the most pain.

The pain and the problems come from the fear of not fitting in and not being accepted, if we let them know when they are grown enough that they are accepted everything would turn out okay. And then it's our job to let them know whether the world is as accepting as you are and how to deal with that...

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