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Poll: Your favourite Lady Gaga era?


Your favourite Lady Gaga era?  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Your favourite Lady Gaga era?

    • The Fame era
    • The Fame Monster era
    • Born This Way era
    • ARTPOP era
    • Cheek to Cheek era
    • Joanne era
    • A Star Is Born era

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Because she was so natural and yet so classy, so vulnerable, so raw and so inspiring

Because she gifted us with Perfect Illusion, Million Reasons, Hey Girl and Joanne [Piano] :party:

Because she performed at the SuperBowl and Coachella, and because the JWT was her best tour to date

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There's no way to compete with the Born This Way era, and it's not even my favorite album. We had a full year of videos, performances, interviews, magazine covers, Gagavision, then a full year of touring, teasing new songs.... It was definitely the best.

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It's a tie between ARTPOP and Joanne. They both mean a lot to me. ARTPOP helped me through a severe depression with suicidal thoughts and rage from years of rape and abuse, so that's where I put my vote.

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The Fame Monster because it is the dramatic, dark, not-holding-back, strange and respected/hated/stanned gaga i fell in love with

there were no warm opinions about her, just hot or cold

ice heard one side from above
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Born this Way by FAR. She was everywhere and served looks, great music videos, chart success, an amazing conection with fans, and her best tour yet :heart:

ARTPOP is second in my opinion. Such a great era to be a fan. Too bad the whole Troy Carter mess kinda ruined it

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1) Born This Way Era

2) A Star Is Born Era (the recognition and the beautiful and elegant outfits she wore made it one of my favorite eras)

3) Joanne Era

4) The Fame Monster Era

5) The Fame Era


7) Cheek to Cheek Era

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holy scheisse

1. The fame monster

2. Born this way

3. The fame


5. Joanne

6. A star is born

7. Cheek to cheek

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TFM > BTW > ARTPOP > The Fame > A Star Is Born > Cheek to Cheek > Joanne

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TFM because that’s when I really started to follow her. BTW was good but it was a bit overkill and you could tell she was overworked. I loved Joanne too. It may have not been as promo heavy as past eras but the moments it did have were spectacular. The tour was her best yet.

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Smother Em Eh

Born This Way hands down! (ARTPOP is a close second). TF+ TFM was very nostalgic to me though!!!

She had a certain fierceness that she portrayed throughout the whole era. Not to mention we got great singles, interviews, visuals, an amazing tour, & Fashion. She was on fire then in such a bold, passionate, fierce and unique way! 

Also the horns, facial prosthetics & eye liner and that black mole was something else. She had such a distinctive look throughout the whole era. Plus the leather Fashion was :pray:

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