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Closest You’ve Been to Unstanning Gaga?


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You giving me a million reasons to let you gooooo..  :madge:


For a while..

But only with the (miliseconds) intro of Dance in the Dark at the Super Bowl, i forget Everything! :lolly:

sorry not sorry GIF

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7 hours ago, Gaga Lazuli said:

Also this. I got over not having DWUW mv in the hopes we would still get the Venus MV


omg.. that means Venus has for sure an unreleased video we'd never saw..

sad face GIF

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I'm a fan/stan since JD came out. I unstaned for the first and last time after ARTPOP Era, because of C2C and Joanne, I really HATED those albums (I unfollowed her on every social media site) but now Joanne is one of my faves and I followed her again. :ladyhaha:

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When Joanne leaked and I heard Gaga made yeehaw music when we thought RedOne dark bops were gonna be on there...

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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MR/Joanne era :lolly: 

Enigma... :poot:

after she teased those Eli photos and nothing came out of them because she made me a clown and embarrassed me on twitter cuz I told everyone there’d be a new single and well..eiskskd:messga:

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I'll admit Joanne took me a bit to adjust to and was disappointed the RedOne tracks (mainly) got cut  (aside from Angel Down). 

And, though this wouldn't make me unstan her -- nor does it matter a great deal, I do not align with her political or religious beliefs.  I think I'm a tad too left and a bit too atheist :lolly:

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2 hours ago, HermesGr said:

omg.. that means Venus has for sure an unreleased video we'd never saw..

sad face GIF

It doesn’t.

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I actually never thought I would never unstan her :rip:

But with cancelling my JWT date twice, and Enigma not being a good show and basically just putting her out of reach and distancing from fans it was.... Veeeery close. And with that I mean I basically unstanned her for a few months where I didn't bother at all about what she was doing (although I was SO HERE for ASIB). 

It's slowly coming back now tho, with new music on the horizon and tbh I just can't drop her completely because she means too much to me. I probably hurt myself more during that time than anybody else :deadbanana:

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Never but the closest I've been was when she made The Cure. I always believed she would release original, not trendy, and good songs and she did... this.

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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WOW at Joanne being THAT album....:rip: Oh well, at least I have no problem with it at all :vegas:

1 hour ago, Hurem said:

What was wrong with G.U.Y. MV? :rip:

OT: I almost unstanned when she got puked on. 

It wasn’t horrible per-se, but around that time I was worried for her cause she started displaying this attitude of ‘i don’t need anyone I’m a genius and I can do everything myself, including directing and screenwriting’ which made me feel like she had lost her north and was starting to get trapped in her ego. I THOUGHT this tendency would only get stronger with time, and that meant that I would slowly move out of her sphere. But it turned out I was totally wrong and she actually was in a very dark place and that’s why all of that happened...:vegas:


5 hours ago, Ktaylor99 said:

I don’t understand why people find vulneralbility so inauthentic. 



I think people react negatively more to the contrast between her personas than the vulnerability itself. It’s like, when she’s made a career based on A and then she starts claiming she was B all along, I guess it’s only natural that people will wonder if they ever liked the real her? Idk, i can’t reate much to this brand of “””hate””” but I think I understand the issue...

5 hours ago, Varys said:

When I thought the collab with lil pump was legit :oops:

Honestly Id unstan 






Oh, I'm just visiting-
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Ally Campana

Joanne era but then I fell in love with it afterwards. So it’s all good.

Does it matter? Damage is done
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