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Is Lady Gaga already a legend?


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25 minutes ago, Jaume said:

Britney has some classic songs under her catalogue, no one can't deny that... big classics. but she isn't a legend because she can't even sing period, she lacks talent... and I don't meant to be rude but c'mon... you see Gaga winning everything, being recognised... when did it happen to Britney? Never.

I will never understand the Britney praise tbh. I just see her as a cookie cutter pop idol manufactured by the industry. And some ppl revere her and slam Beyoncé lmao 

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She was always going to be a legend and I never had any doubt about it and ASIB definitely solidifies that. The hate she got early in her career always felt SO REDUCTIVE. I KNEW everyone would agree eventually. It’s Just dumb how mob-like everyone is and it was just sooo cool and trendy to hate on her early in her career. It’s so sad to think the amount of people who didn’t get to experience this legend early on! Talk about missing out! Oh well. I got to experience it 

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1 hour ago, mr.peter said:

If she would fall off the face of the earth tomorrow, no one would forget her. So yes

This sums up what I came in here to say perfectly! 

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Perhaps we are all biased, but I would say yes. She is at the very least a legend in the making, and will no doubt be one in the future. She is proving herself to be one of the most versatile talents in the industry. She’s a songwriter, producer, pop singer, jazz singer, rock singer, multi-instrumentalist, actor, and she does it all so well with almost universal acclaim. Plus she follows her heart and works harder than most others in the industry. Her name will never be forgotten, she will be remembered for generations to come.

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1 hour ago, Jaume said:

Britney has some classic songs under her catalogue, no one can't deny that... big classics. but she isn't a legend because she can't even sing period, she lacks talent... and I don't meant to be rude but c'mon... you see Gaga winning everything, being recognised... when did it happen to Britney? Never.

Madonna is not the greatest singer in the world and neither were the Beatles


How well u can sing alone doesn't determine if ur a legend. That's more about talent which is not the same as being a legend

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1 hour ago, TheShameMonster said:

I will never understand the Britney praise tbh. I just see her as a cookie cutter pop idol manufactured by the industry. And some ppl revere her and slam Beyoncé lmao 

She can put on a hell of a show. And her music videos are so iconic. For Britney it's all about the visuals


I agree she's manufactured and doesn't run her own career but long term ppl being remembered in the industry or not isnt really determined by whether you were manufactured or not

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2 hours ago, Economy said:

 Beyonce is arguably the biggest female artist of the 21st century (I'd say bigger than Britney Spears even)


She has a tone of critical claim and endless awards like Grammys


I think it's safe to call Beyonce a legend


PS: I dunno if call talent a "requirement". There's underground artists Drowning in talent and never become known and some legends like the Beatles can't sing to save their lives. Yes they wrote their own songs and played instruments but was their talent so big to justify being the biggest group of all time??? I think they were supper overated


There's a lot of factors that affect commercial success besides talent


Beyoncé is huge but not really outside the US (or North America). Lady Gaga is a worldwide household name (I'm from the other side of the globe and now live in the US. Everyone knows LG). Beyoncé is maybe the biggest but I don't see her as legendary. I may be biased though.

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3 minutes ago, derpmonster said:

Beyoncé is huge but not really outside the US (or North America). Lady Gaga is a worldwide household name (I'm from the other side of the globe and now live in the US. Everyone knows LG). Beyoncé is maybe the biggest but I don't see her as legendary. I may be biased though.

I can see that


But then Again, US media (and to a lesser extent UK media) dictate who is seen as a legend anyway so Beyonce not being as big outside north america I think is still besides the point


Although with internet, streaming and globalization, that US/UK media dominance may start to change or at least reduce

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4 hours ago, Economy said:

Madonna is not the greatest singer in the world and neither were the Beatles


How well u can sing alone doesn't determine if ur a legend. That's more about talent which is not the same as being a legend

Britney is a medicated woman who cant deliver a great performance because she doesnt sing, she never sings, she is not  a singer. 

She is not a musician because they give her the songs just so she can record them in the studio... these songs are sent to her but can be sent to Selena or whoever who doesn't make music.

Madonna does sing live, she  writes lyrics, she works with her producers, don't even  compare.

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I would say so and it speaks volumes of why Madonna was so triggered by her and acted out. Madonna has never been one to react as anything other than cool in the public eye, her entire career. I think Gaga seemed like the first actual threat, which is a good thing, looking back. It has to happen to everyone, you move over gracefully for the new generation. I am happy that it looks like Madonna has calmed down and has accepted how time changes all of us, herself included. Madonna seems back on track and happy and fulfilled again and Gaga has solidified her career with many many successes with new chances and risks.

YES, I would say that Gaga is already a Legend.

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No, absolutely not yet. Way way too soon to say such things. An Oscar (or awards in general) doesn't really make a difference, even Sam Smith has one..👀 However, if she keeps up the good work, she will be in the future. 

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12 hours ago, Economy said:

As I said in my comment above tho, even tho Beyonce may be the biggest female commercially this century, I think Britney Spears is the most memorable and culturally iconic (despite mediocre vocal skills)

Britney has far outsold Beyoncé, actually. She is the fifth best-selling female artist of all time, and by far the youngest artist amongst those five.

Britney will never catch up to the number of awards Beyoncé has, but Beyoncé will never come close to selling as many albums as Britney has; her commercial success was nearly unparalleled.

Britney was also the best-selling female artist of the entire 2000s decade, despite her and Beyonce having debuted at around the same time, and is the second best-seller overall for the decade (Eminem is #1). 

ETA: Article from Washington Post regarding Beyoncé; acknowledges her huge cultural presence, but admits she’s not nearly as big of an album seller as she’s portrayed:


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