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"Beyoncé dreams of winning an Academy Award"

Chickens in Malibu

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This is about Gaga??

I guess there goes the myth that her stans say about Bey not caring about movie success. The truth is, Beyonce does not put herself in a position to fail or look bad. She knows her strengths (which are many) and she knows her weaknesses. The reason why she hasn't been in a movie this decade is because she knows she can't act even with oscar bait roles (Dreamgirls). It's a smart business move. She is maintaining the god/queen/perfect image so will continute to play to her strengths.

This is not a negative before the Hive come at me. She has a great team.

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I never seen so many haters of one person before. Beyoncé is a very talented woman; if she works hard enough, she can achieve it

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I find it very telling that all these singers are suddenly coming out the woodwork with claims that they'd like to go into movies just as Gaga's broke through as a good actress and is making bank and getting awards. Suddenly, it becomes the in thing again. But I just don't think Beyonce's got the reputation to make it this far. Even in Dreamgirls, a role designed to put her in prime Oscar contention, wasn't enough and she was overshadowed by her co-star, who was also a singer, a newcomer and an American Idol contestant (not even a winner) at that. That shows you how much acting is not her forte. The Oscars have got to do with a bit more than acting ability as well, it's also about reputation. If you've been in a bunch of panned movies or initially achieved fame through infamy or are only known for taking on "light" roles, chances are, you'll never get within a mile of the Oscars. Some think this is why the likes of Madonna (for Evita) and Jennifer Aniston (for Cake) missed out on the chance of Oscar nominations despite being nominated for Golden Globes for these roles. The Oscars may be snobby, but that's just how they do things.

On 1/24/2019 at 5:04 AM, hausofdave said:

she can try, but it won’t get past the Academy’s eyes, they’re ain’t slick & are very hard headed when it comes to contributions and credits. In 2007 when her song “Listen” got nominated for BOS, she wasn’t credited because the executive committee of the organization had determined that Beyoncé's contribution was the smallest 

I had no idea about this. Was shocked to find that a whopping 3 songs from Dreamgirls got nominated but still lost, which is quite phenomenal. Did the academy not want Beyonce's name attached to any Oscar-winning material, even if it was just as the performer? To think they made sure she wasn't credited is so shady but at the same time, the right thing to do. You can't pull a fast one on this people. They know full well that plenty of singers will try to submit a really Oscar-baity song in the hopes of winning an Oscar purely for bragging rights and as they're a singer, making an Oscar winning song should be child's play and they don't even need to be the primary writer. It makes sense then that it would be best to only allow credit to the most prominent writers.

By the way, you also said later on that TIHTY could've been nominated for an Emmy. I didn't know songs could be nominated for this?

On 1/24/2019 at 6:57 AM, hausofdave said:

funny thing is that Linda Perry was also campaigning for BOS race this year with that ‘Dumplin’ song but got snubbed, oh how karma loves to bite back :sis:

We can add that one to the Gaga curse!

On 1/24/2019 at 7:15 AM, The Cure said:

Diane might be fuming inside. Imagine she gave Gaga her first Oscar nomination but now Gaga winning one before her. :ladyhaha: I just checked and Diane wrote songs for panned movies hence she's keep losing. She need to write songs for baity films not on these documentary or panned films.

I was thinking the same too. It must feel really rough to go up against each other. But I think it's more than the fact she wrote for some panned films, it's that she was unlucky to routinely go up against a song that was massive that year from a movie that was even more successful. When she was nominated in 1987, she was competing against I've Had The Time Of My Life from Dirty Dancing. In 1997, she was competing against You Must Love Me from Evita. In 1998, she was competing against My Heart Will Go On from Titanic. In 2014, she was competing against Glory from Selma. In 2015, she was competing against Writing On The Wall from Spectre. Then there are movies in between that were just more recognised. Most of the time, she's competing against a massively successful movie or a song with bigger emotional weight. She's been very unlucky that way. But you're right, if she wants to win, writing for a major film is where it's at. The Oscars don't take little known documentaries into consideration and prefer to go for the song they recognise the most. It's like they nominated her song this year because they were scrabbling for nominees.

21 hours ago, KingRedd said:

Child... Name a role Gaga has played that wasn’t a version of herself. 

That's a pointless comparison as Gaga has barely done any films and when she has, its mostly been a very brief cameo role, so it's an unfair comparison as well. She's only done any level of acting in about 3 films and ASIB is her only leading role whereas Beyonce's done far more yet can't seem to break out of herself, so what's the bigger problem here? But surely you can't say she was playing herself in that very brief moment of Sin City: A Dame To Kill For?

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1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I find it very telling that all these singers are suddenly coming out the woodwork with claims that they'd like to go into movies just as Gaga's broke through as a good actress and is making bank and getting awards. Suddenly, it becomes the in thing again. But I just don't think Beyonce's got the reputation to make it this far. Even in Dreamgirls, a role designed to put her in prime Oscar contention, wasn't enough and she was overshadowed by her co-star, who was also a singer, a newcomer and an American Idol contestant (not even a winner) at that. That shows you how much acting is not her forte. The Oscars have got to do with a bit more than acting ability as well, it's also about reputation. If you've been in a bunch of panned movies or initially achieved fame through infamy or are only known for taking on "light" roles, chances are, you'll never get within a mile of the Oscars. Some think this is why the likes of Madonna (for Evita) and Jennifer Aniston (for Cake) missed out on the chance of Oscar nominations despite being nominated for Golden Globes for these roles. The Oscars may be snobby, but that's just how they do things.

I had no idea about this. Was shocked to find that a whopping 3 songs from Dreamgirls got nominated but still lost, which is quite phenomenal. Did the academy not want Beyonce's name attached to any Oscar-winning material, even if it was just as the performer? To think they made sure she wasn't credited is so shady but at the same time, the right thing to do. You can't pull a fast one on this people. They know full well that plenty of singers will try to submit a really Oscar-baity song in the hopes of winning an Oscar purely for bragging rights and as they're a singer, making an Oscar winning song should be child's play and they don't even need to be the primary writer. It makes sense then that it would be best to only allow credit to the most prominent writers.

By the way, you also said later on that TIHTY could've been nominated for an Emmy. I didn't know songs could be nominated for this?

We can add that one to the Gaga curse!

I was thinking the same too. It must feel really rough to go up against each other. But I think it's more than the fact she wrote for some panned films, it's that she was unlucky to routinely go up against a song that was massive that year from a movie that was even more successful. When she was nominated in 1987, she was competing against I've Had The Time Of My Life from Dirty Dancing. In 1997, she was competing against You Must Love Me from Evita. In 1998, she was competing against My Heart Will Go On from Titanic. In 2014, she was competing against Glory from Selma. In 2015, she was competing against Writing On The Wall from Spectre. Then there are movies in between that were just more recognised. Most of the time, she's competing against a massively successful movie or a song with bigger emotional weight. She's been very unlucky that way. But you're right, if she wants to win, writing for a major film is where it's at. The Oscars don't take little known documentaries into consideration and prefer to go for the song they recognise the most. It's like they nominated her song this year because they were scrabbling for nominees.

That's a pointless comparison as Gaga has barely done any films and when she has, its mostly been a very brief cameo role, so it's an unfair comparison as well. She's only done any level of acting in about 3 films and ASIB is her only leading role whereas Beyonce's done far more yet can't seem to break out of herself, so what's the bigger problem here? But surely you can't say she was playing herself in that very brief moment of Sin City: A Dame To Kill For?

I never said films? I said name a role where Gaga wasn’t playing a version of herself. Every time Gaga acts she comes off as Gaga. Even in ASIB she comes off as what she’s told us in interviews of how she grew up. She’s great and I like all her roles, but the comparison is valid. 

Also since we are on the topic, let’s not become the fan base that says our fave started a trend. Musicians and Actresses/Actors have always blurred the lines between the two industries. Gaga is just the latest musician to achieve this. It’s not a new concept and I don’t even think Bey is a great actress. Same as Gaga it takes practice and dedication so I don’t see why so many of you bash someone for wanting to pursue something... but when Gaga does it it’s fine and she’s a queen... let’s stop the hypocrisy quickly. 

May I Read You? 😎
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1 hour ago, KingRedd said:

I never said films? I said name a role where Gaga wasn’t playing a version of herself. Every time Gaga acts she comes off as Gaga. Even in ASIB she comes off as what she’s told us in interviews of how she grew up. She’s great and I like all her roles, but the comparison is valid. 

Also since we are on the topic, let’s not become the fan base that says our fave started a trend. Musicians and Actresses/Actors have always blurred the lines between the two industries. Gaga is just the latest musician to achieve this. It’s not a new concept and I don’t even think Bey is a great actress. Same as Gaga it takes practice and dedication so I don’t see why so many of you bash someone for wanting to pursue something... but when Gaga does it it’s fine and she’s a queen... let’s stop the hypocrisy quickly. 

THIS. There is so much hypocrisy on this site; These people act like Gaga is setting trends by pursuing acting when in reality female pop stars have been doing this for decades  (Janet, Madonna, WHITNEY, Mariah, Britney). What she is doing is nothing new lol. Yes, Gaga may have done it better than most but people are acting as if ASIB is on the same level as let's say The Bodyguard. What I don't understand is why everyone feels the need to attack Beyonce all the time on this site. Like does her presence really bother ya'll that much? it sounds like hating. Beyonce's Role in Dreamgirls was amazing. Of course she was overshadowed in the film because if ya'll were familiar with the broadway show of Dreamgirls, ya'll would know her character is NOT the lead in the film anyway; Effie White is the leading character in Dreamgirls which is why it may seem Jennifer Hudson "overshadowed her" when in reality Beyonce did a stunning job given the character she was casted as.

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3 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I find it very telling that all these singers are suddenly coming out the woodwork with claims that they'd like to go into movies just as Gaga's broke through as a good actress and is making bank and getting awards. Suddenly, it becomes the in thing again. But I just don't think Beyonce's got the reputation to make it this far. Even in Dreamgirls, a role designed to put her in prime Oscar contention, wasn't enough and she was overshadowed by her co-star, who was also a singer, a newcomer and an American Idol contestant (not even a winner) at that. That shows you how much acting is not her forte. The Oscars have got to do with a bit more than acting ability as well, it's also about reputation. If you've been in a bunch of panned movies or initially achieved fame through infamy or are only known for taking on "light" roles, chances are, you'll never get within a mile of the Oscars. Some think this is why the likes of Madonna (for Evita) and Jennifer Aniston (for Cake) missed out on the chance of Oscar nominations despite being nominated for Golden Globes for these roles. The Oscars may be snobby, but that's just how they do things.

I had no idea about this. Was shocked to find that a whopping 3 songs from Dreamgirls got nominated but still lost, which is quite phenomenal. Did the academy not want Beyonce's name attached to any Oscar-winning material, even if it was just as the performer? To think they made sure she wasn't credited is so shady but at the same time, the right thing to do. You can't pull a fast one on this people. They know full well that plenty of singers will try to submit a really Oscar-baity song in the hopes of winning an Oscar purely for bragging rights and as they're a singer, making an Oscar winning song should be child's play and they don't even need to be the primary writer. It makes sense then that it would be best to only allow credit to the most prominent writers.

By the way, you also said later on that TIHTY could've been nominated for an Emmy. I didn't know songs could be nominated for this?

We can add that one to the Gaga curse!

I was thinking the same too. It must feel really rough to go up against each other. But I think it's more than the fact she wrote for some panned films, it's that she was unlucky to routinely go up against a song that was massive that year from a movie that was even more successful. When she was nominated in 1987, she was competing against I've Had The Time Of My Life from Dirty Dancing. In 1997, she was competing against You Must Love Me from Evita. In 1998, she was competing against My Heart Will Go On from Titanic. In 2014, she was competing against Glory from Selma. In 2015, she was competing against Writing On The Wall from Spectre. Then there are movies in between that were just more recognised. Most of the time, she's competing against a massively successful movie or a song with bigger emotional weight. She's been very unlucky that way. But you're right, if she wants to win, writing for a major film is where it's at. The Oscars don't take little known documentaries into consideration and prefer to go for the song they recognise the most. It's like they nominated her song this year because they were scrabbling for nominees.

That's a pointless comparison as Gaga has barely done any films and when she has, its mostly been a very brief cameo role, so it's an unfair comparison as well. She's only done any level of acting in about 3 films and ASIB is her only leading role whereas Beyonce's done far more yet can't seem to break out of herself, so what's the bigger problem here? But surely you can't say she was playing herself in that very brief moment of Sin City: A Dame To Kill For?

Beyonce was not the lead in Dreamgirls. You should probably do research about the show.

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On 1/24/2019 at 8:58 AM, YourEvilTwin said:

That's the exact opposite of what a true actor does, especially in film. You don't need to rehearse anything because when you truly inhabit a character, everything comes through naturally. Spontaneity and improvisation are key to giving an authentic and believable performance, and Beyonce's entire career has been the exact opposite of those things. That's why she's not a real actress, and will probably never be.

Mess, y'all really been taking Gaga's scripted media speeches a little bit too literal :air: 

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Also, not for nothing, but this site is increasingly becoming more and more unbearable. Ever since the ASIB era kicked off and Gaga started seeing some long overdue commercial success again, y'all got these pretentious chips on your shoulders and the gag is, y'all ain't got a reason to be. 

Ariana, Beyonce, Ava Max, any damn person who so much as appears a threat to Gaga, y'all turn. It never used to be this bad, but wow :wtfga: 

Also, that Obsessed house fight scene reminds me too much of the Countess and James March scene where she slaps him, and y'all laud that as an iconic acting moment :air: 

Catch yourselves on! :sharon: 

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On 1/23/2019 at 11:07 PM, lovedillon said:

Lmao yeah she can play the “angry woman” role very well... but that’s about all she can do & almost every woman can do that no offense


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And how does this have anything to do with Gaga when the article says that she told him that in 2002?

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19 hours ago, KingRedd said:

I never said films? I said name a role where Gaga wasn’t playing a version of herself. Every time Gaga acts she comes off as Gaga. Even in ASIB she comes off as what she’s told us in interviews of how she grew up. She’s great and I like all her roles, but the comparison is valid. 

Also since we are on the topic, let’s not become the fan base that says our fave started a trend. Musicians and Actresses/Actors have always blurred the lines between the two industries. Gaga is just the latest musician to achieve this. It’s not a new concept and I don’t even think Bey is a great actress. Same as Gaga it takes practice and dedication so I don’t see why so many of you bash someone for wanting to pursue something... but when Gaga does it it’s fine and she’s a queen... let’s stop the hypocrisy quickly. 

And she's only done one tv series, so we've got one leading movie role and two tv series roles to choose from. I really don't know much about that second series of AHS she did, but this Scathach character didn't seem like a version of herself, right? Beyonce's done 5 leading roles in movies, so until Gaga's done the same kinda amount, it's not really fair to compare. Gaga's just starting out, Beyonce's been doing movies on and off since 2001, so a bit of fairness is required here. Once Gaga's done another 4 roles that are all similarly acted characters, then we can talk. Granted, she does come off as an earlier version of herself throughout ASIB but she wasn't actually saying things she said back then. And you can only act truly well if the script is good anyway. I don't know, I think she totally became her roles in AHS. I don't think Gaga was ever a vampire or witch! Point is, a lot of singers do come off as themselves but acting. Very few can break out of it to the point where you see nothing but the character. Actors are the same when they sing. It's a completely natural product of the fish out of water experience of doing a job you don't normally do and are not known for. I don't think it's any big deal or something that should be deeply criticised. I think I've just seen this used as a way to discredit Gaga for getting too much success recently. So many praised her in the beginning, but now that she's getting nominated for Globes, SAGs, BAFTAs and Oscars, people are saying things like "she's just playing herself, so it's not really acting," "she's a singer playing a singer so it's not a hard job for her" and even the complete lie of "she couldn't act that well because her face could barely move from all that Botox she's had." People are just scrabbling for ways to discredit her and it's a shame.

It's unquestionable that Gaga has started a trend here. Singers being in lead movie roles hasn't been a thing for quite a while. The last big name I can remember doing a leading role is Christina Aguilera in 2010 with Burlesque. There still is a few showing up in supporting roles and cameos but the whole "singer turned actor" concept has been put to bed over the last few years, probably because any movie that featured a singer in a leading role for years has been a commercial and/or critical failure that resulted in Razzies. Some singers have done so badly in movies that they decided never to act again (Madonna, Mariah, Britney) and some singers, despite being big names, have never even played a leading role before (Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Adele, Ed Sheeran, Katy Perry). So, when I hear any singer now saying they want to be in movies, it's so obvious that Gaga's kickstarted that idea because why else would singers now see this as a lucrative career move when singers being the lead roles in movies have been box office poison for years? I'm all for being realistic when it comes to what Gaga's achieved, but let's give her some credit here! I'd say the same thing no matter which singer it was, even if I wasn't a fan.

17 hours ago, Tyler Henry said:

THIS. There is so much hypocrisy on this site; These people act like Gaga is setting trends by pursuing acting when in reality female pop stars have been doing this for decades  (Janet, Madonna, WHITNEY, Mariah, Britney). What she is doing is nothing new lol. Yes, Gaga may have done it better than most but people are acting as if ASIB is on the same level as let's say The Bodyguard.

They may have been doing this "for decades" but the point is, most of them haven't been doing it for a long time, usually because their acting was panned and they can no longer take the derision. Apart from Madonna's one-off good performance in Evita, none of the names you quoted have ever been praised for their acting abilities. In fact, all those names have been nominated for/won Razzies for their acting, which is why they have very little movies to their name. They tried it to see if acting could work as a side gig, it didn't work out. That's why I'm saying I'm surprised that any singer is now prepared to take the risk of trying out acting because they've seen from history that for a singer to do it well is rare. So, something must have set them off. While I've never seen The Bodyguard, it was never an award winner for its story or acting, just its music. Like I said, Whitney and Kevin got Razzie nominated for those roles, so I don't know why you're bigging it up as if it's this epic beloved story - no one loves the movie all these years later, just the music (and just one song, at that). I don't see The Bodyguard popping up in anyone's best movies list, all people talk about is how good that one song is. ASIB is praised for its story, acting and music, so yeah, it totally is better.

17 hours ago, Tyler Henry said:

Beyonce was not the lead in Dreamgirls. You should probably do research about the show.

I did look into it, well before now. Beyonce is the lead. All the details are on Wikipedia. Under Beyonce's filmography, it states "Dreamgirls/Deena Jones/leading role." When you click on Dreamgirls, the movie poster mentions 3 names on it - Jamie Foxx, Beyonce Knowles and Eddie Murphy." If you look at the casting list, Beyonce's name shows up second from the top, where the top 2 spots are only reserved for leading actor and actress. She plays the lead singer of the group, which suggests leading role. And in every award ceremony where she got nominated for the role, she is categorised as "Best Actress" or "Best Leading Actress" whereas Jennifer Hudson was always put into "Best Supporting Actress" including for her Oscar, which she won. So, yeah, it doesn't matter if the story puts Effie as more of the lead in the technical sense, Deena is the literal lead and that's supported by the movie's personal categorisation (putting Beyonce as the only female name on the poster, giving her top billing, etc). as well as the way the movie got categorised by award ceremonies (Beyonce always being nominated under best leading actress as opposed to supporting).

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It's like when one woman in a friend group is having a baby and it sends others into a baby fever

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“GaGA StARteD A TrEND!!”

“The 85-year-old actor - who is a two-time Academy Award winner - has revealed that Beyonce spoke to him about her acting ambitions when they were working together on the 2002 comedy movie 'Austin Powers in Goldmember'.”


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