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R Kelly Fiasco - Too Much?


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Am I the only one who thinks that this whole R Kelly thing has been blown way out of proportion? The fact that she didn't release the music video for DWUW was strong enough a statement for me.

She was driven to apologize by people who were forcing her to apologize. She didn"t know any better before, and yet people keep on asking her for more.

The consequence? The integrity of her art. Now we lost one of her greatest performance pieces ever. I think removing DWUW was overkill.

I just hope this is behind us. All of this has left a bad taste in my mouth. People and media really made an unapologetic and genuine artist backtrack on her art.

Inside, we are really made the same. šŸ•Š
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"Now we lost one of her greatest performance pieces ever."


I mean, I get it but I don't agree. Her integrity isn't diminished by this move. It's improved.

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I agree, she loved that song, you can tell

I love that song so much and it's sad that it's gone, I still have the physical ARTPOP CD so it isn't lost forever but that song deserved so much more


For all of the people saying move on. If it was Sexxx Dreams or Dance in the Dark you wouldn't be like this

the artist formerly known as melancholia
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4th thread about it in an hour - yep, it's too much. And a 5th one was just added minutes ago.

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4 minutes ago, ARealWildMan said:

I agree, she loved that song, you can tell

I love that song so much and it's sad that it's gone, I still have the physical ARTPOP CD so it isn't lost forever but that song deserved so much more


For all of the people saying move on. If it was Sexxx Dreams or Dance in the Dark you wouldn't be like this

Of course we wouldnā€™t, there isnā€™t a horrible human being attached to any of themĀ :triggered:Ā donā€™t try to compare themĀ 

The night sky tells all
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12 minutes ago, Didymus said:

"Now we lost one of her greatest performance pieces ever."


I mean, I get it but I don't agree. Her integrity isn't diminished by this move. It's improved.

I agree. Although I definitely also agree with @hellothingĀ that her actions of completely scrubbing the video, moving forward with the Xtina collab, and ignoring any R. Kelly aspect of the song was already fairly telling, it's an unfortunate reality that her naivete and search for provocation was fairly explicit, and that people will look for statement and verbiage beyondĀ justĀ action.

She might be getting backlash for her statement, but I think it is the bet possible action that she could have taken. Removing the song is emphatic to that.

I am a little sad, as I love the song, but it's something I will deal with. I much prefer the solo version, anyway.

3 points in and ready for more
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5 minutes ago, SimonSays said:

Of course we wouldnā€™t, there isnā€™t a horrible human being attached to any of themĀ :triggered:Ā donā€™t try to compare themĀ 

R. Kelly isn't attached to the song, he's attached to his verse on his version of the song

It's an empowering song about self confidence, liberation and freedom

the artist formerly known as melancholia
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Lord Temptation

Where was this controversy five years ago? Why did this documentary only come out now? Why do victims of sexual abuse always get vilified but not the perpetrators?

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I don't think any of you are getting it. 1) This should've been pulled a long time ago, 2) this feature should've never happened.Ā Ā 

R. Kelly gets royalties for being on the song ā€“ more if he also wrote his verse. That means that every time the song gets purchased/streamed he gets paid (was #12 on iTunes & he got a cut of the check).Ā That's why streaming services and artists removing his music is a statement. It's less aboutĀ blocking the music, moreĀ about not funding abuse & pedophilia.Ā 

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I agree with you, I think its crazy that she removed the song, itsĀ just too muchĀ :giveup:

Today feels like an odd dreamĀ to me :nooo:Ā 

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not really. She realized she was wrong for making the song with him, apologized, did something about it and moved on.Ā 

simple as that. it's this site that's blowing everything out of proportion.

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