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Game Of Thrones S8 | Finale


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10 minutes ago, Emigrante said:

Both are Targaryens so I don't see a point.

Well technically Jon is Fire and Ice himself having both Targaryen and Stark blood. :udidnt:

I'll lift you 3 inches off the ground and drag you to a meter and a half
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So after avoiding social media and this threat (because some of you are not using the spoiler function :triggered:)in order to not be spoiled, I finally watched it and this is one of the best TV I've ever seen!!!

-The wait for the army of the dead was one of the most stessful things ever, and the dothrakis are dead ... just like that ...

-The fog thing was some scary sh*t! Jon and Dany running into each other like that :giveup: couldn't see anything ... I thought one of them ran into the Night King!

-Melissandre truly made herself useful this time around and the way she looked at Arya ... I was like some things are about go down between the two of them

-I appreciated the convo between Sansa and Tyrion, made me laugh a bit (and I needed that!) especially Sansa vs Missandei ... and @Varys's messy *ss, living for the drama, looking at Missandei like "Oh no she dindn't!" when she snapped at Sansa  :lmao:

-Lyanna ... OMG but she died like the fighter that she is ... a giant slayer!!!

- Seeing my girl Arya running like that was one of the scariest things I've seen in my life. I sincerely thought we'd lose her ... But The Hound snapping of it (he did that same thing in season 7, when they were fighting that dead bear!) just to save her was so pure I cried

- Then Melissandre telling Arya that Beric served his purpose (saving her), made me think that Arya is about to play a big role, like some of you thought too at that moment probably!

-Theon, seriously, redeemed himself he is a freaking hero and Bran's last words to him like "you don't owe us anything anymore ... okay?" my heart :diane:

-Arya, I've been stanning her for so long and chile she did not disappoint!!! But she was VERY lucky tho ... if you look carefully one of the white walkers realized that there was someone else there with them and even turned around a lil bit but Arya was too quick! After that, when she dropped the dagger, right before she stabbed him, he was looking down but AGAIN Arya was too quick ... her training really showed in this scene!

How else could the Night King be killed if it is not the way Arya did it? A face to face battle? :lmao: she'd get killed faster than you can say "fer-"! It was easy??? I would like to see any other character try what Arya managed ... they wouldn't even get to the Night King LMFAO!

-One thing, I don't want to see any Dany slander anymore, she was not with her dragons at some point, took a sword and fought like hell and I am sure she's never done that before. But she seemed way too confident in the preview like girl you just lost a huge part of your army, your dragons are for sure wounded and you know Cersei's *ss prepared something for them as she knows that they can be killed!

I am exhausted from just watching the episode omg ...

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37 minutes ago, Bat said:

Dam, if you're so bitter about it all maybe it's better to stay out of the GOT series topics


I mean, it’s only so bad that GRRM didn’t cameo, didn’t go to the premiere, didn’t bother watching eps early when invited, didn’t write anything extra and promote this year...

LMAO I’m not the only who feels 7 and 8 have been generic disappointments. 

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Just watched the episode. That was epic. 

Can I please ask that those talking about the previews for the next episode keep it in a spoiler, and if you're talking about current episode don't mention what happens in the same spoiler. :saladga:

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10 minutes ago, brownie said:

I mean, it’s only so bad that GRRM didn’t cameo, didn’t go to the premiere, didn’t bother watching eps early when invited, didn’t write anything extra and promote this year...

LMAO I’m not the only who feels 7 and 8 have been generic disappointments. 

He did go to the premiere tho

and season 8 isn't  nearly as generic as season 7

Okay we get that your dissapointed and you showed it can you now stop ruining it it for the people who did enjoy the episode thanks


The master of whispers 

Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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21 minutes ago, SimplyTheBest said:




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-I appreciated the convo between Sansa and Tyrion, made me laugh a bit (and I needed that!) especially Sansa vs Missandei ... and @Varys's messy *ss, living for the drama, looking at Missandei like "Oh no she dindn't!" when she snapped at Sansa  :lmao:




Iam a messy biatch who lives for drama :queenga:


Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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Taken from reddit but perfectly describes how myself and thousands of others feel:



"Arya has nothing to do with the beyond the wall plot line. Nothing. Having her kill the Night King felt like pure fan service. It would have been way better having her kill Cersei or someone important in the south that’s actually on her list.

Bran is being absolutely wasted. I don’t see where they go from here with him now that the Night King is gone and it feels like he didn’t really contribute at all. He didn’t use his warging powers on, say, the dragon stopping Jon, didn’t reveal anything about the Walker’s motives. Nothing.

Azor Ahai? Meaningless. Sure, not all legends winds up being true. But they had Stannis with a flaming sword in season 2, Melisandre takes an interest in Jon in season 5, and then she shows up here like jk its you Arya. How is any of this consistent post season 5? I get Arya isn’t meant to be Azor Ahai but then what was the point of Melisandre and Stannis?

How did everyone survive this? Gendry? Tormund? Greyworm? Samwell? The show has completely chickened out on killing characters off, it’s a reflection of how the quality of writing has dipped since season 4 has ended. The show has lost what made it special, and the people who said it feels like fan fic are absolutely right. This show used to make me angry or sad every other episode. Now the episodes are so overly positive it’s ridiculous. Statistically, way more people should’ve died based on how outnumbered and overrun they were the whole episode. It’s not that I wanted arbitrary deaths. It’s that it’s not realistic. How the **** did everyone survive except like four main characters?

But the number one reason show watchers should be pissed is because they’ve more or less ruined Jon’s character. Jon’s plot since season 1 has revolved around what is happening north of the wall. He’s been going beyond the wall since season 2, fought at Hardhome, he rallied everyone in the North against the dead, and was absolutely ****ing useless in the final battle of his plot line since season 1. The Night King, who is supposed to be the ultimate evil, goes down without a fight and Jon could’ve not been in this episode and nothing would’ve changed. Why did Melisandre bother bringing him back, to take back Winterfell? Everyone knew Jon had a higher purpose, there were ways to combine his parentage with his conflict with the Night King and instead Jon did nothing for an hour and a half. So what is the Iron Throne his destiny? Then why is Dany still here, that’s been her plot since season 1. It goes against Jon’s character to put him on the throne.

And that’s why book readers AND show watchers should be pissed about the end of the episode. It doesn’t matter what you know from the books. Everything we knew from eight seasons of the show was thrown out the window in what was an otherwise incredible episode. The rest of the show sort of feels empty to me now, Cersei just doesn’t feel like a threat like the Night King did and we just saw how easily the show disposed of him.

I know it’s a lot over such a small detail and I’m sorry about that but to be built up for eight years and let down like this feels defeating. I didnt even mind Lyanna killing the giant because obviously there will be some fan service in the last season. But completely diverging from long setup plot lines? It feels like they wasted Jon to get cheap cheers from the fan base and create unnatural twists when Arya dives in at the last second. And I love Arya and the show and even most of this episode.

It just sucks that it ended for the Night King like this."


And nah, I hated this ending. If my opinion ruins it for you then that's on you greeting good day GIF

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9 minutes ago, Varys said:

He did go to the premiere tho

and season 8 isn't  nearly as generic as season 7

Okay we get that your dissapointed and you showed it can you now stop ruining it it for the people who did enjoy the episode thanks


The master of whispers 

Okay snap, totally missed him in the premiere pics and he had made it a point to say he wasn't traveling for anything GOT related...

Based on his own recent interviews though, you can tell he thinks they're rushing it. Even he doesn't think the end should've come so soon. 

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Guys just go look on the ASoI&F reddit. LOTS of people were really disappointed by this, and if you can't see all the plot holes, dues ex machina writing and plot armor that abounded... the office eye roll GIF

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9 minutes ago, brownie said:

Guys just go look on the ASoI&F reddit. LOTS of people were really disappointed by this, and if you can't see all the plot holes, dues ex machina writing and plot armor that abounded... the office eye roll GIF

Ummm hellooo

we sure do get it

Okay ther were plot holes - We get it

Okay you can show your dissapointment - We get it

But you are litterally complaining three post in a row and these aren't even your first post complaining about it

You made your point

Now stop trying to convert everybody who did enjoy the episode into hating it as you did - Its not going to happen

 And leave this thread because you aren't really adding anything new to the conversation that you haven't posted in your first post about this episode 


Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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I just watched it after avoiding the spoilers the whole day. 

I'M STILL HYPERVENTILATING. This was everything it needed to be and even more. This episode cemented this show into the best one I've ever seen and I don't think there'll ever be such an epic series ever again. Just wow. I'm still not ready to clearly comment on it. This was the definition of an emotional rollercoaster. 

To the people hating on it. Well too bad for u lol. Killing characters for the sake of killing them is such a bad shock value. I expected Brienne, Tormund and another main character like sansa or tyrion to die. The shock for me was that they actually didn't. The feeling of imminent death for them was enough imo. Anyway go ruin the episode in your diary or something and let us enjoy it. 

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1 hour ago, Emigrante said:

Both are Targaryens so I don't see a point.

Because of their personalities, their upbringing and their stories, Jon is ice and Dany is fire. 

Plus another major theory is that the title is that way because Jon is the literal son of ice and fire, being both a Stark and a Targaryen

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1 hour ago, Varys said:

Ummm hellooo

we sure do get it

Okay ther were plot holes - We get it

Okay you can show your dissapointment - We get it

But you are litterally complaining three post in a row and these aren't even your first post complaining about it

You made your point

Now stop trying to convert everybody who did enjoy the episode into hating it as you did - Its not going to happen

 And leave this thread because you aren't really adding anything new to the conversation that you haven't posted in your first post about this episode 


It was clearly the best episode of the series tbh, and I loved the ending, I couldn’t sleep until like 5am lmao... 


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I still haven't fully recovered after watching the episode a few hours ago. Some rambling about what happens:


First of all, they did a wonderful job to set up the battle in the first bunch of minutes. They were really pushing the limits with the tension here. In general they had great moments where the tension was so thick... The other was when the dead in the crypt woke up and Sansa was there. I believed she would die and I usually do not cry often but that scene and the beginning had be very close to it - just because of the tension. 

I love the chaos and messiness of the battle. The transitions between the battle on the ground and in the sky were amazing, we had quite a bunch of nice shots. I loved how they played with our assumption we would lose many important characters, but the season is not over yet so I am sure there will still be some losses coming. 

So many emotional scenes. Frightened Arya, Sansa and Tyrion, the Night King raising the dead, dany and jorah... Lyanna mormont!!! That did hurt a lot. Dany fighting with a sword. I really thought we would lose drogon... Just whew. The almosts were already too much. Oh and the scene with the dothraki at the beginning of the battle was a nice touch. 

About the dead of the Night King: I agree that it might have come too soon, but that's really it. I loved that the final blow was done by Arya, she was literally trained for this moment. After the episode I turned to my mom and said: "this makes so much sense actually!" Arya danced and made Syrio Forel proud. 

Then there are of course some thoughts on what might come:


Just like a few I was a bit concerned with cersei being the final boss in this game, but after reading the past pages some people mentioned that cersei is much more clever, much more sadistic. Shame on me for underestimating cersei here, there could be really something really awful happen. 

"Not today" Arya said collectively for all characters, just to die a few episodes later probably :ally: I still think there will be some crazy deaths. 

I also saw some talk about the prophecy stuff. Y'all have seen how bad melisandre messed up reading those correctly, a trained priestess. If anything, they showed that prophecies are not always what they seem. Why did y'all suddenly expect them to play out in a predictable way? 

I also have to make an Avengers Endgame related joke so pls do not read if you haven't seen the movie:


We really had to lose Tony Stark this weekend so Arya Stark could finally rise. :bradley:


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