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Joanne Tour DVD / Netflix???


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2 minutes ago, Italian said:

Now is the absolutely perfect time to release it before LG6 while she's doing Enigma

She performed Scheisse and Bad Romance twice so there must be a good reason for it

Probably after the ASIB DVD is out. And it looks like they were filming a docu film while she was touring.

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14 minutes ago, cherryboomboom said:

I've heard that there are some insiders from Gaga's team around here. 

I think you confused Gagadaily with Twitter. You'll find a lot of insiders there.

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6 minutes ago, Italian said:

Now is the absolutely perfect time to release it before LG6 while she's doing Enigma

She performed Scheisse and Bad Romance twice so there must be a good reason for it

idk about BR but she did Scheiße twice because the stage broke, I think lol.

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Queen Gloria

I still really want this. It was one of her best tours and for it to not see the light of day is a crime. I'm sure it was filmed. 

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Original Diva
22 minutes ago, Antonoff said:

i think it was for asib

No.  She didn't perform shallow.  And why would she reperform schiesse if it was for Asib? 

excuse me no
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Original Diva
14 minutes ago, FentyGa said:

idk about BR but she did Scheiße twice because the stage broke, I think lol.


excuse me no
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1 hour ago, Antonoff said:

i think it was for asib

No, it wasn't. The fragments from JWT for ASIB were filmed in L.A. The Birmingham recording was clearly meant for a Tour DVD/Netflix release.


And I don't think it is too late to release it. I mean, it didn't make sense releasing it during the ASIB promo or now that they are going to release it on DVD, they would eclipse each other. Perhaps she'll release it later this year. She must spread the releases out correctly.

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Professional footage exists for sure (Enigma ad, announcement of filming in Hamburg and Birmingham), the thing is if it was good enough according to Gaga and her team, after the sudden second cancellation.

As for the timing: i think it's a bit too late now, it would have made way more sense to release it by the end of the year (would have been perfect in December, in time for Enigma kickoff and to promote it), i don't know if they will be able to fit a JWT release in 2019 between ASIB, awards season, LG6 campaign. I see it being cancelled honestly :messga:

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Since she posted that they were filming almost a year ago (01/31/18), perhaps it's in the final stages? After award season would make sense as to not take the spotlight off Enigma or ASIB. 

HOWEVER, I personally think they should have released it right before Enigma to amp people up for the show. Or when tickets went on sale. But what do I know :huntyga:

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1 hour ago, cherryboomboom said:

I've heard that there are some insiders from Gaga's team around here. Do you guys have any news on a possible broadcast / streaming / release of the filmed Joanne Tour shows? Seems like no one bothers about it anymore.


1 hour ago, cherryboomboom said:

No, someone from HAUS.

Ok, reveal yourselves! :stalkga:

@BorisIsHere is the best insider around.  Maybe she'll let us know.


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1 hour ago, Antonoff said:

i think it was for asib

Impossible, the movie was finished at that point. Remember how they moved the premiere date to May before moving it back to October? No way they would still be filming in January if the plan was to release it 4 months later.

Es solo una paja entre colegas
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1 hour ago, Antonoff said:

i think it was for asib

Oh this never even occurred to me. You are probably right. 

Edit: Read some other comments and perhaps not. :shrug:

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