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Shawn Mendes on being called gay


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12 minutes ago, Bear said:

IMO If someone tells you they are straight then you should respect that, whether you even believe it or not shouldn't even come into the equation. He has explained and been very honest about his feelings, and the fact that he feels like has to change the way he acts just so people will leave him alone is a really crap thing. I don't know why people would want to continue to knowingly make someone feel pressure like that.

Yea, in an ideal scenario he would be confident enough to not let it affect him and just be himself. But don't forget he's only 20 years old and he gets literally thousands of comments like this daily that label him as something he doesn't feel he is- of course it's going to cause self doubts and insecurities :shrug: I don't think thats the same as him having negative views of being gay.

Thank you for so eloquently saying what I've been trying to formulate over the past five-or-so comments :laughga:

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Honestly.. Some of your comments are gross... Like honestly being told your something that ur not hurts you... You start to believe you are even if your not... I don't care if he is a attractive rich white man... He is a human so start treating him like one.Ā 

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2 minutes ago, geopang said:

Some struggles are bigger than others. Heā€™s white, famous, rich, attractive, etc. He already has it better than the majority of the world. Itā€™s very appropriate to compare struggles, because he doesnā€™t realize the trauma that gay people have actually been through.Ā 

No one is saying he canā€™t have insecurities. But at this point he can just deny it and move on. If he was secure about himself being heterosexual, he wouldnā€™t even react the way heā€™s reacting.

RIght? Gaga has had so many worse accusations, Miley had the entire world saying nasty things about her and how she looked during the Bangerz era, people are still saying that Jay cheats on Queen B etc.

They moved on, like anyone else that values their peace of mind would. You can't stop people from talking about you, whether it's for good reasons or bad reasons, but if you ignore it enough, they move on too eventually.

1 minute ago, ReginaGeorge said:

Is that something you discuss on GGD discord chat? Sad. Thank you for saying what you actually mean about us. Still not on topic and still not giving any valid arguments. Again, sad. Also thank you forĀ following our ignorant replies, I donā€™t even know who you are.Ā 

I have no idea what you're talking about there, 2. Us? wat. 3. Where did I call your replies "ignorant"? As I recall it was you that used that word.

I think you are being a bit paranoid or maybe you're taking Shawn's struggles too seriously. Take a deep breath, grab a soda and relax. :giggle:

it wasn't laaaahv
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4 minutes ago, geopang said:

Some struggles are bigger than others. Heā€™s white, famous, rich, attractive, etc. He already has it better than the majority of the world. Itā€™s very appropriate to compare struggles, because he doesnā€™t realize the trauma that gay people have actually been through.Ā 

No one is saying he canā€™t have insecurities. But at this point he can just deny it and move on. If he was secure about himself being heterosexual, he wouldnā€™t even react the way heā€™s reacting.

I'll disregard that first part of your comment even though I highly disagree with it.

But the second part: Did you read what he says? His point about how harmful it is to push these judgements onto someone? What if, like he said, he WAS closeted and terrified?

He's just speaking up against something that he believes to be harmful - and not just for himself, but for other people who face similar scrutiny as well.

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1 hour ago, Bloody Grammys said:

He is so unproblematic and kind that it's hard to believe he is a regular straight white maleĀ :rip:

And especially for his age. He is very mature too.

Lord he is just so ajshsjsjjshshshd perfectĀ :selena:

Heā€˜s not unproblematic šŸ’€

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holy scheisse
1 hour ago, Why am I on GGD said:


Isn't showing emotion exactly what Shawn is doing in this interview? He literally throws his insecurities onto the table for thousands to read.

Yet somehow this is now also being labelled as "gay". The problem in this case isn't fragile masculinity, it's rigid stereotyping.

And even IF he were gay (which I am NOT implying) - it's not anyone's place to put those words in his mouth. Let people be their own judge - figuring out your identity is hard enough without this nonsense.

I guess when I said that, I viewed it as fragile masculinity that he is so bothered by others perceiving him as gay. To the point that he was petrified Taylor Swift posted a video of him doing something "feminine". To me, regardless of whether he is straight or gay, him being so bothered by the fact that this rumor exists shows that there is something undesirable about being gay or simply just being feminine.Ā 

"I guess I am kinda feminine" or whatever... It's like he's ashamed and defeated by it. It's not his fault it's society that perpetuates gender binary rules, but he is clearly suffering at the hands of toxic masculinity and ,yes just like you said, a rigid stereotype that comes with it which he is both imposing on himself from social norms... Etc.

I agree it's bold of him to go public with these thoughts. It opens himup for scrutiny and misinterpretation. So he's courageous for that. But yeah to me he is expressing emotions that come from , at their root, pressure to be masculine

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8 minutes ago, Manul said:

RIghtļ»æļ»æ? Gaga has had so many worse accusations, Miley had the entire world saying nasty things about her and how she looked during the Bangerz era, people are still saying that Jay cheats on Queen B etc.
They moved on, like anyone else that values their peace of mind would. You can't stop people from talking about you, whether it's for good reasons or bad reasons, but if you ļ»æignoļ»ære it enough, they move on too eventually.

Not everyone can just "move on" though, these issues are highly personal. And let's not act like Miley or Gaga weren't affected by the demons they had to face.

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A Hybrid
1 hour ago, Borislshere said:

Mļ»æendesļ»æ says he isnā€™t proud to admit that he feels the neļ»æed to be seen with women in public to ā€œprove to people that Iā€™m not gayā€ ever since the rumors began.Ā 

ā€œEvenļ»æ though in my heart I know that itā€™s not a bad thiļ»æng,ā€ he said. ā€œThereā€™s still a piece of ļ»æme that thinks that. And I hate tļ»æhat side of mļ»æļ»æeļ»æļ»æ.ā€ļ»æļ»æļ»æ


No familyā€™s safe when I sashay
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I canā€™t at yall saying heā€™s an internal homophobe :air:Ā 

back when I didnā€™t know I was gay, and people were calling me gay left right and centre, it hurt and made me feel like sh*t. I knew there was nothing wrong with being gay, and I wasnā€™t being internally homophobic, it just hurt for people to tell me that I am something that I didnā€™t think I was. It didnā€™t even occur to me that I was until a few years after this began.

Shawn is just feeling the same way. I am in no way saying that hE dOeSnT kNoW hEs GaY yEt, and donā€™t botherĀ @ing me saying iTs CoMpLeTeLy DiFfErEnT bEcAuSe YoU aRe GaY

insta: good_lukeing | I have nothing else to promote
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1 minute ago, Why am I on GGD said:

Not everyone can just "move on" though, these issues are highly personal. And let's not act like Miley or Gaga weren't affected by the demons they had to face.

He's not doing himself any favors. That behavior is whatĀ fuels people even more. Now instead of "he's gay" people will be saying he has internalized homophobia as well. You can't win with the internet, you just ignore it and move on and they stop nagging you. Except for the real thirsty ones anyhow. :smh:

it wasn't laaaahv
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Let it go. Who cares? He's famous and every male singer at some point of his life was called that so who really cares? People are just thirsty for him.

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4 minutes ago, monster78619 said:

I canā€™t at yall saying heā€™s an internal homophobe :air:Ā 

back when I didnā€™t know I was gay, and people were calling me gay left right and centre, it hurt and made me feel like sh*t. I knew there was nothing wrong with being gay, and I wasnā€™t being internally homophobic, it just hurt for people to tell me that I am something that I didnā€™t think I was. It didnā€™t even occur to me that I was until a few years after this began.

Shawn is just feeling the same way. I am in no way saying that hE dOeSnT kNoW hEs GaY yEt, and donā€™t botherĀ @ing me saying iTs CoMpLeTeLy DiFfErEnT bEcAuSe YoU aRe GaY

Exactly how I feel. I was about to post something extremely similar, but chickened out because I anticipated people saying "iTs DiFfErEnT bEcAuSe YoUrE Bi, wHiCh pRoBaBlY mEaNs yOuRe JuSt GaY iN DeNiAl aNyWaY"

So thanks for posting it :laughga:

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2 hours ago, Borislshere said:

need to be seen with women in public to ā€œprove to people that Iā€™m not gay


if you need to prove it..


"not all men" ha experience

another shot before we kiss the other side
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