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Joker 2 Out October 4th Banner

My ASIB experience

Kulture Kiari

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Kulture Kiari

Warning: This a long post with some spoilers? They're not descriptive at all, just name of place or person that is involved in the scene that I'm trying to say. Those who have seen the movie will understand, those who haven't won't, I hope. 


So to start off, a little backstory: My sister and my little niece, come to the USA from Mexico for three months every year. Long story short, when my niece was born, I was going through a lot, so my older sister decided to put Stefani as my niece's middle name to kind of cheer me up. Anyways, every time they come by, my niece and I get super close. We can literally be on youtube for hours watching Drag queen performances or Lady Gaga videos. She is 6, so I am very careful as to what she sees. 

Anyways, when she saw the trailer for ASIB she was begging me to take her with me when it premiered on Fri, Oct 5. The whole week, she was hyped. Making plans, telling my sister that we were gonna be busy. She grabbed my Monster Ball Tour shirt and asked my sister if she could tailor it for her so she could wear it the day of the premier. I had to say no to that as I consider that special memorabilia. Lol

Anyways, I work night shift from 6pm to 4:30am, so I usually fall asleep around 6am. She wakes up on Thursday, around 8am, and comes knocking hard at my door. I wake up scared and confused, and she is screaming "Tomorrow is the BIG DAY UNCLE! I CAN'T WAIT!!!" I just smile and tell her "Me either!!! I'm going back to sleep now. . ." 

Fast forward to Thursday, 530pm. I'm heading to work and same routine as usual. It's already Friday 4:30am so I'm clocking out from work, heading to my house. I get there at 5am, and surprise, guess who I see in the dining room? My 6 year old awake, watching Shallow mv. I question her on why she is awake and she tells me I'M SO EXCITED FOR TODAY!! WE ARE GONNA SEE A STAR IS BORN! I CAN'T SLEEP UNCLE!" I just tell her, go to sleep, get some rest. I'll wake you up when it's time to go see the movie. 

It's still Friday, around 10am and OH MY JESUS! My niece is banging on my door shouting "WAKE UP WAKE UP! WE ARE GONNA BE LATE! WAKE UP!" I'm like "Stefani, we still have about 2 more hours to sleep." And she's like "No. We have to go to the store and buy chips, food, sodas, to take to the theater." I'm like "Ugh. Fine." We start heading out at 11am. Go to the Wal-Mart next to the theater, buy chips, and candy. Then we head to the McDonald's inside Wal-Mart and I buy her a Happy Meal and I, a simple burger. Honestly, at this point, she was more excited than I was. We get out the store and start stuffing her school backpack with all these items. We cover everything inside with a jacket of hers on top of the items. I ask her, "What if they catch us with all this stuff in your backpack?" She simply says "Ima tell them that you just picked me up from school and it's heavy because the teacher gave us lots of homework." I just start cracking up.

We are ready to go to the movie theater, tickets in hand, and the ticket attendant asks her to open her backpack because he needs to check it. She does. He is only able to see her jacket and asks her why it's so heavy? She says that her teacher left her lots of homework. The ticket attendant just looks at me, laughs, let's us through, and whispers at me "Just clean up after yourselves." I nod. Even though we had all these things, I still wanted popcorn and drinks, so we buy that as well and start heading inside our theater number. 

It is now 12:45pm. I'm used to seeing a few trailers before the movie starts. Yall, this theater played 25 minutes worth of trailers. My niece was playing candy crush during it so she wouldn't get bored. 

The time is now 1:10pm. The movie is starting and we start opening our food! She is excited and has this huge glow. She starts clapping when Shangela appears! When Shallow starts playing, she is smiling and clapping! She is having the best time of her life. But, when you're a little kid, the lack of sleep gets to you. I see her starting to doze off when the characters are in Arizona as she is holding a hot cheeto. I tell her "Stefani, if you're tired. You can take a nap on my shoulder. I'll wake you up when the movie ends." She tells me "No UNCLE! I've been wanting to see this movie this whole week. My eyes are just a bit tired." She is forcing herself to stay awake. I decide to scratch her scalp, and five minutes later, she is asleep, but with a hot cheeto in her mouth. We had those special seats at the movie theater, so I decide to recline her seat all the way back and cover her with her jacket. I'm enjoying the movie and when the SNL scene pops up, she wakes up, sees what's in front of her, and decides to cheer and clap! I'm like "What the heck is going on?" Lol She stays awake for a few more minutes, and again falls asleep. The movie ends. I wake her up that it's time to go. She is all sad and says "No!!! I missed it!! Uncle can we see it again please? I promise I won't fall asleep this time!" I just tell her "Not today Stefani, I have to get ready for work today. Maybe next week?" She gets all happy and says "Thank you UNCLE! I was just super excited! I'm sorry I fell asleep." I was just like "Don't worry about it kiddo. That happened to me too when I went to the movie theaters for the first time. Now let's get you back home to your mom."

Overall, the movie was perfect for me, except the ending. Especially when the credits started rolling, I thought something else was gonna happen before the credits, but nope. Dark screen. That's it. Everyone get out. 

My experience with my little niece tho, I liked it. It truly reminded me of when I was a kid. My parents told me they were gonna take us to go see "The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas" in theaters, (Yes, I'm that old), the following day and I couldn't sleep the whole night. I ended up sleeping throughout the whole movie. I remember being so scared that my parents would be mad that I wasted their money, but they just laughed it off and took us out to eat afterwards. They ended up buying me the VHS when it came out lol. 

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Lona Delery

On this weeks episode of **** that never happened :poot:


Sometimes it feels like I've got a war in my mind, I wanna get off but I keep riding the ride
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Kulture Kiari
7 minutes ago, Lona Delery said:

On this weeks episode of **** that never happened :poot:


Excuse me?

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