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Zendaya rumored to play Ariel in Live action Little mermaid movie


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31 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I just said in my post that dye and wigs are fine, but it only makes sense if it's a white person utilising those things because only white people can have red hair. If anyone else has red hair, it's so obviously fake, so the point is lost. There's certainly no hair dye under the sea so it would make no sense that Ariel could be a black girl with dyed hair. Oh, and she's got blue eyes too. I have no problem with Zendaya being black and I have no problem with black actors playing black characters or even characters whose race is never mentioned. But just like they want the race of black characters preserved, as they do all POC characters, why shouldn't white characters be granted the same respect? Red hair is already diverse. Why is it considered ok to replace diversity with another kind of diversity? Part of the reason why we like certain things preserved is because they're rare and with only 2% of the world's population having red hair and the fact it will die out one day, makes it the definition of rare, thus, should be respected and allowed a chance to shine.

So, when a white person plays the role of a white character, it's predictable, but when a black actor plays a black character, it's considered the most normal thing in the world, the right thing to do, a beautiful thing? You can hardly expect to have your standard taken seriously if it's so clearly transparent.

And this is another tactic - saying that the movie isn't about race or culture, so the race of the main character is irrelevant and interchangeable. You'd never say this for a movie with a black cast that didn't have a focus on race or culture either. Suddenly, regardless of the subject matter, a black character becomes completely defined by their race in media, according to you. But white people are not. If you're going to have a standard, you've got to apply it to all so it makes sense. White people are currently being told that their race is very relevant in their day to day life but apparently, in movies, it means nothing at all? And as far as the location of the movie, it was based on Hans Christian Andersen's original fairytale, which was set in Denmark, hence why there is a statue of The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen:

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Ariel's look was based on a very common Danish look. You'll notice in many depictions of mermaids throughout art, a lot of them are redheaded or blonde as well, as that's the general perception of what they are from the myths. As for the movie's location, well, it clearly isn't Denmark, it looks too tropical, there are palm trees on land and the characters have American (and in Sebastian's case, Jamaican) accents. Personally, I assumed it to be the Dominican Republic given the time period, and the fact there was a prince who owned the land. But that's ultimately irrelevant as when Americans take a piece of literature and make it into film, they nearly always reimagine it with American actors and American settings, so it was already changed as it was.

I'm not trying to say that it's on the same level of properly marginalised groups, but what else was I supposed to call it? I guess "underpresented" would have fitted better, admittedly. Maybe both of you can't quite understand because neither of you have red hair and don't know what it's like to be teased for it, told to change it, be told it's ugly?

Heeeere we go! 

There are sooo many things wrong with this lmao. First of all, no white people are not the only one's who can have red hair naturally. That's just. Not true. So you saying it's only okay for a white person to play, even if they have to dye their hair sounds very ignorant. There's no hair dye under the sea? Honey this is a movie about a MERMAID who get LEGS MAGICALLY. I don't think underwater hair dye is the most farfetched thing in this universe. And you said you want young girls to feel good about their red hair, so you're saying these girls will only feel this way if the red-head is white??? That makes no sense, and sounds VERY racially insensitive.


Also, the reason it's okay for (historically/traditionally) white characters to be played by POC is because people of color are largely underrepresented. When you change a character of color to white it is erasure. Just like if you changed a straight character to gay, it would be erasure because there is very little representation for LGBT+ audiences. Historically, POC have been deleted to racist representations of their race character-wise, not included at all in stories, and have even had their own original stories wiped out. We are just now coming into the age where representation is growing. If you're really pressed about this one thing, and it turns out to be true, DON'T WATCH. Watch the original with your precious white Ariel. 

It's quite bold of you to say that people don't understand where you're coming from cuz we "might not have red hair". Honey it's HAIR. Most of the members of this site are part of the LGBT community, I think we understand what it's like to, not only be teased, but out right discriminated against, and even assaulted for who we are. Nobody is killed for having red hair. I'm a person of color with curly, huge hair. I 100% guarantee I have been persecuted more for my hair than yours (it's not a competition, but I'm trying to put into perspective how small your viewpoint is right now). I've had people throw and stick stuff in my hair in school, people have pulled my hair out, I've had people touch my hair in the most creepy of ways without asking, I've been asked so many ignorant questions and told it would look better straightened. There are people who are denied jobs because they wear their hair naturally. So, I think YOU'RE the one who doesn't understand. Your view is so small and trivial. It doesn't feel nice to be made fun of for your red hair, no one should be bullied for who they are, but people of color go through much worse, everyday. You can't equate these things. You need to read up on these topics because your ignorance is showing.

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48 minutes ago, ryanripley said:

i'm literally f*cking gay

I'm not talking about being teased for sexual orientation, I'm talking about being teased for hair colour, so why did you make that unnecessary parallel?

21 minutes ago, PopMonstre said:

Heeeere we go! 

There are sooo many things wrong with this lmao. First of all, no white people are not the only one's who can have red hair naturally. That's just. Not true. So you saying it's only okay for a white person to play, even if they have to dye their hair sounds very ignorant. There's no hair dye under the sea? Honey this is a movie about a MERMAID who get LEGS MAGICALLY. I don't think underwater hair dye is the most farfetched thing in this universe. And you said you want young girls to feel good about their red hair, so you're saying these girls will only feel this way if the red-head is white??? That makes no sense, and sounds VERY racially insensitive.


Also, the reason it's okay for (historically/traditionally) white characters to be played by POC is because people of color are largely underrepresented. When you change a character of color to white it is erasure. Just like if you changed a straight character to gay, it would be erasure because there is very little representation for LGBT+ audiences. Historically, POC have been deleted to racist representations of their race character-wise, not included at all in stories, and have even had their own original stories wiped out. We are just now coming into the age where representation is growing. If you're really pressed about this one thing, and it turns out to be true, DON'T WATCH. Watch the original with your precious white Ariel. 

It's quite bold of you to say that people don't understand where you're coming from cuz we "might not have red hair". Honey it's HAIR. Most of the members of this site are part of the LGBT community, I think we understand what it's like to, not only be teased, but out right discriminated against, and even assaulted for who we are. Nobody is killed for having red hair. I'm a person of color with curly, huge hair. I 100% guarantee I have been persecuted more for my hair than yours (it's not a competition, but I'm trying to put into perspective how small your viewpoint is right now). I've had people throw and stick stuff in my hair in school, people have pulled my hair out, I've had people touch my hair in the most creepy of ways without asking, I've been asked so many ignorant questions and told it would look better straightened. There are people who are denied jobs because they wear their hair naturally. So, I think YOU'RE the one who doesn't understand. Your view is so small and trivial. It doesn't feel nice to be made fun of for your red hair, no one should be bullied for who they are, but people of color go through much worse, everyday. You can't equate these things. You need to read up on these topics because your ignorance is showing.

Sure, mixed race people could have red hair but most don't - it's a naturally recessive gene that nearly always gets wiped out especially if there's a darker genes involved. The chances are so slim they're basically non-existant. The only mixed race ones I've ever seen with red hair are those who were the result of a black/white union or a half white half black/black union but in any case, they're the type of half black people who look completely white, so that's a completely different thing compared to a darker mixed race girl like Zendaya. And playing the whole "it's a magical world" card, again, is never used when a black character is whitewashed, so keep your standards consistent. And yes, how can a redhead feel good about their hair if they only see representations of red hair that are evidently fake? I know growing up seeing celebrities dye their hair electric red shades didn't make me feel like they now looked like me or they could relate to them now. It's a totally different thing when you know it's fake. It's like when people ask you what celebrity you look like and I have the hardest time because there's so few famous redhead women who have my shade of natural red and my features into the bargain. It makes total sense that we can only relate if it's a white person as only they have red hair like us. Hardly racially insensitive, it's just basic biology.

Your second paragraph is meaningless as I never claimed that I wanted POC characters to be whitewashed or think it's ok. On the contrary, I partly wish that would stop so that perhaps, white characters would get the equal respect back. People are hardly going to think white characters should be allowed to remain white if white filmmakers routinely think it's ok to disrespectfully whitewash characters of cover. Equal respect, that's what it's all about. This is not an issue of POC erasure, it's a case of white erasure. Sure, you could say there's already enough white representation but that's not the point. To change the race of a character for reasons for diversity doesn't seem right to me. You can't replace one form of diversity (red hair) and replace it with another form of diversity (black skin) and think everyone's a winner. And less of the "your precious white Ariel" comments. What you're suggesting with the word "precious" is very unsavoury. Ariel was one of the few representations of a beautiful person with red hair that I had growing up and she was probably my first childhood idol, seeing how much she looked like me and acted like me. I want the next generation of redhaired girls to get that same feeling and they can't if red hair is being consistently removed by the media.

I know it's just hair but judging by your account, you should look at it as strongly as I am. It doesn't matter if no one is killed for having red hair, they still deserve representation. And you "100% guarantee" that you've been persecuted more for your hair than I have? Wrong. I've endured everything that you've described. And I've heard of other redheads getting worse, including getting beaten up and getting their hair set on fire. Notice the huge assumptions you make just because I'm white and therefore, any struggle I must have must be completely different to yours and irrelevant? I am well aware of the struggles black people with natural hair have, it's just I like to point out that their issues are not a distinctly black issue. But any time I've tried to say this, my experience is cast aside because "black people have it worse" and even denied, "so small and trivial," as you put it. The accusation of "whataboutism" only seems to be valid when it's a white person doing it, apparently. My ignorance is showing? I've researched this stuff extensively. Just because what I'm saying doesn't line up with your thoughts doesn't mean I haven't researched. It's funny how any time there's a part of POC race or culture that is so small and under-represented, there is a need to preserve it, boost it up, show it to the world so it never gets forgotten or goes extinct. But white race or culture that is small and under-represented? It's irrelevant, it's interchangeable, it's nothing, so let's just cover it in another race/culture to make it better. Say whatever you want about my standards but at least they're consistent.

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5 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I'm not talking about being teased for sexual orientation, I'm talking about being teased for hair colour, so why did you make that unnecessary parallel?

you can't be serious...

i know more than anyone what it feels like to be bullied about something i was born with however i get it worse cus i can't stop being gay whilst red hair can be dyed. and be honest, only school kids think the whole ginger thing is funny. grown adults want to see gay people burn in hell so don't come all in here with your "you have no idea what it's like to have red hair" because that is just some self-victimisation right there. red hair doesn't need representation, it's a non-issue. do not compare the "struggles" of having red hair to those of black people, gay people and other minorities.

also zendaya didn't play mary jane lol

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4 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I'm not talking about being teased for sexual orientation, I'm talking about being teased for hair colour, so why did you make that unnecessary parallel?

Sure, mixed race people could have red hair but most don't - it's a naturally recessive gene that nearly always gets wiped out especially if there's a darker genes involved. The chances are so slim they're basically non-existant. The only mixed race ones I've ever seen with red hair are those who were the result of a black/white union or a half white half black/black union but in any case, they're the type of half black people who look completely white, so that's a completely different thing compared to a darker mixed race girl like Zendaya. And playing the whole "it's a magical world" card, again, is never used when a black character is whitewashed, so keep your standards consistent. And yes, how can a redhead feel good about their hair if they only see representations of red hair that are evidently fake? I know growing up seeing celebrities dye their hair electric red shades didn't make me feel like they now looked like me or they could relate to them now. It's a totally different thing when you know it's fake. It's like when people ask you what celebrity you look like and I have the hardest time because there's so few famous redhead women who have my shade of natural red and my features into the bargain. It makes total sense that we can only relate if it's a white person as only they have red hair like us. Hardly racially insensitive, it's just basic biology.

Your second paragraph is meaningless as I never claimed that I wanted POC characters to be whitewashed or think it's ok. On the contrary, I partly wish that would stop so that perhaps, white characters would get the equal respect back. People are hardly going to think white characters should be allowed to remain white if white filmmakers routinely think it's ok to disrespectfully whitewash characters of cover. Equal respect, that's what it's all about. This is not an issue of POC erasure, it's a case of white erasure. Sure, you could say there's already enough white representation but that's not the point. To change the race of a character for reasons for diversity doesn't seem right to me. You can't replace one form of diversity (red hair) and replace it with another form of diversity (black skin) and think everyone's a winner. And less of the "your precious white Ariel" comments. What you're suggesting with the word "precious" is very unsavoury. Ariel was one of the few representations of a beautiful person with red hair that I had growing up and she was probably my first childhood idol, seeing how much she looked like me and acted like me. I want the next generation of redhaired girls to get that same feeling and they can't if red hair is being consistently removed by the media.

I know it's just hair but judging by your account, you should look at it as strongly as I am. It doesn't matter if no one is killed for having red hair, they still deserve representation. And you "100% guarantee" that you've been persecuted more for your hair than I have? Wrong. I've endured everything that you've described. And I've heard of other redheads getting worse, including getting beaten up and getting their hair set on fire. Notice the huge assumptions you make just because I'm white and therefore, any struggle I must have must be completely different to yours and irrelevant? I am well aware of the struggles black people with natural hair have, it's just I like to point out that their issues are not a distinctly black issue. But any time I've tried to say this, my experience is cast aside because "black people have it worse" and even denied, "so small and trivial," as you put it. The accusation of "whataboutism" only seems to be valid when it's a white person doing it, apparently. My ignorance is showing? I've researched this stuff extensively. Just because what I'm saying doesn't line up with your thoughts doesn't mean I haven't researched. It's funny how any time there's a part of POC race or culture that is so small and under-represented, there is a need to preserve it, boost it up, show it to the world so it never gets forgotten or goes extinct. But white race or culture that is small and under-represented? It's irrelevant, it's interchangeable, it's nothing, so let's just cover it in another race/culture to make it better. Say whatever you want about my standards but at least they're consistent.

Honestly some of the stuff you are saying parallels arguments made by white supremacists and other alt-right people. I'm not saying you belong to that crowd but you have a lot to learn. You ARE being ignorant. And there is no point for me to keep this conversation going because I know you won't be open to any opinion besides your own, even if I present facts you wouldn't care. If you aren't willing to listen to actual people of color on these issues well...it shows who's opinion you value. White erasure is not real, just like straight erasure isn't real. You cannot erase the majority person because they are the majority. You know who needs more representation? Black children who are bullied and oppressed for their skin tone. Red head children are still represented perfectly, even if the character is not white. Why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE RED HAIR. That's the only thing you need. They don't care about wigs or dye. Stop kidding yourself, it's like you're saying this is the red-head equivalent to blackface lolllll. And no, it's not only mixed race people who can also have red hair. God you need to use Google lmao. You will never understand the struggles of POC, even hair wise. Our hair is targeted because we are of color. You will NEVER be denied a job because you have red hair. Please get a grip on reality, educate yourself, and LISTEN to others instead of myopically focusing on your one experience. Have a good day sis.:staymad:

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i don't mind! ZENDAYA is becoming my favorite actress :firega:.


But these disney live actions are getting overrated. we have Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, The jungle book, Aladdin, Mulan, the lion king, dumbo. I hope they don't do a live action of Pocahontas (even though the soundtrack and the visuals are gorgeous) because that would be a mess :wtf: 

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53 minutes ago, ryanripley said:

you can't be serious...

i know more than anyone what it feels like to be bullied about something i was born with however i get it worse cus i can't stop being gay whilst red hair can be dyed. and be honest, only school kids think the whole ginger thing is funny. grown adults want to see gay people burn in hell so don't come all in here with your "you have no idea what it's like to have red hair" because that is just some self-victimisation right there. red hair doesn't need representation, it's a non-issue. do not compare the "struggles" of having red hair to those of black people, gay people and other minorities.

also zendaya didn't play mary jane lol

But I didn't compare my experience to a gay experience, you made that comparison and then acted like I'd made it. You're making a non-comparable example that I wasn't insinuating. And it's not just kids who think this way, I've heard very immature grown adults say bad things. Who are you to tell me a group I belong to is a non-issue? It's always so easy for the outsiders looking in.

Her character was Michelle Jones, nicknamed MJ. The makers knew exactly what they were doing.

43 minutes ago, PopMonstre said:

Honestly some of the stuff you are saying parallels arguments made by white supremacists and other alt-right people. I'm not saying you belong to that crowd but you have a lot to learn. You ARE being ignorant. And there is no point for me to keep this conversation going because I know you won't be open to any opinion besides your own, even if I present facts you wouldn't care. If you aren't willing to listen to actual people of color on these issues well...it shows who's opinion you value. White erasure is not real, just like straight erasure isn't real. You cannot erase the majority person because they are the majority. You know who needs more representation? Black children who are bullied and oppressed for their skin tone. Red head children are still represented perfectly, even if the character is not white. Why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE RED HAIR. That's the only thing you need. They don't care about wigs or dye. Stop kidding yourself, it's like you're saying this is the red-head equivalent to blackface lolllll. And no, it's not only mixed race people who can also have red hair. God you need to use Google lmao. You will never understand the struggles of POC, even hair wise. Our hair is targeted because we are of color. You will NEVER be denied a job because you have red hair. Please get a grip on reality, educate yourself, and LISTEN to others instead of myopically focusing on your one experience. Have a good day sis.:staymad:

Trust me, I know exactly what white supremacists and alt right people are about and I am NOT one of them. It's so predictable to keep making that parallel just because I want all races held to the same standard (which should be the very opposite of racist ideals). There's equally no point in me keeping this conversation going either for the same reasons. You made no response to the fact I've gone through the same things you have, so clearly, you're the one immune to hearing facts. I always listen to both sides of the argument - just because I don't agree doesn't mean I haven't listened. You're the one not listening to mine. White erasure may not exist in reality but as a concept, it can. I'm talking from a technical standpoint when it. I never said that black children don't need representation, but it needs to be done in media with characters who were always designed to be black. Isn't that actually much better for their self esteem than to have them play a white character? I've already said that mixed race people are the only non-whites who can have red hair - mixed race is not white. And I never said it was the redhead equivalent of blackface, stop putting words into my mouth. How do you know someone's never been denied a job for their red hair? I heard a story about a redhaired girl who got suspended from school because she dyed her natural red hair a more unnatural tone of red. It could happen. I do listen to others, you're the one focusing on your experience, not the other way around. The fact you can't see that is so telling.

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7 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

But I didn't compare my experience to a gay experience, you made that comparison and then acted like I'd made it. You're making a non-comparable example that I wasn't insinuating. And it's not just kids who think this way, I've heard very immature grown adults say bad things. Who are you to tell me a group I belong to is a non-issue? It's always so easy for the outsiders looking in.

Her character was Michelle Jones, nicknamed MJ. The makers knew exactly what they were doing.

she's an original character, not even a main character lol

i can tell you as somebody who lives a life of oppression that having red hair has never been illegal, people with red hair can have kids and get married and people with red hair aren't getting executed publicly

i'm making that comparison because you're up in here acting like red haired people "need" representation when that is just... laughable. just dye your hair sis if it gets you so down lol

anyways i'm not interested in what else you have to say because you're not willing to open up to anyone elses opinions, i've seen it a million times and i cba to get in a cycle of essays.

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1 minute ago, ryanripley said:

she's an original character, not even a main character lol

i can tell you as somebody who lives a life of oppression that having red hair has never been illegal, people with red hair can have kids and get married and people with red hair aren't getting executed publicly

i'm making that comparison because you're up in here acting like red haired people "need" representation when that is just... laughable. just dye your hair sis if it gets you so down lol

anyways i'm not interested in what else you have to say because you're not willing to open up to anyone elses opinions, i've seen it a million times and i cba to get in a cycle of essays.

Doesn't matter, they should have given her an original name, then, not the same name as a crucial character in the series.

And I never said that having red hair was remotely comparable to being gay, as I keep saying. Have you ever face discrimination for your hair? That's the only question I ask. But it's not surprising. Very few people who I've tried to explain this to take me seriously apart from other redheads.

My red hair doesn't get me down now, I love it. But when I was younger, like most, I wanted it to be blonde, but my mum wouldn't let me. I just wanted to be like everyone else. And a lot of redheads do change their hair due to bullying and some even reinvent themselves to the point where they present themselves as someone who was never a natural redhead. That shouldn't be taken lightly. I was relieved to hear a black woman allude to this struggle and how it was similar to natural black hair struggle, however, briefly. I'm shocked that you even suggested I should change it - I thought you of all people would encourage me to ignore the bullies and do my own thing. I repeat, very few people understand this struggle.

But you're exactly the same. You never listen to my opinions because you don't agree with them. Tit for tat.

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4 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:


The fact that you think non whites can't be natural red heads was enough for me to stop wanting to read your post. 


4 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

And as far as the location of the movie, it was based on Hans Christian Andersen's original fairytale, which was set in Denmark, hence why there is a statue of The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen:

Not only is this setting irrelevant since The movie is almost completely different to the original story but Black people can live in Denmark :)  Once again, Ariels race was not an important part of the film. The only thing she has to be is a mermaid. You wasted all of your time trying to over analyze a children's film just because you're offended that a black/mixed race woman could possibly be playing a white character. 


5 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

As for the movie's location, well, it clearly isn't Denmark, it looks too tropical, there are palm trees on land and the characters have American (and in Sebastian's case, Jamaican) accents. Personally, I assumed it to be the Dominican Republic given the time period, and the fact there was a prince who owned the land. But that's ultimately irrelevant as when Americans take a piece of literature and make it into film, they nearly always reimagine it with American actors and American settings, so it was already changed as it was.

 Duh so what's the issue again? There is not set place to where this film is supposed to take place therefore ANY race can play ANY character. Once again, just say you don't like it cause she's Black and move on with your day. 

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So all y'all wanna tell me that Zendaya is a bad actress but then go on suggesting Ariana for the role? Like have you seen her acting on Victorious and Sam&Cat? It really ain't it. Out of the two of them Ariana is the less talented one, acting-wise at least.

In my opinion, they should just stop with these unnecessary live-action remakes of Disney classics. I already know this one in particular is going to be an underwater CGI mess. 

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Can someone explain me how a mermaid could be black while living in the ocean ? Oh yes she can't there is no sun. How the will explain that ?


I have nothing against this girl (i don't even know her or her carreer), and I am not a racist person, but Ariel is white, created with a white woman (Alyssa Milano), so in the live movie she has to be white, sorry. Is it too much to ask to respect the actual character ? It's like the simpsons instanly become red (or whaterver color), that no sense. 


And to all people who don't see the matter, do you remember when Jennifer Lawrence who was rumored to be Mulan ? People wants a chinese girl, well they did chose a chinese girl. It's like choose a white girl for Tiana or Pocahontas, or a black girl to play Snow White, every people gonna scream about it but when a black girl is rumored to play a white character everybody finds it cool... Well it's not. 


I don't know why they always need to do such thing, but that not cool. There are plenty of girl (even red head) who could play Ariel (even in OUAT the actress suited the role). This girl could play Tiana, but not Ariel.  


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17 minutes ago, illySpencer said:

Can someone explain me how a mermaid could be black while living in the ocean ? Oh yes she can't there is no sun. How the will explain that ?


Right! UGH it would irritate me so much if a half fish, half human girl who can speak to animals and who grows legs due to magic cast by a giant PURPLE octopus-human hybrid was BLACK in the OCEAN!


It would make. No. Sense!!!!



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On 8/22/2018 at 7:59 PM, Kulture Kiari said:

I thought the Harry Potter chick, Emma Watson, was going to get the main role?

She got Belle. They can't have her be another princess.

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29 minutes ago, illySpencer said:

Can someone explain me how a mermaid could be black while living in the ocean ? Oh yes she can't there is no sun. How the will explain that ?

In a movie with singing animals, mermaids and sea witches, this is your concern?? LMAO BYE

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9 minutes ago, PopMonstre said:

Right! UGH it would irritate me so much if a half fish, half human girl who can speak to animals and who grows legs due to magic cast by a giant PURPLE octopus-human hybrid was BLACK in the OCEAN!


It would make. No. Sense!!!!



If mermaids existed, we could answer to that. But at least, i guess she speak like whale between them !!! But like i said Ariel was designed white, not black ! 

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