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Is Gaga a white gay (only) icon?


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As a person of color who stans for Gaga, I have found that a lot of my POC LGBTQ+ friends and acquaintances aren't stans (some don't even like her) while the people I know that do stan for her are white gays.

So ... is Gaga a icon amongst white gays, but only amongst white gays? Why don't POC stan for her as hard as white gays do? :oprah:


Is this thread going to be a mess? :messga: To be continued ...


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Maybe the POC stan for Madge or Bey? Who knows :vegas:

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14 minutes ago, edgy said:

As a person of color who stans for Gaga

14 minutes ago, edgy said:

is Gaga a icon for white gays, but only for white gays?


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16 minutes ago, edgy said:
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Is this thread going to be a mess? :messga: To be continued ...


Abso-fu**ing-lutely! :vegas:

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I think, Gaga has often pushed heavy for causes that white gays care the most about without pushing as hard for issues that are greater for LGBTQI+ POC. 

Same Sex Marriage and DADT are hugely significant issues, and obviously they do affect LGBTQI+ POC,  however these are frankly probably some of the biggest issues for 'white gays'. LGBTQI+ POC often encounter even greater issues, but she hasn't shown the same great push when it comes to those issues.


Trans women of colour are the highest at-risk group of domestic abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV) and are at the highest risk of dying to IPV. Transgender women of colour account for 50 percent of homicide victims when it comes to anti-LGBT violence.

Nearly 50 percent of black LGBT people have experienced employment discrimination.


LGBT people of colour are overrepresented in the criminal justice system. For example, 1 in 5 young people in U.S. juvenile justice facilities identifies as LGBTQ, and 85 percent of these individuals are youth of colour


Black Americans in same-sex couples are more than twice as likely to live in poverty than those in opposite-sex married couples.

Transgender people of colour are most threatened by extreme poverty: Some 28 percent of Latino trans people, 34 percent of black trans people, 23 percent of Native American trans people and 18 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander trans people are extremely poor, with annual household incomes of $10,000 or less. That’s compared with 15 percent of the trans population as a whole that suffers from extreme poverty.


For many LGBTQI+ POC these are extremely pressing issues - arguably more important that same sex sex marriage or DADT. Gaga hasn't been as vocal an advocate for these issues :shrug: 

A lot of white gays identify her as a symbol of 'safety'. She advocates for them, she has pushed hard for them, she has embraced them. If she isn't speaking to the issues faced by LGBTQI+ POC then she isn't going to have the same response as she does from white gays.

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Ugh, can we stop already. Why does everything have to be colour vs white? Aren’t we humans. I am a person of colour, but I really really don’t care for this whole self segregation that the over zealous SJW’s are on with. Who cares if a person of colour doesn’t like gaga, it’s clearly their own choice and has nothing to do with their skin colour (since gaga is definitely not racist). 


It. Doesn’t. Matter. Gaga is not a white only gay icon, and she’s not a piece for POC to hate. There shouldn’t be such a thing as a race only icon, we need to stop this whole stupid self segregation that’s going on. It doesn’t matter to me that another POC doesn’t like gaga, thats their own choice, and it shouldn’t be something gaga has to achieve. 

Im ĂĄ Katycat on Fridays #tgif
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Tbh most black gays like bey, rih, whit, Nicki, Arihtha, Cardi B, Rita Ora, and Mariah because they’re black gay icons/legends.

Gaga unforunately is white so black gays usually don’t like her or Brit, Katy, Xtina, Mandy Moore, Jessie j and other white girl legends

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1 minute ago, Fable said:

I think, Gaga has often pushed heavy for causes that white gays care the most about without pushing as hard for issues that are greater for LGBTQI+ POC. 

Same Sex Marriage and DADT are hugely significant issues, and obviously they do affect LGBTQI+ POC,  however these are frankly probably some of the biggest issues for 'white gays'. LGBTQI+ POC often encounter even greater issues, but she hasn't shown the same great push when it comes to those issues.


Trans women of colour are the highest at-risk group of domestic abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV) and are at the highest risk of dying to IPV. Transgender women of colour account for 50 percent of homicide victims when it comes to anti-LGBT violence.

Nearly 50 percent of black LGBT people have experienced employment discrimination.


LGBT people of colour are overrepresented in the criminal justice system. For example, 1 in 5 young people in U.S. juvenile justice facilities identifies as LGBTQ, and 85 percent of these individuals are youth of colour


Black Americans in same-sex couples are more than twice as likely to live in poverty than those in opposite-sex married couples.

Transgender people of colour are most threatened by extreme poverty: Some 28 percent of Latino trans people, 34 percent of black trans people, 23 percent of Native American trans people and 18 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander trans people are extremely poor, with annual household incomes of $10,000 or less. That’s compared with 15 percent of the trans population as a whole that suffers from extreme poverty.


For many LGBTQI+ POC these are extremely pressing issues - arguably more important that same sex sex marriage or DADT. Gaga hasn't been as vocal an advocate for these issues :shrug: 

I totally agree. 

Nothing wrong with that of course but this is probably it. Gaga advocates full force on things she understands or can contextualize to some extent but she has a hard time connecting with minorities struggles and suffering because she and the ppl around her probably havn't faced anything close to that. She does try though (as seen with her helping black voters get access to voting polls). I remember a lot of her Middle Eastern fans were really heartbroken on her silence in regards to ISIS LGBTQ killings and in regards to Syria and Palestine in general (which are super complicated subjects but subjects that directly effect them). There were also other fans who were surprised by how long it took her to mention Black Lives Matter when she was/is viewed as someone who is ahead of the curb when it comes to social issues yet she was one of the slowest to speak about and show public support of BLM online (though she quickly became a huge supporter later on). Personally I feel like she can't talk about every issue under the sun. Plus we don't know her political stances on a lot of these pressing issues that effect many of her LGBTQ fans of color around the world. There is only so much she can work on and talk about and she has done more than the average popstar and because of that I think a lot of ppl put a lot of importance to her words and expect her to speak about every issue but ppl need to realize she is only one person. A very well intentioned person who is willing to help as much as she can. 

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15 minutes ago, heda97 said:

Ugh, can we stop already. Why does everything have to be colour vs white? Aren’t we humans. I am a person of colour, but I really really don’t care for this whole self segregation that the over zealous SJW’s are on with. Who cares if a person of colour doesn’t like gaga, it’s clearly their own choice and has nothing to do with their skin colour (since gaga is definitely not racist). 


It. Doesn’t. Matter. Gaga is not a white only gay icon, and she’s not a piece for POC to hate. There shouldn’t be such a thing as a race only icon, we need to stop this whole stupid self segregation that’s going on. It doesn’t matter to me that another POC doesn’t like gaga, thats their own choice, and it shouldn’t be something gaga has to achieve. 

Couldn’t have said it better:woohoo:

And besides, from a person who absolutley doesn’t care or believe in ”races”. I’ve always found it funny and weird when people label themselves as black or white:shrug: It orginates from such a bad time in history. And I mean you ain’t lookin’ like this no?



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7 minutes ago, heda97 said:

Ugh, can we stop already. Why does everything have to be colour vs white? Aren’t we humans. I am a person of colour, but I really really don’t care for this whole self segregation that the over zealous SJW’s are on with. Who cares if a person of colour doesn’t like gaga, it’s clearly their own choice and has nothing to do with their skin colour (since gaga is definitely not racist). 


It. Doesn’t. Matter. Gaga is not a white only gay icon, and she’s not a piece for POC to hate. There shouldn’t be such a thing as a race only icon, we need to stop this whole stupid self segregation that’s going on. It doesn’t matter to me that another POC doesn’t like gaga, thats their own choice, and it shouldn’t be something gaga has to achieve. 

I'm sorry, but your sentiment of "self-segregation" is the same sentiment that "color-blind" and "all lives matter" folks build off from. I never accused Gaga of racism. The question that I posed is why is she only an icon amongst white gays and not so much the POC LGBTQ+ community. 

I merely posed a question. A relevant question since intersectionality exists and just because "we are all humans" doesn't mean that we are treated equally or have the same perspectives nor does it mean the question doesn't matter. :sure:

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23 minutes ago, Fable said:

I think, Gaga has often pushed heavy for causes that white gays care the most about without pushing as hard for issues that are greater for LGBTQI+ POC. 

Same Sex Marriage and DADT are hugely significant issues, and obviously they do affect LGBTQI+ POC,  however these are frankly probably some of the biggest issues for 'white gays'. LGBTQI+ POC often encounter even greater issues, but she hasn't shown the same great push when it comes to those issues.


Trans women of colour are the highest at-risk group of domestic abuse and intimate partner violence (IPV) and are at the highest risk of dying to IPV. Transgender women of colour account for 50 percent of homicide victims when it comes to anti-LGBT violence.

Nearly 50 percent of black LGBT people have experienced employment discrimination.


LGBT people of colour are overrepresented in the criminal justice system. For example, 1 in 5 young people in U.S. juvenile justice facilities identifies as LGBTQ, and 85 percent of these individuals are youth of colour


Black Americans in same-sex couples are more than twice as likely to live in poverty than those in opposite-sex married couples.

Transgender people of colour are most threatened by extreme poverty: Some 28 percent of Latino trans people, 34 percent of black trans people, 23 percent of Native American trans people and 18 percent of Asian or Pacific Islander trans people are extremely poor, with annual household incomes of $10,000 or less. That’s compared with 15 percent of the trans population as a whole that suffers from extreme poverty.


For many LGBTQI+ POC these are extremely pressing issues - arguably more important that same sex sex marriage or DADT. Gaga hasn't been as vocal an advocate for these issues :shrug: 

A lot of white gays identify her as a symbol of 'safety'. She advocates for them, she has pushed hard for them, she has embraced them. If she isn't speaking to the issues faced by LGBTQI+ POC then she isn't going to have the same response as she does from white gays.

Mmm, I think this is the reason why.

Also, I remember she got a lot of flack from the LGBTQI+ and the cis-het black community for this tweet:


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11 minutes ago, edgy said:

I'm sorry, but your sentiment of "self-segregation" is the same sentiment that "color-blind" and "all lives matter" folks build off from. I never accused Gaga of racism. The question that I posed is why is she only an icon amongst white gays and not so much the POC LGBTQ+ community. 

I merely posed a question. A relevant question since intersectionality exists and just because "we are all humans" doesn't mean that we are treated equally or have the same perspectives nor does it mean the question doesn't matter. :sure:

Nope. Your question assumes that she’s statistically only a white icon. Where is the proof? And if she is, why does it matter? POC don’t have to like her, she’s clealry not doing anything to repel them. Perhaps they just don’t enjoy her music. 


Your whole question is based on anecdotal experiences with POC and gaga. She has tons and tons of fans all over the world, and most people outside of North America and Europe are POC. So clearly shes not a white only icon. 


All lives matter and BLM has absolutely nothing to do with this. Not everything is a racial issue, there are clearly some major issues that definitely need to be fixed, however the fact that your personal POC friends don’t like gaga is not one of them. 

Im ĂĄ Katycat on Fridays #tgif
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15 minutes ago, edgy said:

Mmm, I think this is the reason why.

Also, I remember she got a lot of flack from the LGBTQI+ and the cis-het black community for this tweet:


Tea. They won’t let her be their icon. /closethread

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