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Black Panther was OK


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I disagree wholeheartedly.Ā :gaycat:

Blackpanther are not designed for subtlety. Read the comics. Very important.Ā 

Also, most MCU is not exactly another super heroes movies. And that is why the franchise is two decades ahead from DCEU that is failing deeper and deeper. MCUĀ filmsĀ got flavor to it. Examples;Ā Ant-Man got the heist movie feel to it, and Captain America trogy, especially the first two, are reminisince of old school war and espionage films. And Black Panther is just another example. It is a black movie but it wasĀ made by Disney, not many of you would get it unless you are part of it or familiar with it.

Plus, BP is the first MCUĀ that actually have worthy villain. Every massive nerds know how lacking MCU were with villains problem. But not with this movie.

It deserves every praise it gets. Just the fact that you donā€™t really enjoy it is personal issue and not an universal opinion. Especially the fact many more people feel the same way I did than yours.

(ļ¾‰ā—•ćƒ®ā—•)ļ¾‰āœ§*:ļ½„ļ¾Ÿ young, dumb, and full of numb (*Ā“č‰øļ½€*) ā™”ā™”ā™”
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6 minutes ago, High King said:

So basically you think itā€™s a great film, but not perfect. Thatā€™s pretty much the general consensus anyway.Ā 

Itā€™s easily the best effort from Marvel, and itā€™s a cultural milestone, which is definitely something to celebrate.Ā 


4 minutes ago, holy scheisse said:

Some good things:

The cast were phenomenal. And you could feel their chemistry. Great relationships on and off screen.Ā 

Some great acting. I laughed, cried, and sat on the edge of my seat in suspense.

Loving the concept of afrofuturism. Such a great movie to show black futures rather than dwelling on black history.

I thought it offers something interesting. Some people want to seek vengeance on their former oppressors (the colonizers) while others want to learn to live in harmony. It really is relatable and a good question of morals. I thought it offered something interesting and the symbolism of all the characters was unreal.

And wakanda is dope af. A black nation that was never colonized.... Such a fantastical movie! 10/10

I agree with everything these two said. I would also like to add:

1. While some lines made it seem like like there was no subtlety there actually was and it was all in the subtext. And it is deeply rooted in African and African American experiences and differences in thought from the two. Even though I watched it more than once, I got that from the first watch. Even though they set up the conflict and a part of the message kind of obviously there is so much that is being said without even saying anything.Ā 

2. The CGI was a little weird at a few times but hey it forgivable because mostĀ the cinematography of the rest of the movie was amazing.Ā 

3. And as far as the humor it is really a matter of opinion. I like the marvel sense of humor. This is one of the things they are good at and one of the edges they have over DC.Ā 

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5 minutes ago, RAMROD said:

I disagree wholeheartedly.Ā :gaycat:

Blackpanther are not designed for subtlety. Read the comics. Very important.Ā 

Also, most MCU is not exactly another super heroes movies. And that is why the franchise is two decades ahead from DCEU that is failing deeper and deeper. MCUĀ filmsĀ got flavor to it. Examples;Ā Ant-Man got the heist movie feel to it, and Captain America trogy, especially the first two, are reminisince of old school war and espionage films. And Black Panther is just another example. It is a black movie but it wasĀ made by Disney, not many of you would get it unless you are part of it or familiar with it.

Plus, BP is the first MCUĀ that actually have worthy villain. Every massive nerds know how lacking MCU were with villains problem. But not with this movie.

It deserves every praise it gets. Just the fact that you donā€™t really enjoy it is personal issue and not an universal opinion. Especially the fact many more people feel the same way I did than yours.

Adding on to your second point, Ryan Coogler said that with this movie he wanted a mix between The God Father and 007 when referring to tone and style. He also says that Tachalla doesnā€™t see himself as a superhero but rather a politician, which I could really see that angle.Ā 


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38 minutes ago, High King said:

Itā€™s easily the best effort from Marvel


It's great, but they've done better work, technically.

The Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Civil War, Iron Man, Guardians, and probably even Thor Ragnarok are allĀ better crafted movies.



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I agree.Ā 

I think it is a very important movie and there should be more Movies with a primarily black cast not just for black People but for anyone really. So in that respect I thought the movie is extremely important.

My Problem with it is that I just don't Think it was on the whole very good... but maybe thats because I dislike Superhero Movies in generalĀ 

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Ariana Grindr

I loved it.

great acting

great writingĀ 

great cultural representationĀ 

it takes white supremacy right by the throat:golfclap:


the box scores beg to differĀ :creepflop:

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I literally knew youā€™d bring it up that you werent black and then once you said that the rest of your opinions came out. You still donā€™t seem to get why this movie is so important to people. And listing other movies like Django where the lead character is literally a former slave doesnā€™t help your cause at all.Ā 

Young black kids get to feel like a king and a superhero by seeing this. Not a former bounty hunter slave, not a homeless guy who ends up having superpowers but the king of an entire nation.Ā There arenā€™t any movies like that with such a budget and such exposure. There just arenā€™t. This movie is different for black people and you need to trust that theyā€™re making a big deal out of it for that reason.Ā 

You comparing it to any other ā€œbigā€black movie or big superhero movie shows how little you understand about the importance of representation. The fact that itā€™s all of those things at once which makes it so important.Ā 


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your examples are Django and get out which both arenā€™t for children,Ā men and black (which literally has nothing to do with blackness), and more. The fact that this is a superhero movie and an almost entirely black cast is what makes it so important. Poetic justice? I love Janet but itā€™s like comparing apples to oranges.Ā 

You donā€™t have to like the movie but telling people ā€œstop acting like itā€™s gods gift to the earthā€ is being insensitive to how special this is to some people. Can you imagine how many people cried because they finally get to see someone who looks like them up there?

someday there will be a gay superhero movie and many of us are gonna have similar reactions. How would you feel if people then went to you and told you ā€œcalm down itā€™s not the next bible. You already had gay movies to watch Angels in America or another movie about a gay guy with aidsā€ or something.Ā 

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I love theĀ MCU and I was not hyped at all by it

But it turned out amazing for me. I don't have particular reasons but I was enjoying 95% of the scenes so muchĀ 

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Ferrer Zorola

I think many didnā€™t like it because itā€™s not yourĀ average Marvel movie and they changed the formula a bit.

Also, you canā€™t possibly hate the humorĀ more than that God awful Flash lines in Justice League. DC always fails in that department.Ā 

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I 100% agree.Ā 

I absolutely love the Marvel movies, I am a massive comic nerd, but this movie is highly overrated and just not as good as vast majority of the other movies in the franchise.Ā 

I personally would give it maybe a 6/10. I by no means would call it bad, I still enjoyed the movie, but it seemed like an early draft, or very rushed. The message was a little too on the nose, I thought the CGI looked bad even when I saw the trailer, and a lot of the characters were extremely underdeveloped.Ā 

One thing my boyfriend pointed out as a minor annoyance is the constant overuse of the ā€œletā€™s check out the gadgets scene in my big laboratoryā€, which I now see is being overdone.Ā 

And OH MY GOD, whomever that actor is that played the villain is INCREDIBLY annoying. I thought it was Nick Cannon at first, and my eyes were rolling so hard in my head every time he was on the screen.Ā 

My personal opinion is that this film is only getting all the coins and ratings because itā€™s a SJW movie. Same with Wonder Woman (which is not a good movie lol).Ā 

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the praise tricked me into seeing such a boring movieĀ 

I really don't get itĀ 

I think the representation is important but other than that there is nothing quality about it and I feel like liberals are just praising it bc its diverse, has good minority representation and subtle social justice references...

And I appreciate all of that, but that doesn't make it a quality piece of art

It's just another dumb superhero movie

don't ask me how or why
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25 minutes ago, Jed said:

I literally knew youā€™d bring it up that you werent black and then once you said that the rest of your opinions came out. You still donā€™t seem to get why this movie is so important to people. And listing other movies like Django where the lead character is literally a former slave doesnā€™t help your cause at all.Ā 

Young black kids get to feel like a king and a superhero by seeing this. Not a former bounty hunter slave, not a homeless guy who ends up having superpowers but the king of an entire nation.Ā There arenā€™t any movies like that with such a budget and such exposure. There just arenā€™t. This movie is different for black people and you need to trust that theyā€™re making a big deal out of it for that reason.Ā 

You comparing it to any other ā€œbigā€black movie or big superhero movie shows how little you understand about the importance of representation. The fact that itā€™s all of those things at once which makes it so important.Ā 


And this is why I will respect the SH*T out of Black Panther, despite superhero movies not being my cup of tea.

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