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Was Applause the most powerful performance of JWT?


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I just watched the recording from the last show and I realized it was probably the most powerful moment of the show.

The vocals, the choreo, the lights, the bridges coming up and down, the scream :giveup:

It was such a higlight of the whole tour and the one and only ARTPOP representative on the setlist! :tony:

❗️ IG: thebumblebee__ ❗️
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The intro gives me life everytime, not to mention the vocals, the coreography :giveup: I'm happy she did justice to the only ARTPOP's song on the setlist. 

Pem Pem Perempem Pem Pem Pem
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I think it would have to be either born This Way or come to mama. I love come to mama in general but born This Way the way she ran across the bridges, danced, and the amazing rainbow lights coming from the piano

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Definitely one of the highlights of the show. It was one of the moments where she was the closest to me, she even looked at me in the eye :flutter: and it felt amazing!

her energy is on point during the whole show 

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I saw the Joanne World Tour live

and when the

'A-R-T-P-O-P vocals and synths kicked in'

I came all over my pants! Fcking chills I'm telling you!

I was like 'Oh my god, she paid tribute to ARTPOP :pray:'

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That J
40 minutes ago, Bradley said:

I saw the Joanne World Tour live

and when the

'A-R-T-P-O-P vocals and synths kicked in'

I came all over my pants! Fcking chills I'm telling you!

I was like 'Oh my god, she paid tribute to ARTPOP :pray:'

I was at artRAVE and can guarantee at any future Gaga show, those sounds will make me do the exact same thing. ARTPOP just has that....magic.  

The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than The Driver Of The Screw
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Henri Bardot

It was best part of the show :pray: 

I feel that she likes a lot performing ARTPOP songs...

She did justice to it.

59 minutes ago, Bradley said:

I came all over my pants! 

I came all over my pants too sis :poot:

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For me it's one of the weakest moments of the show, doesn't mean it's ugly, but there's just so many more impactful parts imo :tony:

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It was definitely a highlight for all the shows. Her vocals and her energy shone every time :giveup:

This one is possibly the most powerful performance of Applause ever (3:50 cured my depression) :giveup:

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Anyone else not really fond of the flowers theme? Apart from that, yes, this performance really stood out, but I think Born This Way or John Wayne were both more powerful and more entertaining.

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Makes you wish she performed it at the Super Bowl doesn't it? Even if it was just a 30-45 second snippet. 

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The Edge of Glory is the most powerful and most jaw-dropping moment in the JWT (or maybe only in Barcelona, that performance was:air::diane:)

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