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Why are most LM gay?

The Bling

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1 minute ago, dancefreak said:

wait... are you straight?

p.s. you're hot :stalkga:

ha, Nah I'm a gay 

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7 minutes ago, dancefreak said:

Cause Bad Romance is a gay-turning song. Rumour has it 20% of teenager boys turned gay back in 2009 when they heard it.

So that’s what the Ra Ra spell was for :duck:

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3 hours ago, neptugne said:

Is there any female pop star whose fan base is mostly girls? I’ve only seen boy bands/male pop stars have tons of girl fans online

Dua Lipa and Camila Cabello I think. And I feel like Ariana's fanbase are 50% women and 50% men.

EDIT: Also Fifth Harmony and Little Mix

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Electric Mary

It didnt have to be that way, but "heterosexual" or even all men "must" be "men", a few years ago, real men were supposed to like heavy metal , rock, etc. Now, rap is the real men thing , but i'm sure that a LOT of men love and enjoy pop music, they just dont admit it because pop became a "girl/gay" music style, stupid? yes. :laughga:

My dad for example behaves like those "men cliches" and yesterday watched him bopping to bloody mary and electric chapel (he was listening to a weird playlist on spotify :trollga: ) and sure he doesnt even know who gaga is anymore but i'm sure if he knew he wouldn't be doing what he did! AHAHAH


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I'm a straight female and apart from GGD, I've always been used to seeing lots of female fans of hers. When I went to her shows in the past, there were tons of women. It was only when I was in Birmingham the other day that there seemed to be more men than usual. I think, just like most pop music in general, that it can appeal to gays because most of the genre's artists are straight females, meaning that they're singing about men, unlike the usually straight male genres like rock and rap. You're drawn to the music that most accurately represents your life or the life you'd like to have, after all. I think that's what it is more than anything like "gays just love dance music" or anything. Plenty of straight men like dance music, it just depends on who's singing it and the subject matter. If it's about loving yourself if you're LGBT and using phrases like "you go girl," etc, it won't appeal. For example, Paloma Faith's song, My Body, is totally aimed at the LGBT community with its disco/house sound but the lyrics are so clearly meant for women and LGBT, with accepting their bodies, that they don't need saved, celebrating what their mama gave them. The lyrics just aren't made for straight men. You can't blame them for not being attracted to this kinda stuff.

3 hours ago, Phaye Monster said:

I’ve been here for over half a year and I’m yet to find another straight female:sweat:

Hit me up some time! I'm always looking for straight guys here! They're just as wild (I sound like such a slut now)! :hor:

3 hours ago, RGR said:

I was actually kind of shocked when I saw so many girls at my JWT date ! 

I was expecting something more like this : 


2 hours ago, VenusUrania said:

But yeah, I'm always shocked how many women are at her concerts and straight men :laughga:

I get the amazement at straight men being there but why does the fact that she has lots of female fans surprise you? It's something that's genuinely baffled me. Gaga's a woman and she sings songs that sometimes refer to being a woman and talks about issues that affect women (being overlooked in the music industry, being abused, the #TimesUp movement), so we see ourselves in her. To be honest, I'd be concerned if a female artist didn't have lots of female fans. Your own kind should always be your most natural fans. If only she could attract even more females, she'd be unstoppable. I sometimes feel like some gay men think they own femininity and female expression/identity, ironically. I've had some arguments over it, actually. They get very possessive over what they think is theirs, something only they can understand. The fact of the matter is that femininity in all its forms is always different when it's expressed by an actual woman. We have a very different take on it as opposed to what gay men think it involves.

1 hour ago, Rhiannon74 said:

Straight female over here. I do understand why she attracted a lot of members of the LGBT+ community though. Personally as a straight female what attracted me to Gaga was how she as a female was able to be feminine and sensitive at the same time while being fierce and just super courageous. I think I was raised believing you can't really be both, so she pretty much showed me that it's ok for me to be the overly sensitive girl that I am and that does not make me weak. In fact, I can use that as my strength. I remember seeing her live and she got really emotional that she started crying at one point. That really shook me to the core in a positive way because I was raised to believe that my tears are something I should be ashamed of and something I should hide.... and here she was crying in front of thousands of people, looking more powerful and stronger than anyone else in the venue. :firega:

Your post really touched me, that was beautiful. I'm in exactly the same boat as you. I see so much of myself in Gaga and she's inspired me to be more forthright with my opinions and not to take any s**t. Her speeches involving stuff like "everyone told me I couldn't sing, dance, write well enough and I'd never achieve anything" and "surprise, pop music and the bitch can sing" really spoke to me. I feel she's really stood up for the troubles that women go through in life and how we're always put down, stereotyped and never seen as good as men. And I always get emotional when she cries as well but still looks so strong. The only reason I didn't well up during her speech during TEOG is because I was wearing mascara!

2 hours ago, Economy said:

I think a few here are including:


@Zilla @Kayla @GagaMonster @StrawberryBlond @KillerQueen


I'm actually a little bi-curious but men are the ones I ultimately want to be with and whom I experience the strongest feelings for, so I just think of myself as straight. I didn't know you were bi, I'm sure you claimed to be gay several times. Did you re-assess your feelings recently?

1 hour ago, Economy said:

To some extent I believe being an outcast may increase the odds to becoming gay. I think genetics and epigenetics are just one part of a bigger equation

That would be a very understandable theory, especially considering how many reserved gays there are out there. I know that for years, I was assumed to be lesbian at school and I don't know why and I can only assume that it's because I was so quiet. My only reasoning for this conclusion is: "They're being quiet and won't speak about who they like because if they were open, everyone would know that they're secretly not straight." I'd always assume asexuality first and foremost in that case, but the rest of the world doesn't seem to. I think that there's also an assumption that a grown man who lives with his parents is also gay (and closeted) because if he's still with his family, it must be because he can't stand to come out to them and/or his parents don't approve of his sexuality and don't encourage him to date and he can't bring them home. Now, I'm a grown woman who's been living with her parents her whole life but luckily, this stereotype isn't put onto me as the gender socialisation is different. The idea is that I'm just a bit reserved and am waiting for the right man to come along and put me over his proverbial shoulder. Which is actually the honest truth, so it doesn't bother me. The only thing that does bother me is the assumption that I'm innocent because of this, my family think I need protecting from men, that I'm still "so young and don't know the ways of the world." Well, part of the reason why I've had no experiences is because this is the attitude that's taken! It's way I'm taking steps to hopefully get some level of experience without my family finding out because they're in all my business and seem to think they have a right to. I don't know any other 28 year old who gets a grilling like I do about who I'm seeing and why and the idea of meeting any boys at all makes my mum fall silent. At this age, if anything, I thought my family would be telling me: "Girl, go get some!" I mean, don't they remember being in their 20's and wanting to date and have sex? Don't they think I need that and should be given the chance of it? Don't I deserve happiness? I'm telling you, if they knew the stuff I discussed with men online and the way I talked to them, they'd be shocked.

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Phaye Monster
1 minute ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Hit me up some time! I'm always looking for straight guys here! They're just as wild (I sound like such a slut now)! :hor:

Mess I’m a straight female too:icega:

sorry to disappoint

I'm an ARTPOP bitch, baby
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I have a fascination with strong women. I guess part of it is because I feel like they are/were always fighting for gay men like me. I wish that I could be strong like they are. Seeing Gaga, a strong, independent woman fight for my rights, is just incredible to me.

bannedT for life and it's SAD
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Because only the gays know how to appreciate strong sexual women with an opinion, as said by Joanna herself.

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I'm a straight guy and have been a fan since 2013. :p 

spread peace - #MJInnocent
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56 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Your own kind should always be your most natural fans. If only she could attract even more females, she'd be unstoppable. I sometimes feel like some gay men think they own femininity and female expression/identity, ironically. I've had some arguments over it, actually. They get very possessive over what they think is theirs, something only they can understand. The fact of the matter is that femininity in all its forms is always different when it's expressed by an actual woman. We have a very different take on it as opposed to what gay men think it involves

Yeah I felt the same when seeing they were impressed there were women fans of her, we look up to her! She's a woman like us and has got so far and is so strong and badass while being feminine. And it's true that gay men take a lot from us females and some treat us really bad, and act disgusted about women, or as if we're less than them. Of course not generalizing, but it's something that happens.

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