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Worth seeing the show multiple times?


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So, I am flying from Florida to London to see the February 4th date of the JWT. I've seen the show twice already, but my girlfriend is studying abroad in England this semester, so I decided to use the excuse of visiting her to see the show again. I already booked my plane ticket to come back the 6th, but now I'm wondering if I should change my return date to the 9th, and see the February 8th show as well. After the fees to change the date, the ticket to the show, and the cost of the hotel, it would be an extra $1,100. Do you think it's worth it to stay? I have never travelled outside of Florida, and will probably not be traveling again for a while.

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Future Lover

$1,100 is a lot of extra added cost in my opinion, but it's ultimately up to you. Why not use that $1,100 to travel somewhere else or save?

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Yeah, you've seen the show a few times, so obviously you'd love it. But I'd save the money for a different trip or to see her in Vegas later this year. I'm personally nervous how many times I'm going to see her in Vegas, ha.

actually, just realized you're going to London for only TWO days, hmm, maybe you should extend, cause there's a LOT to do over there, especially if it's your first visit. Maybe extend just for more time abroad and save some money by not seeing a second show there.

disco stick tester, inquire within
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Tbh, since she hasn't changed it at all, idk if it's worth it. I saw the stadium show in NY, and the arena in DC, so it was two different experiences. 

I would just extend your trip and pass on the show to save coin!

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15 minutes ago, ferretti said:

Yeah, you've seen the show a few times, so obviously you'd love it. But I'd save the money for a different trip or to see her in Vegas later this year. I'm personally nervous how many times I'm going to see her in Vegas, ha.

actually, just realized you're going to London for only TWO days, hmm, maybe you should extend, cause there's a LOT to do over there, especially if it's your first visit. Maybe extend just for more time abroad and save some money by not seeing a second show there.

Yeah, seeing more of the city was definitely another excuse to stay longer. However, I am flying in on the 30th of January, so I do have a week, but I still don’t know if that will be enough.

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Wow that’s awesome that you’re doing that! I’m nervous just about travelling on a train for a few hours to the next city to see her next month. I’d love to see her twice (like I did with artRAVE) but I don’t think my anxiety could allow me.

I’d definitely stay a bit longer like others have said and see more of the city, and work out if the ticket price would be worth it for you.

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12 minutes ago, JohnnyVersace said:

Tbh, since she hasn't changed it at all, idk if it's worth it. I saw the stadium show in NY, and the arena in DC, so it was two different experiences. 

I would just extend your trip and pass on the show to save coin!

WE SAW THE SAME SHOWS (although perhaps a different NY show)

disco stick tester, inquire within
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in m opinion it's too much money to spend just to see the show multiple times, you could spend this on a separate trip and experience something outside of Gaga fandom

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I saw it on sunday from the seats and yesterday I saw it from the first row, more than enough for me. It was the exact same show but from two different perspectives, I would save the money for another thing.

I See You
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Save your money for the next tour! ...Or the vegas show. 

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South Blonde
51 minutes ago, Doot said:

My best legit saw 18 shows this tour.

Can he adopt me? :emma:

Don't you think maybe they are the same thing? Love and attention?
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Save the money or do something else, if you have seen the show 2 times already and have arranged the 3rd I feel going a 4th time is possibly unnecessary. You might want to have more money to do things whilst you’re in London and if you book the 4th show and hotels etc you might end up running out of money. Plus, there is always the Vegas shows coming up. 

Not the bore worms!
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