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Ladygaganewz: “future tours are not going to step on Latin American soil”


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Considering she’s being lined up to do Rock in Rio again, I doubt this is true.

“According to a fan conversation with her manager” yeah, ok! Why would Bobby tell some random Monster any of that. 

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5 minutes ago, jvckk said:

Why would Bobby tell some random Monster any of that. 

He also told monsters to come to Vegas, so.. :trollga:

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Lol the way he said it makes it seem fake


future tours are not going to step on Latin American soil


That's such a harsh way to put it. Likkke i doubt a manager would put it that way. It makes it seem like Latin America is the enemy or something. 



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This sounds like someone who intentionally wants damage her image and hurt the fans, like even if they never did go there why would they confirm it so early on? 



Plus it sounds very uhm Trumpy to only go to white majority countries :awkney:

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J e s s e
7 minutes ago, jvckk said:

Considering she’s being lined up to do Rock in Rio again, I doubt this is true.

“According to a fan conversation with her manager” yeah, ok! Why would Bobby tell some random Monster any of that. 

Didn’t they not want nothing to do with her again though?

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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J e s s e

She’s not stepping on “soil” but she will step on concrete, or asphalt:trollga:

"They have as much in common as dinosaurs and goldfish: the cracker kind!" - Penelope Garcia
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