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Was Applause Enough?


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Does anyone think Applause was enough ARTPOP for the show? Do you think there should have been more ARTPOP on the setlist or would you trade a song for an ARTPOP song on the current setlist? 

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Princess Stache

Yes because we got Venus and Sexxx Dreams at Coachella. (Not to mention the intro with Swine, Aura, Donatella, and Partynaseous)

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ARTPOP Song (intro)


Sexxx Dreams / Mary Jane Holland mashup

G.U.Y (Intro)




My poor and ignored ARTPOP :selena:

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yeah i guess

the only other song i could see having a spot on there would be DWUW cus of how the GP loved it

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Chris Evans

maybe DWUW or Gypsy but they don't fit this is going to be one of those things that gets argued forever bc her discography is only going to get bigger it only makes sense that her hits make it on the tour and maybe fan favorites like she shocked us with Scheisse 

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Meredith Grey

I personally wish there had been more ARTPOP. But I like how she surprised us by having Scheiße and Bloody Mary on the set list. I think it would be a cool tradition if she threw in a different handful of fan favorites every tour.

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