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Gaga smoking a Pipe in L.A.


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As long as she doesn't do anything truly vulgar in public, like wear flats or pray, I don't care.

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As long as she doesn't do anything truly vulgar in public, like wear flats or pray, I don't care.


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David Ward


She is obviously not smoking crack. If anything she is probably smoking weed. And to all everybody who doesn't like this, you guys are going to have to get used it it. It's Gaga's life. She is so smart, I think she knows what she's doing.

Adele smokes more cigarettes than Gaga and Adele still has that flawless voice. Smoking for over 40 years can ruin your voice, not for a couple of years. Especially how frequent Gaga does it compared to Adele.

You all need to calm yo tits. And for the people who don't care if Gaga smoke pot: I love you :nick:

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I dont care if she does it, yes or no, but it's not the best rolemodel action for young kids..

Obviously she's moving away from this persona that was the Born This Way era.

I think the next era is officially starting guys. She came out and said herself this next album (era) will be less mature (immature) and not responsible.

Given this, it is quite evident that what she is doing is all on purpose (i.e., the flipping the bird at LAX, smoking the pipe). I think the official responsible, mature GaGa of the BTW era is gone (in a way) and this slightly less mature, more irresponsible GaGa is taking shape in time for the new era she said that it will entail.

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Are you talking about that "crack and Claires" comment? I don't think she meant she was taking any, it was a retweet to a conversation made between other people and she must have thought the phrasing was funny. Unless you're talking about something else I missed?

The c-----e tweet about her purse in Hong Kong being found with 98 million dollars worth. Obviously a joke, but not a good joke.


She is obviously not smoking crack. If anything she is probably smoking weed. And to all everybody who doesn't like this, you guys are going to have to get used it it. It's Gaga's life. She is so smart, I think she knows what she's doing.

Adele smokes more cigarettes than Gaga and Adele still has that flawless voice. Smoking for over 40 years can ruin your voice, not for a couple of years. Especially how frequent Gaga does it compared to Adele.

You all need to calm yo tits. And for the people who don't care if Gaga smoke pot: I love you

This. Everyone knows weed is basically harmless.. tons of people toke. I doubt she does it everyday, even if once a week, so it's really not going to affect her voice. I'd totally wanna smoke one with gaga! But the only downside is that she has a lot of younger fans, and I wouldn't even want someone younger to start smoking. Sober is really the way to go in the end.

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Hate it when people go on about her smoking. So ****ing what? Its her life

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I wish she didn't smoke.

I know she's a grown woman and can do as she pleases, but I really dislike the habit and it's not good for her vocals. :cry:

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I wish she wouldn't smoke, but it's her life and she can do what she wants. I'd rather it be tobacco than crack or PCP.

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Lip liner around the outer edges of the lips combined with thick lipgloss and lipstick in a lighter, shiny pink shade tends to have that effect. Her lips are still the same. ;)

Hope so! She's beautiful anyway of course, but they do actually look full on bigger, not just the usual lip liner trick she does.

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Everyone loves when shes drunk, call her drunkyga and stuff(when alcohol kills thousands)

People just worry about their voice when they smoke (when it kills millions)

But some of you get crazy when she smokes weed? (when it doesnt kill anyone, and has LOTS of health benefits?

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I think it's all just to fit with the "Decay of an Icon" theme... think about it... she was spotted going to Starbucks, she has been hanging with Lindsay Lohan, dressing obnoxiously and seems to have gained a bit of weight.... Sounds like a repeat of Britney Spears's meltdown! Hopefully it's just for show.... pretty sure it is.

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I think it's all just to fit with the "Decay of an Icon" theme... think about it... she was spotted going to Starbucks, she has been hanging with Lindsay Lohan, dressing obnoxiously and seems to have gained a bit of weight.... Sounds like a repeat of Britney Spears's meltdown! Hopefully it's just for show.... pretty sure it is.

:smh: :smh:

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