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Has Gaga gotten her appendix removed?

Phoebe Buffay

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29 minutes ago, pink sushi said:

Most likely not.....:awkney:  People only get their appendix removed if they develop appendicitis. And only about 5-10% of the population will develop it in their lifetime...

Oh I feel so exclusive now :diane:

90-95% of the human populations could never...

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Maybe she fell on Madonna’s former crown while becoming the queen of Pop?...


Jk... Lady Gaga’s not the queen of Pop


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1 hour ago, Nemo said:

She's had that scar since at least 2007:



Oh i know, i was referring the fact that the subject came up around that time and thats when i noticed it because of an thread on here. I wasn't clear my bad :ph34r:

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1 hour ago, Rumours1977 said:


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Jk... Lady Gaga’s not the queen of Pop


 Yes, because she is the queen of music. 

Check out iTunes data & graphs at CHARTPOP.live
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5 hours ago, squeala said:

sis thats a streak from her fake tan

No... there are other pictures where you can see it better...


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James Gibson
2 minutes ago, Nemo said:

No... there are other pictures where you can see it better...


This scar theory is very old and many people relate it to the reason she was at the hospital at the beginning of the Marry The Night video. But yeah, she has it for a long time and it doesn't look like from appendicitis surgery

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7 hours ago, GypsyBabe said:

That scar she has on her stomach is not an appendectomy scar. I have one and they are super super low. Your appendix is like right around your pubic/hip bone. Its a little organ that is attached to your colon. 

Doctor doctor what u doing at this cult site? 

Oh i see to cure all of us in Frequent meltdowns

Love it when you call me legs In the morning, buy me eggs
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Pretty sure there was some Italian interview or something and she said there was a mole/birthmark there that started to grow when she was younger and to be cautious she had it removed.

I honestly cannot remember the name of the magazine or when it was - it was quite a while ago, and I don't even know if it's legit lol. I just remember this topic being brought up a few times, maybe the person who found the interview is still here, but the thread might have been on the old GGD. 

I'll try and find where I read it though. 

FOUND IT - German Interview

Bravo Interview 2009: http://www.bravo.de/exklusiv-bravo-lady-gaga-verraet-das-geheimnis-ihrer-narbe-268251.html 

Wenn die Sängerin in einem ihrer bauchfreien Outfits auf der Bühne steht, dann kann jeder ihre große Narbe sehen. Aber woher stammt sie?

Eine zirka acht Zentimeter lange Narbe ziert den Bauch von Lady GaGa (23). Aber die Sängerin steht zu Recht zu ihrem Körper. Im exklusiven BRAVO-Interview erklärt sie:

"Ich hatte an der Stelle ein riesiges Muttermal. Als ich sieben war, wurde es immer größer und hatte eine seltsame Form. Es sah einfach sehr gefährlich aus."

Die Ärzte rieten ihren Eltern zu einer Operation: "Sie fürchteten, dass ich Hautkrebs habe oder es sich zumindest so hätte entwickeln können", erinnert sich Lady GaGa. Seitdem weiß sie ihr Leben mehr zu schätzen: "Ich bin dankbar für jeden Tag, an dem ich gesund bin."

If the singer is on stage in one of her cropped outfits, then everyone can see her big scar. But where does she come from? An approximately eight centimeter long scar adorns the belly of Lady GaGa (23). But the singer rightly stands by her body. In the exclusive BRAVO interview she explains: "I had a huge birthmark at that point, and when I was seven, it got bigger and had a weird shape, it just looked very dangerous." The doctors advised her parents to undergo surgery: "They feared that I had skin cancer or at least that it could have developed," recalls Lady GaGa. Since then she appreciates her life more: "I am grateful for every day I am healthy."

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If that scar is from an appendix removal then either my appendix was on the wrong side of my body or my surgeon ****ed up :laughga:

Do you feel him sir?
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Phoebe Buffay
8 minutes ago, sarahb said:

If that scar is from an appendix removal then either my appendix was on the wrong side of my body or my surgeon ****ed up :laughga:

That isn't her appendix scar I think. The scar's TOO high. :laughga:

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