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Bad Romance in MS Paint and Highway Unicorn Remix


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oke, hello... hi there:awkney:
so i'm gonna post and share with you guys my 'digital-art' drawing gaga in MS Paint :') there's also some gaga inspired drawing which you can see it on the ig account above :gaycat:



my real mission is to promote my ig account tbh :selena:
i know it's pathetic but don't forget to follow before that account flopping :giveup:
*i'll follback :>

oh, right and this! i'm gonna share it with you... i made this for gagaween 2017 but i'm not sending it bcz i'm not confident enough :toofunny: btw this is my first remix ever
would be glad to hear your thoughts about this remix ;)

i LOOOVE YOU ALL!!!:hug:

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3 minutes ago, DoremonLove said:

Wow this is amazing:golfclap: talent only:golfclap:

thank you :selena:

21 minutes ago, MichaelMonster said:

It's amazing! :golfclap::) I tried once to draw something with MS Paint, but the result was...

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i did it too in the first time! it's okay :hug:

49 minutes ago, RuPaul said:

I can't even draw with a pen and paper and you can do it on MS Paint?!?

This is amazing!

thank you, @RuPaul :hug:

1 hour ago, Dino said:

The ms paint one is hard to draw in your computer

yep, it's true :selena: it's so hard to get in so much details



and sorry guys for the late replies , i was offline for a moment :hug:


Little little
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