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Do you agree with Gaga's Metacritic chart


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BTW need to be 80 actually

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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46 minutes ago, Oriane said:

No, to me it would be :

The Fame : 62
The Fame Monster : 68
Born this Way : 97
Cheek to Cheek : 78
Joanne : 85

Dont do TFM dirty like this

Hands up to the sky, I'm about to fly!
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I feel like when critics do retrospective reviews of her albums they'll be more favorable (I.e like erotica) I feel when critics review her album they are mostly talking about her image and her antics and NOT the music it's self. They're letting their personal view point of Gaga effect their review of her music. Basically being bias. ARTPOP and BTW will been seen as great albums 10 years from now.

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TF's score is good

TFM and BTW should be mid to high 80s

Joanne should be  to be high 70s or low 80s

ARTPOP needs TF's score



:air: :air: :air:
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Phoebe Buffay
1 hour ago, evgenigerm2 said:

According to the combined opinion of music critics, these are Gaga's albums ranked from best to worst. Do you agree with the chart?


I feel like 'Joanne' should be higher in the chart and 'Cheek to Cheek' deserves more recognition. :hor:

Um, no. Why would I in hell agree with them, when they give ARTPOP (aka the best album of 2013) a score of 61. And Cheek to Cheek should be higher. Maybe 69-70. :bon:

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Stan Is My Name

I think some critics see the word Gaga, get triggered, and give the album the lowest score acceptable. Some critics just have a vendetta against Gaga, shame on them. They fear and dislike what they don't understand.

Haroon is coming to kill me D:
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Infinity Wave

All critics sucks. Music is about the emotions which you feel when you listen to it. I'll never get what the critics say about music or whatsoever: they judge the production, the overall aspect of the record, and stuff... but what we as fans, as Little Monsters should really judge is what Gaga is telling us with the songs, what she wanna give us. 

The emotions I feel when listening to her music cannot be expressed by any number. The emotionI feel when I listen to Joanne, expecially the title track, or to C2C are priceless - and numberless. 

That said, if you really wanna give them a number it SURELY should be higher that those up there - if not the highest they could have. 

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The Fame 100

The Fame Monster 100

Born This Way 100


Cheek To Cheek 100

Joanne 100


The original list:hor:

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I don't agree with the score #s (they ALL should be higher), but I think the order of ranking is correct. I personally do think TFM is her best, and ARTPOP is her worst, but they're all much better than most popstars, IMO. 

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The Fame: 72

The Fame Monster: 85

Born This Way: 76


Cheek to Cheek: 65

Joanne: 79

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