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Katy Perry's Witness Tour influences and inspirations


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Tried to formulate this as respectfully as possible, but I believe some parts of Katy Perry's Witness Tour were definitely inspired by French artist Mylène Farmer.

Most of you might not know who she is, so here's a quick introduction: she's basically the biggest French pop artist and has been around for 30 years, she's as big as Madonna here. She's a massive touring force in France, Russia and Japan, and is well known for her shows of pharaonic proportions.

The Witness Tour seems to have drawn inspiration from roughly 3 Mylène Farmer tours: Mylénium Tour from 1999, Tour 2009 and Timeless 2013.


First, the eye motif that was key to the visuals from Tour 2009:




Second, the opening of the Witness Tour itself draws very obvious resemblance to the opening of Timeless 2013, with a spatial theme and the opening of the screens as if it were the gates of a space shuttle :


Finally, and probably the biggest offender: that very obvious Mylénium Tour stage throwback... (there's even the moon in the background ffs)




So let's be clear: I'm a big Katy Perry fan and think she's a lovely gal, but I also believe she has a not so clever team of huntys all around her that definitely know their **** and throw around references and throwbacks that are too obscure for international audiences to pick up. Since we're all obsessed by pop culture and love a good little expose from time to time, there you go guys.

It is also a way for me to shed some light on an artist many of you might not know, but would probably love, so if you're intrigued by what you've seen, just type her name on Youtube and see what comes up, you won't regret it. Katy Perry's art directors sure didn't.

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6 minutes ago, Hybrid Rose said:

Her fanbase name should be from KatyCats to CopyCats

She has even a song called Déjà Vu :reductive:

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