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My Mom Thinks Christina is Gaga


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Just now, PMKKARDASHiAN said:


They're are gagaphobes... They think she's of the devil. They think I'm crazy or gay for liking her. I kinda convinced them I didn't liker her later on so that they wouldn't constantly talk **** about gaga in my face.

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1 hour ago, PMKKARDASHiAN said:

So I'm out shopping with my mom and she finds a rack of old CDs and she's going through them and I'm standing there watching Kelly Clarkson on some morning TV show and my mom starts hitting my side 

"Pat, hey Patrick" 

:neyde: what mom?

*hands me Christina Aguilera Bionic*

mom get that away from me 

"I thought you liked Lady Gaga" 

i do, but mom thats not her :laughga:

"are you sure?" 

Yes. Yes I am.... :cryga:

moral of the story is: our elders know of Gaga but can't pick her out of a crowd 

You should put your mom in timeout :gaysia: 

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1 hour ago, Bradley said:

You seem so repelled by Bionic

So were a lot of people. :classy:

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4 minutes ago, AlexanderMagno said:

Well, at least Gaga seems more famous than Christina. That's, like, really good :emma:


Maybe his mom was more involved in the 90s and early 2000s  :sis:


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ with birds I share this lonely view (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I have like the opposite issue. My mom stans Gaga more than I do sometimes. 

Whenever I talk about her she goes, "Remember when she first came out and I loved her and you hated her!?" 


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10 minutes ago, JeremiJello said:

my mom would kill me if i was spotted anywhere near a gaga album. ur lucky.


Send them some


Black Mambaaaaaaaa...



(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ with birds I share this lonely view (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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