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'Born This Way' Album Lyrics † Song Info Topic


Born this Way Vs Born This Way (The Country Road)  

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  1. 1. Born this Way Vs Born This Way (The Country Road)

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    • Born This Way (The Country Road)
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1. Born This Way

2. Marry The Night

3. You and I

4. Judas

5. Sheisse

6. Heavy Metal Lover

7. The Edge of Glory

8. Bad Kids

9. Hair

10. Government Hooker

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1. Marry the Night

2. Born This Way

3. Government Hooker

4. Judas

5. Scheiße

6. Bloody Mary

7. Heavy Metal Lover

8. Electric Chapel

9. Yoü and I

10. The Edge of Glory

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1. Marry The Night

2. Born This Way

3. Government Hooker

4. Scheiße

5. Bloody Mary

6. Black Jesus + Amen Fashion

7. Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)

8. Heavy Metal Lover

9. The Queen

10. The Edge of Glory


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i dont think gaga was trying to be controversial or a stickler at all with judas. like i saw some guy on fox news asking why artists like her always pick on the catholic religion, and totally getting off base to the message of the song/video. the truth is, she just retold the exact story in a beautiful, contemporary pop art kinda way. i guess society's just too stupid to know when they've got a great pop hit sitting in their laps. Judas actually did well when it was rush released, i remember it was number 1 on itunes, but idk what went wrong.

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It was apparently interesting enough for you to click and reply. Exit left sweetie.

:hehe: Hahaha!! Too funny!

Anyways... My Rankings are as follows...

(+17) The Edge of Glory

(+16) You and I

(+15) Born This Way

(+14) Bloody Mary

(+13) Judas

(+12) Scheisse

(+11) Hair

(+10) Heavy Metal Lover

(+9) Electric Chapel

(+8) Black Jesus † Amen Fashion

(+7) Marry the Night

(+6) Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)

(+5) Bad Kids

(+4) Government Hooker

(+3) Americano

(+2) Fashion of His Love

(+1) The Queen

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Forrest Gump

NO, then everyone will realize it is Bad Romance 2.0 :ohno:

you say it like it really matters

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*1) Marry The Night

*2) Government Hooker

*3) Judas

*4) Scheiße

*5) Bloody Mary

*6) Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)

*7) Heavy Metal Lover

*8) Electric Chapel

*9) Black Jesus † Amen Fashion

*10) The Edge Of Glory

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1. Marry The Night

2. Born This Way

3. Judas

4. Hair

5. Americano

6. Highway Unicorn [road to love]

7. Bloody Mary

8. Government Hooker

9. You & I

10. The Edge of Glory

This was really hard :cry:

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1. Born This Way

2. Marry The Night

3. Edge Of Glory

4. Heavy Metal Lover

5. Highway Unicorn

6. ****

7. Bad Kids

8. Americano

9. Electric Chapel

10. Hair

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1. Marry The Night

2. Born This Way

3. Hair

4. Government Hooker

5. Judas

6. Heavy Metal Lover

7. Scheiße

8. You And I

9. Electric Chapel

10. The Edge Of Glory

scratch that.

1. Marry The Night

2. Born This Way

3. Bad Kids

4. Americano

5. Judas

6. Highway Unicorn (Road To Love)

7. Scheiße

8. Hair

9. You And I

10. The Edge Of Glory

And if there would be Bonus Tracks:

1. Black Jesus † Amen Fashion

2. Fashion Of His Love

3. Heavy Metal Lover

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The Why, Oh dear GOD Why's?

17. Americano

how dare you? :toofloppy:

Alright, here's mine:

Born This Way (+17) (first listen favorite, energetic despite the message being too deep)

Scheiße (+16) (the most catchy of all her songs)

Marry The Night (+15) (boring at first, then the song becomes too fun after that)

Judas (+14) (makes me dance, then shout out JUDAS-JUDA-AH-AH)

Americano (+13) (catchy, especially the chorus and i love the gunshot sounds)

Bad Kids (+12) (the chorus is deep, i especially love it's bad and rough-headed theme)

You And I (+11) (along with Speechless and Bad Romance, singing this shed me tears)

Black Jesus † Amen Fashion (+10) (put on Amen Fashion, I simply love this song)

Hair (+9) (related to my life as a child in school, I was too shy, but when I reached HS, thanks to my friends my life is cool)

Fashion Of His Love (+8) (not much I can say but I love the song)

Highway Unicorn (+7) (one of her catchy songs)

The Edge Of Glory (+6) (80's **** but I really love it)

Heavy Metal Lover (+5) (smooth but not bad)

Government Hooker (+2) (used to be one of my favorites then it got annoying)

Electric Chapel (+3) (i don't like it much but its not bad)

Bloody Mary (+2) (used to be one of my favorites then it got annoying)

The Queen (+1) (FLOP)

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1. Marry the Night

2. Born This Way

3. Scheiße

4. Bloody Mary

5. Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)

6. Heavy Metal Lover

7. Electric Chapel

8. The Queen

9. Yoü and I

10. The Edge of Glory

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1. Marry The Night

2. Born This Way

3. Bad Kids

4. Judas

5. Scheibe

6. Heavy Metal Lover


8. Bloody Mary

9. Highway Unicorn

10. Electric Chapel

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01. Marry the Night

02. Born This Way

03. Government Hooker

04. Judas

05. Scheiße

06. Bloody Mary

07. Bad Kids

08. Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)

09. Heavy Metal Lover

10. Electric Chapel

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1. Born This Way

2. Marry The Night

3. Government Hooker

4. Black Jesus

5. Judas

6. Highway Unicorn

7. Schisse

8. Heavy Metal Lover

9. Bloody Mary

10. Edge Of Glory.

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