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Joanne World Tour Merch


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1 hour ago, bostonGUY said:

That Side-Step is a miracle. I'm heavily debating using it

I'm kinda glad I didn't use it cause I didn't see a stand for it at St. Paul... maybe check with the arena or something as I remember someone else using it and then being refunded as they weren't at the arena or something.

anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
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1 hour ago, Halle said:

Looks like the stadium shows will all have a special tee...


awww I wish I told one of my friends going tonight to get me one of those! ♥♥

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Brian Newman
20 hours ago, Halle said:

Looks like the stadium shows will all have a special tee...


Oh man, I've been checking that website where you can order your merch ahead of time, hoping Fenway will have this. I'm definitely snagging one and will get the tour dates shirt at my Mohegan show.

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7 hours ago, Flaviator said:

Will it be less money when it is converted to pounds?

Yes The Pound is stronger, not as much as it used to be but say $40 converted into £ is currently around £31


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so I'm guessing GGD is suggesting no one should use sidestep? my show is Denver (which is like the 3rd to last stop) and I'm scared that she won't have ANY good merch left which is why I wanna use it, but not if its a scam .. D:

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On 8/25/2017 at 10:08 PM, Halle said:

Looks like the stadium shows will all have a special tee...


If anyone bought one of these and wouldn't mind selling it to me, please hit me up! My DM's are open on Twitter ♥♥

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Isaiah Lara
On 8/25/2017 at 10:49 AM, bostonGUY said:

That Side-Step is a miracle. I'm heavily debating using it

Okay, so I used side-step for the first show in LA and right before the doors open they texted my phone saying that they weren't working tonight and refunded my whole merch thing and I had no money so I had to go to the ATM inside and get out money and buy the merch again. But that tax had me shook on Side-Step it was 15 bucks for 4 things and getting it at the show is tax-free. 

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I really want a poster. I should have gotten it instead of a shirt at my show. 

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Isaiah Lara
Just now, ChicaSkas said:

I really want a poster. I should have gotten it instead of a shirt at my show. 

I still haven't put mine up:toofunny:

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3 minutes ago, ChicaSkas said:

I really want a poster. I should have gotten it instead of a shirt at my show. 

its available on ebay! 

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1 minute ago, crispyscool said:

its available on ebay! 

I know, but at double the price of what it sold for in Los Angeles :deadbanana:

they wanted $25 at my show

this guy wants $50 shipped and another guy wants $80 BIN

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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