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6 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#13] Has To Be
[Score] 7.73


[High Scores] @MichealScott @Sam Dey @HIMER0S @John Slayne @joannester @Possibly Maybe @shoful @Antichrist 10

[Low Scores] @DontDoubtDavid 2

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

A beautiful track which could've replaced several tracks that made the cut to the standard edition, haunting ballad with airy instrumentation which gets me relaxed and inspired just like most of Ray Of Light.

[My Score] 9

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#13 - #12 - #14 - #14 - #14 - #14 - #12 - #11 - #13

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

above 5

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@Antichrist (10)

"all i have to say about this song is... PLEASE listen, observe & STUDY these lyrics, for they are most likely the best words that have ever been sung in a song."

@Sam Dey (10)

"This song to me is about her continuing to search for love in her life. It's one of my favourites because it gives me that special feeling I get that I just can't quite explain. A soothing and spiritual vibe. I love it to death. Very smooth and perfect to end the album with."

@shoful (10)

"An amazing song about hoping and knowing that there is someone out there that is perfect for us. I think everyone in the world hopes that they will one day find their significant other and that it can be a constant thought of worriment that you won't find that person. I think this song should've been included in the album, but she wanted 13 songs for a specific reason pertaining to Kabbalah."

@DeanWinchester (9)

"Those booming drums saved the track for me. Once it had my attention, I noticed how great the following choir-like backing vocals are, and how thematically, it is further continuation of Madonna' journey of finding love after losing it. Over all it sits among the middle-of-the-road tracks of the album."

@TheShameMonster (9)

"Pressed this didn’t make the standard cut. This should’ve replaced THANTD imo. There is so much lament and hurt in her voice I can’t. The instrumental is so rich and well-textured, I literally melt upon listening. Play this at my funeral."

@juju (8.5)

"One of my favorite Madonna "unreleased" songs, this spatial number definitely belonged on the standard edition of the album (along with "Like a Flower")."


"Flawless track. Imo this track and the unreleased treasure that is ''Revenge'' should have replaced ''Little Star'' and ''Mer Girl'' and make those a cute bside."

@Thomas P (8)


@LoisLilMonster (7.25)

"Tbh it should have been included in the US version. It's a cute song. Everytime I listen to it I'm so calmed by it. Her voice is so angelic."

@monsterdino (7)

"Madonna yet again here is yearning for a true love similar to what she talked about on "Skin", she's talking how she had an unlucky past with her previous relationships and how she keeps telling to herself that there must be someone for her who will truly love her ("There must be someone out there/Waiting for me"), but she also talks about how she shouldn't be sad about this because she should be grateful for what she has and that she's self aware that she's worth it. Overall not that important track and I see why it didn't make in the final cut."

@MonsterJames333 (7)

"Has to Be is another gorgeous song that is perfect for the album. However, the album ended perfectly with Mer Girl. While this wasn't available on all albums, it's a nice "bonus" track if you need just a bit more of what you've heard before.  There's a better one though called "Like A Flower" that sadly remains unreleased."

@Johny Wayne (6.5)

"Beautiful track but I might be giving it an unfair score because I’m not as familiar with it and also because it’s just a bonus track and doesn’t really add anything to the album thematically. Beautiful to listen to when you just need to chill out or get away from the world for a bit though."

@Eclipsa (6)

"Not one of the best on the album, a horrible closer. Tbh, I´m really glad this was never in the U.S edition."

@Maleficent (6)

"I deleted this on my copy of the album (I did add Arioso though, which is a beautiful song written in 1999) but I can see why it’s a bonus track. Nothing special."

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@ARPIT (4)

"didn't click with me."

@MAC (4)

"Snoozefest.  I can see why it didn't make the standard tracklist."

@DontDoubtDavid (2)

"Never heard this song before. Nope."

Its a deluxe track for a reason :sis:

Shanti is next I guess then

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6 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#12] Candy Perfume Girl
[Score] 7.829


[High Scores] @DimitrisARTPOP @halcyonpop @John Slayne @Peto @monsterdino 10

[Low Scores] @Possibly Maybe @ARPIT 3

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

It's an underrated gem which deserved to place a bit higher, but I won't argue with it's position because in my opinion the album serves songs that are sonically and lyrically way superior, so even strong tracks like Candy Perfume Girl can't match up.

[My Score] 9.1

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#12- #11 - #11 - #11 - #11 - #11 - #11 - #12 - #12

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

above 5

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@monsterdino (10)

"This is definitely in my top 3 favourites from the album, I'm ABSOLUTELY in LOVE with the sound structure of this song and not only the instrumental is good but on top of that you have the poetic lyrics and I like how the song sort of sounds "old" or "vintage". The song starts up with this grunge intro and then the AMAZING post-modern beeps and beats step in where Madonna is seducing this man that she is in relationship with, saying that she's his (silly little) "Candy Perfume Girl" wich she repeats over and over again, but then as the bridge steps in the song gets "dirty" and the electric guitar flares up and fires up the whole song up and Madonna reveals to him that she is actually dominant in their relationship by saying "You're a candy perfume boy". Everything about this song I love from start to finish, just flawless."

@Johny Wayne (9.25)

"Seductive, Hot, Hypnothising and the birth of RockMadge and GuitarMadge at the Drowned World Tour. Great song with sexy lyrics, without being trashy, I wish nowadays pop girls could relate. Madge gives me everything I wish Erotica had been but it wasn’t, being dominatrix and creating this inferno like atmosphere with the guitars and the commanding screams in “Did I lie to you?”. The only thing I think is lacking in the studio version is some more powerfulness to the guitar and maybe even a little guitar solo."

@MAC (9)

"Alternative Madonna.  Like the rock / grungy sound and lyrics.  Stands out among the other tracks."

@Antichrist (9)

"The INSTRUMENTAAAAALSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. probably one of the darkest songs she's ever done, would die to see this live in concert."

@Thomas P (9)

"Fits where it's supposed to fit in the scheme of the album, transitioning to another Madge masterpiece,  from her ultimate classic, and its lyrically very cunning."


"Such a bizzare track. I mean rock/indie and dance co-exist so well in this song. It's not my fave as well but it's so experimental it deserves the praise."

@Maleficent (8)

"I like the grittier sound of the song, but the lyrics are not my favourite."

@Sam Dey (8)

"This song is such an incredible slow psychedelic rock track. The way that she illustrates lust and desire so beautifully amazes me."

@DeanWinchester (8)

"A really good track but it's a pearl in an album of diamonds."

@MonsterJames333 (8)

"Candy Perfume Girl sounds like a strange piece of poetry set to equally interesting bleeps and crashes. There's more than meets the eye here upon multiple listens. "Did I lie to you?", Madonna teases the yell in full voice in what could be called the rebuttal to all the Material Girl once was."

@juju (8.5)

"A grungy track, I always instantly remember this performance from the Drowned World Tour as being one of the highlights of the night. It's a slow burn, but when the song kicks it up a notch, it always takes me by surprise, no matter how many thousands of times I've heard the song. Often overlooked, but rarely underappreciated."

@shoful (8)

"I do like this song but sadly not as much as the ones surrounding it. The title and several of the lyrics make me laugh, like wtf is a Candy Perfume Girl. I can only assume that a Candy Perfume Girl/Boy is the soul mate of that person. She relates a Candy Perfume Girl to things that would give you fond memories or things that you love."

@TheShameMonster (7.5)

"This grungy piece is not my cup of tea but I definitely see the experimentation with this song and it’s pretty interesting to listen to when you’ve replayed Ray of Light 50 times."

@DontDoubtDavid (7.5)

"Kinda slow and boring at first, but like how it gets faster and trippy towards the end."

@LoisLilMonster (7.5)

"I'm really into the bass on this song and I love bridge (that electric guitar :giveup:) The reason why I didn't give it more score is because it gets a bit repetitive and its' definitely not a highlight of the album imo."

@Uncle ARTPOP (6)

"Not really a track I listen to outside of the record, it's kind of uninteresting, a lot of fun live for the DWT."

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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#11] Shanti/Ashtangi
[Score] 7.83


[High Scores] @KING ELIZABITCH @Eclipsa @MichealScott @Ahmad Samadi @HIMER0S @John Slayne @DeanWinchester @Antichrist 10

[Low Scores] @Maleficent 2

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

A bit all over the place, but the Hindu Sanskrit chants and the mesmerizing instrumental pull the track together to make a great addition to the cohesive masterpiece that is Ray Of Light, Shanti/Ashtangi fits right in, and is able to stand out from the rest of the tracks, but falls flat in some areas, yet still remaining a strong track.

[My Score] 8.7

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#11 - #14 - #13 - #13 - #13 - #12 - #13 - #13 - #11

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

above 5

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@Eclipsa (10)

"It truly sounds like a traditional Chinese popular song, and her voice singing Shanti is so powerful and mature, it really gets me."

@Antichrist (10)

"i'll probably be one of the lessers that jams to this song, but when you're with your friends, mesmerized to the fullest, this is the best song that you can listen to, trust me. hope ya'll try it at-least once, the feel-good vibe this song gives is truly phenomenal!"

@DeanWinchester (10)

"I don't know what the hell she was singing about here at first listen but I like it! Proves how magical and universal music is! If it's good, it will be appreciated!"

@DontDoubtDavid (9.5)

"Very unique song. Always been a fan of sounds from other cultures, and this one combines American pop with Hindi chanting. Love everything about it."

@juju (9.5)

"The entire vibe of this song still remains one of the album's best moments. If Madonna singing entirely in Sanskrit didn't snatch your wig, you were bald to begin with."

@Thomas P (9)

"Introducing us to an amazing side of Madonna that inspired this masterpiece of an album. A song that needs to be here."

@ARPIT (9)

"her Sanskrit pronunciation is on fleek, and that's one hella achievement."

@Sam Dey (9)

"This and Cyber-raga (a bonus track on Music) are my two favourite tribal pop songs (I actually prefer Cyber-raga because it's more psychedelic than Shanti/Ashtangi ). This song matches perfectly to the overall spiritual vibe of the album. Plus the fact that she actually took classes to pronounce this language (I think it's sanskrit) is just incredible."

@TheShameMonster (8.7)

"The beat is pretty sick and has nice flow. So refreshing to hear Madonna sing in a different language. Her Sanskrit pronunciation is not perfect but everything else makes up for it."

@Johny Wayne (8)

"Underrated gem. The credits of this song totally go out to Orbit though, he created this atmosphere that instantly transports you to a temple in India, beautifully done! And of course, Madonna’s sweet and soft vocals only compliment the instrumental."

@MonsterJames333 (8)

"Shanti seems to get the Spanish Lesson treatment among fans but they are totally wrong and here's why.  At this point in the album, tones are about to shift. What better than a mantra to bridge the two parts of Ray Of Light together?  Plus it's fun to sing and if given the chance, the beat is fire...especially when the song repeats itself midway.  This is the interlude before moving into deeper waters."

@shoful (8)

"Very beautiful song obviously drawing from Kabbalah. I have no idea what any of it means but it is beautiful sounding."


"Love Me some Hindu Sanskrit. Only Madonna could make me bop to a prayer like this. PERIOD."

@monsterdino (7)

"William Orbit's production shines trough as always with the over driven techno dance beats, but this is definitely my least favourite track from the album maybe because I can't connect to the lyrics or really understand them. Altough I don't understand a word what Madonna is saying, I think that this song is about Madonna seeking enlightenment and read that this is a Hindu Sanskrit prayer."

@LoisLilMonster (6)

"It might be underrated but for me this song lack something. It's just too monotonous. I actually like to consider it more like an interlude. Don't come for me."

@MAC (6)

"I really like the song and it fits the album well but I am not eager to listen to it a lot."

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@Uncle ARTPOP (5)

"Her execution on this song is good, I just feel like this song alone doesn't make sense. It is perfect for the tone of the record but when it's by itself it falls short."

@Maleficent (2)

"I do not like this song, I think it should have been cut. This sounds like a song Madonna would like for herself, but no one else really wants to listen to."

Thank ****ing god, still cant believe candy perfume girl left before this....

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Johnny Wayne
4 hours ago, Creyk said:

Omg i kinda saved this rate with my 1 so frozen  could win

No, you "kinda" ruined it and you should rot :nails:

In what planet does Madonna's best song ever deserve a 1? :nails::nails::nails:

I'm the b*tch with the sauce, apparently
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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#10] To Have And Not To Hold
[Score] 8.117


[High Scores] @RAMROD @Peto 11

[Low Scores] @KingOfTheClouds 4

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

The second weakest track on Ray Of Light in my opinion, especially after the masterpieces that are Frozen and The Power Of Good-Bye, in my opinion this track just doesn't match up, maybe it would've worked better with a different placement on the album, but everything aside, To Have And Not To Hold is still a very strong track.

[My Score] 8

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#8 - #10 - #10 - #10 - #10 - #10 - #10 - #10 - #10

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

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@Sam Dey (10)

"THIS SONG!! THIS SONG RIGHT HERE!!  this song is so mysteriously beautiful. It's extremely hard choosing between this song and nothing really matters as my favourite because oh lord. This song I think is about the desire to be with a person but not being able to. The part that I find mysterious and gives me goosebumps is the part where she sings mantra in the background and hums. I've tried to look for the exact lyrics of the mantra but was never able to find them. This song is extremely special to me because I played it on repeat when I was going through a very spiritual phase in my life. So every time listen to it I think about that time."

@monsterdino (9)

"This track has one of the best pop melodies ever, Madonna is a very brilliant pop melodist and lyricist. A truly bitter-sweet song where Madonna talks about an empty love, similiar to what she talked about on "Skin" and on "The Power Of Good-Bye" where she wants to truly feel the love, even though they are both aware that this relationship is not meant to be serious. Madonna's awerness of this is slowly killing her because she wants to be in a serious relationship with this person and she knows that this is wrong but she can't help it "Only I am to blame...What can I do?", Madonna feels as she is "walking on a wire" but he won't be there to catch her as she falls. You can also hear Madonna chanting peices from "Shanti/Ashtangi" wich gives it another "mysterious" dimension to the song."

@juju (10)

"One underrated gem of Madonna's discography, this song teleports me to an isle far at the edges of the Earth. The bossa nova influences encapsulate the album's vulnerability, and the backing hum vocals are the most soothing musical moment to be found on this eclectic and timeless record."

@Thomas P (9)

"I love her vocals here so much!!!"

@DeanWinchester (9)

"Lyrically and thematically a continuation of The Power of Good-Bye, Madonna now reflects on how the love she let go was something that she has, perhaps in memory, but something she can never keep. It's the mellow reminiscing with a hint of self-blame. Not as powerful as the previous track (which speaks more to the strength of the previous song and less about the weakness of this one), but nonetheless an important message as well."

@Maleficent (9)

"the perfect follow-up to TPOGB, similar themes."

@MonsterJames333 (9)

"Have and Not To Hold took time to grow on me and since has become a favorite. It's simply beautiful. Listen out for the refrain of a previous song here."

@Uncle ARTPOP (9)

"Beyond the realization there is still feeling inside of yourself so you fold, you press on there's a strength in this song but a real melancholic attitude, Perfect execution."


"An odd to the joy and sadness of love. Really love it."

@Johny Wayne (8.75)

"This song is perfection from beggining to end. The very first major chord followd directly by the minor shift just makes me melt everytime. This is with no doubt the best ballad on this album. You can fall asleep to it and I mean that in the best way possible, it’s like you become a baby again and you’re in your mother’s arms being rocked and you can hear her heartbeat. The little tropical “Paparapapa” are so beautiful. “Like a moth to a flame, only I am to blame”. I love this line. I think this is the best song to listen to when you have an uncorresponded love as it brings you some sort of comfort and peace."

@shoful (8)

"Beautifully done song. Not much to say more about it. Its probably my least favorite on the album, but its very well done so I cannot put it below an 8. The metaphors in this song are very well written and pretty genius if you think about them."

@Antichrist (8)

"''Your eyes, they go right through
And yet you never do
Anything to make me want to stay''
this is the song i usually mostly skip as it requires (for me) to be in a specific state of mind, though the harmony of this song is spectacular!"

@LoisLilMonster (6.5)

"I mean, it's a cute song. I'm just not so much into it. I do love the 'paparapapapa's tho."

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@TheShameMonster (5)

"Pretty bland and the beat goes nowhere; the notes merely hover around three notes. Worst song on the album. Next."

@DontDoubtDavid (5)

"Soothing and chill, but meh."

@MAC (5)

"I do like the song (there are no bad songs on this album) but it is quite boring as it goes on.  Another one that I am not excited to go back and listen to. A nice calming song though."

Still has one of the best melodies ever and yall can get pressdt

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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#9] Mer Girl
[Score] 8.56


[High Scores] @DimitrisARTPOP @HIMER0S @Possibly Maybe @Mer Boy 11

[Low Scores] @DontDoubtDavid 2

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

The track that took the longest to grow on me, musically it's not meant to be catchy and boppy, that's why I think Mer Girl placed this low, otherwise it would've been up there. Also from it's chart run you can see it did have some great moments before it fell, imo should've stayed in the top 5.

[My Score] 10

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#6 - #5 - #4 - #8 - #8 - #9 - #9 - #9 - #9

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

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@Antichrist (10)

"i had a hauntingly amazing experience when i first heard & felt this song, i was deadly poisoned by god knows what by that time of the night.
but these lyrics:
''And I smelled her burning flesh
Her rotting bones
Her decay
I ran and I ran
I'm still running away''
stuck with me and i cant explain, but the feeling i get when i listen to the ending of this song is painfully liberating."

@MonsterJames333 (10)

"Mer Girl is a story song where Madonna takes the listener on a journey back into her past with fascinating results. Her perfect vocals nearly crack in all the right places and is set to music that's curious and slightly even eerie.  The fact this was recorded in one take makes this experience even better.  If Promise To Try was the little girl saying goodbye, Mer Girl is the wiser woman facing the past even after the memory has faded. And "I'm still running away........."

@TheShameMonster (10)

"One of the peaks of Madge’s songwriting efforts and a lovely tribute to her mom. A lyrical masterpiece that uses imagery which is so rare in pop. It tells a dreamy narrative, conveying a wonderful message about grief and death. Pure poetry."

@monsterdino (10)

"This song has grown on me THE MOST. This song is so haunting to me but yet so beautiful and is one of Madonna's most personal songs ever. Madonna revealed that the inspiration behind this song is when she went to her father's house and went on a run and accidentally visited the place where her mother was burried. The song is like a story where Madonna talks about how she runs away from her problems but mostly how she is running away from her mother's death. The whole song is just beautiful, especially at the ending (bridge and outro) where she talks how a part of her died and how she can't still accept her mother's death by saying "I'm still running away" at the end of the song and the album actually, wich gives me the chills everytime."

@Maleficent (10)

"so haunting, so beautiful. I really connect with this song and the themes of life and death and birth and acceptance and regret."

@Uncle ARTPOP (10)

"she closed this album with a bunch of gems. The haunt you feel when she just keeps running from the dread. The emotion she exudes is beautiful, you feel like she is releasing a long-standing sense of dread. Madonna's strong point is her ballads"

@Eclipsa (10)

"The true closer of the album, a gorgeous song with one of the most gorgeous vocals on the album (w\Drowned World and Swim)"

@Sam Dey (9)

"This song gives off a very eerie vibe. She tells you her life in a metaphorical story. I think this is one of the most personal songs about her. It also deals with the death she had to encounter in her life (her mother). It's not a song I like to play very often but I just can't give this song a lower rate than 9 because it's just so special and personal to Madonna."

@Thomas P (9)

"I prefer this as the closer, because on the standard edition, it wraps everything up so beautifully!"

@shoful (9)

"The perfect song to close this amazing album. Madonna's most painful memories/nightmares/thoughts about her as a child and handling her mother's death. Truly a very insightful song into Madonna's mind."

@MAC (9)

"So different.  So eery sounding.  Something about it makes me love it so much."

@Johny Wayne (8)

"It’s a beautiful story but the unfair thing is that I can’t really judge this as a song because the melody doesn’t really go anywhear as it’s a constant repetition of the same musical phrases. I’m giving it a pretty decent score just because I love it as an open ending to this album that talks about moving on and finally growing up, I guess."


"This is the darkest Madonna has ever sounded."

@DeanWinchester (7)

"The instrumentals are interesting but not quite enough to keep me interested. Like many songs here, it's not because they are bad per se, they are just completely overshadowed by the album highlights."

@ARPIT (7)

"amazing/haunting lyrics."

@LoisLilMonster (7)

"Musically, this song doesn't impress me that much as it is, in a way, too 'uneventful' for me but I've learned to appreciate a bit more (I like her whispering voice, and the piano in the background at some points) After paying attention to the lyrics I've realized they're beautiful especially the last verse. Plus I didn't know it was written about her late mother."

@juju (6.5)

"A song detailing the death of the singer's mother, I find it a little too haunting to get into the majority of the time. But still, it's a necessary moment on the album, and I appreciate it for what it is worth."

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@DontDoubtDavid (2)




Truly an underrated song

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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#7] Swim
[Score] 8.707


[High Scores] @Eclipsa @DontDoubtDavid 11

[Low Scores] @Creyk 1

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

A beautiful track with lyrics that cut deep. Melodically it's frankly a bit repetitive but from all the other aspects it's just flawless. Should've been a bit lower but I'll take this placement.

[My Score] 9

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#7 - #6 - #9 - #7 - #7 - #7 - #7 - #7 - #7

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

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@Eclipsa (11)

"I can´t even explain this song. When I listen to this song, I feel out of this world, I just stop thinking and functioning. Her vocals are so soft and the melody just makes it all better. It may be exaggerated, but this song is something that will never be done again. For real, no song had that kind of effect in me, and no song can replicate that feeling again. Ever."

@DontDoubtDavid (11)

"Best song on the album. There’s something about it that makes me feel calm and reminds me of my childhood."

@juju (10)

"One of the more underrated tracks from the album, Swim has always hit very close to home to me and my outlook upon the world. It's a mature song, one that borrows from 90s tropes, but makes them all its own. The chorus hits like a tidal wave each and every time, and I love the song more than I did when it was first released two decades ago. It really is poetic genius."

@TheShameMonster (10)

"Has a very spiritual tone to it which is highlighted by the amazing lyrics that are pretty reflective of our mad society. The understated guitars also make the track. Definitely one of the best on the album."

@Maleficent (10)

"Another favourite; the political message is subtle, yet on point."

@Johny Wayne (9.25)

"I don’t know what it is about this song but I just love it. Maybe I’m the only one who hears it, but when she sings “Crash to the other shore/Swim to the ocean floor” I always hear it like “Ooh, you've got to/Let your body move to the music/Ooh, you've got to just/Let your body go with the flow”. Any song whose melody remotely reminds me of Vogue has to be a song that I love. The lyrics are once again brilliant about cleaning up the mess we’ve made as a society and starting again from scratch. “Swim to the ocean floor” as in going back in evolution to when we were unicelular beings (I know that when she wrote it, she probably just meant it like escaping from society, but I prefer to interpret it this way). Orbit obviously nails the production and sends you to such a peaceful and relaxed state of mind, it really take takes me to a desert beach where life doesn’t feel like it’s a curse."

@shoful (9)

"Madonna talks about the negativity and wrong-doing of what was going on in the world. All these sins so heavy that they will make us crash to the ocean floor. A song that is very much influenced in her change of heart and her thoughts on how the world will have to change to survive."

@monsterdino (9)

"As the title suggests 'Swim', this song is about moving on. We all make mistakes or "sins" and we can only learn from them and move on and keep living and swim away from all the things that are dragging us down. The thing that I love about this album that is full of water imegary, but this track in particular is doing that more than the others and it doesn't only bring the "water" imegary just on the lyrics or title, but on the instrumental as well and not just on the intro (where we can hear ocean waves) but troughout the song too with the flute and the beats wich I think is very smart and well thought out."

@Sam Dey (9)

"This song is one of the more upbeat/rock songs of the album. To me this song is about evolving and moving on. This is a perfect example of an amazingly written and produced psychedelic rock song. I love that she uses such brilliant metaphors in this song."

@DeanWinchester (9)

"This melds so beautifully with the first track, one could think they may be just one long song. Not that it's a bad thing. This is one of Madonna's most cohesive albums after all. Most albums can't keep listeners occupied with slow tempo songs after the other but this does it so well. Madonna's "mmmhmmm"s are highlights for me."

@Thomas P (9)

"I love this song so much cuz it's a mix of so many different styles that I absolutely adore."


"Supple and evocative vocals over another spiritual bop. This is the definition of indie pop. Another way paved by the Queen of Pop."

@LoisLilMonster (8.5)

"This song is great. The intro alone is just so good and it gets more and more catchy until that flawless 'Let the water wash over you, wash it all over you'. There's nothing else I can say (Eh,eh)"

@Antichrist (8)

"not a song i'd usually listen to, though i must say I ADORE her vocals when she sings the chorus, and the lyrics, as expected on this album, are perfection!"

@MAC (8)

"Nice chill song.  Love the lyrics."

@MonsterJames333 (8)

"A strong mature midtempo message song, Swim is an urgent call to go outside the realms of this dirty world and crash, together, in unity. The beat gets tight and the "mmmmm" refrain, a constant throughout the album, gets stuck in the head fast."

@Uncle ARTPOP (6)

"I appreciate it but for me the song does not age well. It's very twangy and 90s. Its redeeming quality is the lyrics."

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Am i surprised? Not at all. 

Why? Because this is GGD full pf gays who can't recognize TALENT!

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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#6] Sky Fits Heaven
[Score] 8.842


[High Scores] @Creyk 11

[Low Scores] @DontDoubtDavid 3.5

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

My second favorite off Ray Of Light, this beautiful gem, with it's astonishing lyrics and production make for a flawless track from beginning to end. Sky Fits Heaven's hook is also one of the catchiest on the album, and for the record, it has a spot within my top 20 Madonna songs in general.

[My Score] 10

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#5 - #4 - #5 - #4 - #6 - #5 - #5 - #6 - #6

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

above 5

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@monsterdino (10)

"This is another futuristic sounding song to me, it's the little sister to "Skin". In this song Madonna is talking about her spiritual studies, she talks about how we everyone have our own path of life and there are many "sings" along that way that will tell us what to do, but Madonna advises us all to not go by those sings but to go by the heart and that's the best way to start your own way to the light. I also like the way she is saying "traveling, traveling" because it reminds me of "Bedtime Story" wich is one of my all time favourite tracks by Madonna."

@Antichrist (10)

"i feel like the whole album will get a 10/10 at this point, because it's simply perfect, from beginning to end. THE BEAT goes so ****ing hard, THE LYRICS are AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGGGG, and that chorus..... damnn.. i feel like M was on some good **** when she made this album. props to her for this one-of-a-kind, amazing song!"

@MonsterJames333 (10)

"It was hard not to give this my 11. Sky Fits Heaven is one of the best tracks on the album. Hard hitting beats succumb to one of the most beautiful musical moments during the chorus.  This song stands on it's on and is a must listen!"

@juju (10)

"This song traverses a soundscape as luscious as anything this album has to offer. Truly a gem of the record and the backbone of her ever-evolving artistry, the transcendental beat encapsulates some of my favorite musical moments of her career."

@Thomas P (10)

"This song has always made me reflect. Not only reflect, but bop, and I think that's what Madonna does best."


"Another spiritual track with techno effects but in a more hardcore way. While most albums fall flat halfway ''Sky fits heaven'' makes this album more explosive and carries you through the end pleasantly."

@TheShameMonster (10)

"That vibraphone MAKES this song. So unique, haunting and mesmerizing."

@LoisLilMonster (9.25)

"Another 'bop'. As soons as I heard that killer beat at the beginning I knew I was gonna love it. I love the 'travelling down my own road' part. It's so angelical. Best non-single on the album."

@Maleficent (9)

"I like to close my eyes and let this song take me on a journey."

@DeanWinchester (9)

"This track has so many layers and parts it's such a roller coaster ride. You have an anthemic (pre)chorus, you have upbeat verses, slow phrases. It doesn't stop surprising. Even the last few seconds are completely different to the rest of the track."

@shoful (8)

"I song deeply rooted in Kabbalah. Madonna talks about faith, the light, a wise man, etc. Madonna talks about how everyone is traveling down their own road and how she will now follow her new-found religion and heart to find the answers in life. Really beautiful song, just not one of my favorites."

@MAC (8)

"Love this song!  Like the industrial sound and drums."

@Sam Dey (8)

"To me this song is about figuring out your own path in life. And again, this song perfectly illustrates what the entire album is about. I love how the song starts very dreamy and progresses into a more industrial and trance-like sound."

@Uncle ARTPOP (8)

"I love the lyrics for this track. Very angelic vocals and you really understand how she feels about discovering her motherhood."

@Johny Wayne (7)

"I never got all the love for this song… I mean, it’s pretty but… it’s a little… boring? Dead? The verses create a lot of tension and when we reach the chorus, we just get pure disappointment. The descending melody in “Travelling down/My own road”… this is not how you start out a chorus, it literally seems like someone is dying. Idk, I can’t wrap my head around it, I don’t get it, but I don’t hate it. As any song on this album, it has amazing production and the lyrics are very inspiring and motivational, I just whish the melody wasn’t as unflattering."

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@DontDoubtDavid (3.5)


Shook that Skin is still in, out of all songs that are left in top 5 this one is the best if we dont include Skin

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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#5] Drowned World/Substitute For Love
[Score] 9.135


[High Scores] @TylerBR97 @Maleficent @Bellatrix @Ahmad Samadi @Radio Ga Ga @SirLudicopro @MAC 11

[Low Scores] @Creyk 2

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

This song started out really strong in the rate peaking at #1 and staying in the top 2 for quite some time, before crashing down after a series of low scores. In my opinion Drowned World/Substitute For Love is the weakest single off of Ray Of Light but still a very strong one, congrats on making the top 5 after all! The perfect opener.

[My Score] 10

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#2 - #1 - #2 - #6 - #5 - #6 - #6 - #5 - #5

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

above 5

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@MAC (11)

"Perfect intro track.  Gives a sense of what to expect with the album.  Great vocals, instrumental and production.  Love the bridge and build up.  One of my fave Madonna songs."

@Maleficent (11)

"My FAVOURITE song on the album. When those drums kick in and that bridge climaxes, I can sometimes close my eyes and see the face of god reaching out to me."

@TylerBR97 (11)

"Perfect. No other words."

@Antichrist (10)

"i feel like floating on clouds of remorse while listening to this song. the lyrics are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. and i wont even start of that breakdown, she simply delivered with this one!"

@Sam Dey (10)

"This is a perfect song to begin with because it shows that from now on, she thinks on a higher level than she used to and that's what the whole album is about. In this song she kind of illustrates that even though you have all the fame in the world you can still feel lost or unloved. I love how the power this song builds up so beautifully."

@Eclipsa (10)

"This song makes me think of a location that I´ve never been to, a person I never met, a sentiment I never felt, it´s just magical. I literally have no words, this leaves me speechless, it deserves all the praise from here to heaven."

@shoful (10)

"A huge departure from her previous work. This song ushers in a new era of Madonna. One who has awaken from the dark slumbers of fame. She no longer finds happiness in the attention from the media and sees that its only a "Substitute for Love". The new religion that she has discovered and the birth of her beautiful daughter has finally filled this void she so longly tried to fill with the depths of this "Drowned World." This song was a pivotal move in showing that she has changed and confesses she was naive in her previous ways."

@TheShameMonster (10)

"A genius way to open the album imo. It sounds very personal and meditative, and sonically differs from Madge’s previous work. A very calm sound that previews what the rest of the record would sound like."

@Thomas P (10)

"Beautiful opener that absolutely introduces the album the way it deserves."

@Johny Wayne (9.5)

"A perfect opener for this album and actually one of the best opening songs I’ve ever heard. With this, Madonna tells us just what this album is about: Maturity. She finally addresses the way she’s been fame’s slave and finds out that she’s changed her mind. Love and her family are her religion, not her career and her success. Ironically, this record turned out to be one of her most successful, maybe cause she wasn’t as focused on the bling and more in her own passion. Also the delivery and production of the song are so soothing, it’s definitely one of the most beuatiful tracks on the album."


"The song that captures her whole spiritual transformation to seek the real love. It's mellow and hypnotic enough to carry you through that journey that this album stands for. Love her sensual and warm vocals on it."

@monsterdino (9)

"I didn't love this track at first listen, but it definitely grew on me and now it's one of my favourites. It's a really calming song that tends to calm me everytime I listen to it too, with "elevator music" in the background and Madonna's angelic vocals. This track shows Madonna's growth, where she talks how she was so greedy for material things and now she founds that there is so much to life than material possessions. She also talks about how she was so lonely but was not actually alone, (I found myself in crowded rooms, feeling so alone) wich I can relate to very much."

@DeanWinchester (9)

"A very great album opener. It really sets the mood and the atmosphere of most of the tracks. It sends you to a spiritual journey. Most people hear Madonna and they think "dance, controversy, wild" but this track changes all that and highlights Madonna's ability to reinvent. Madonna's vocals are so enticing and gentle and comforting. The way the track gains momentum and louder instrumentals towards the bridge only to cool down again in the end makes it a very interesting track."

@MonsterJames333 (9)

""I traded fame for love", the kick off lyrics of the Ray Of Light album, invites the listener to pull up a chair. Madonna is about to get real.  The perfect opener, Substitute For Love is confessions before the dance floor with its self reflective verses eventually melding into an incredible bridge leaving you humming along. Madonna's about to teach ya how to.......get spiritual.  "This is my religion"

@LoisLilMonster (8)

"The first time I heard this song I wasn't very impressed by it but after a few listens it has really grown a lot on me. I really like its melody and also love how, throughout the song, new sounds are progressively added to the instrumental until that perfect 'This is my religion' closes the track."

@Uncle ARTPOP (8)

"An incredible ballad a really nauseating visual, very powerful and very telling of the Paparazzi and denouncing fame."

@juju (8)

"Ambient and all-encompassing of the album's themes, Madonna once called the single the album's most "important" song. Sampling "Why I Follow The Tigers" and taking its name from J.G. Ballard's 1962 sci-fi novel, the song is not short on it's inspiration; it has been described as a spiritual dance-track that focuses on Madonna looking deep into her subconscious, reflecting on her career and the nature of fame. While it wasn't released in the US, it became a moderate hit overseas, and definitely turned the tables for the singer's artistry."

@DontDoubtDavid (6)

"Good intro song, but a little slow and boring for my tastes."

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And this is the SECOND best next to Sky Fits Heaven if we dont include Skin....like wtf r yall doing??? Uugh 

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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#4] Nothing Really Matters
[Score] 9.197


[High Scores] @LoisLilMonster @Sam Dey @RonnieGagz @ARTGOD 11

[Low Scores] @joannester 6.5

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

Another stunning piece of art, what's new? Nothing Really Matters is one of my favorite songs on Ray Of Light, it's perfect from beginning to end and that's some hot scorching tea! That HOOK is flaw-free, the intro is eargasmic, I can't say anything bad about this song tbh. Deserving of it's spot. 

[My Score] 10

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#4 - #7 - #7 - #3 - #3 - #3 - #4 - #4 - #4

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

above 5

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@LoisLilMonster (11)

"Definitely the best track on the album. It's such a BOP. That beat, those techno influences that I love, that bridge... A true gem."

@Sam Dey (11)

"I'm not choosing this song as a favourite because it's a bop, but because of the lyrics and the way the instrumentals are pure magic! This is one of the best examples of experimental pop. This song truly reveals a big shift in her life. A shift that made her look at her life differently because of her pregnancy and her being on a different spiritual level. "nothing takes the past away, like the future". I also love the weird visuals and dance moves in the music video. Also what ALWAYS gives me goosebumps instrumental wise is the synthetic theremin in the second chorus. It gives such an amazingly weird and special vibe to it. Plus this song was released as a single on my 2nd birthday :)."

@Antichrist (10)

"the most underrated single madge ever released, this masterpiece deserved SO MUCH MORE than what it got. truly one of her best pieces of art, will forever love the lyrics, wish i could be there with her when she wrote the song."

@DeanWinchester (10)

"I love this track so much. The opening sounds a little erratic but then you start to not care at all, which lends credence to the title of the track! The message is incredibly great, too. The stuttering feel of the song makes me want to bust out some robotic moves."

@Uncle ARTPOP (10)

"The visual the performance, the horror. There's something oddly scary and isolating about this track. It really makes you feel for the concept of loss and appreciation."

@Thomas P (10)

"From the iconic MV to the beautiful song itself, this song is an ABSOLUTE masterpiece."

@Johny Wayne (10)

"Pop perfection. Simple as that. This song has such a simple and easy to listen melody, it’s hard not to like this one as it just gets in your head and glues to it. The visuals madonna released for this song also make me a little biased when judging it because they take the song to a next level. Again the lyrics are amazing as any lyrics on this album and I can really connect with them “When I was very young/Nothing really mattered to me/But making myself happy/I was the only one”. I’m still kinda waiting for this to change when I meet “the one”. Also the descending piano scale on the bridge of this song just gives me chills everytime, I love it!"

@DontDoubtDavid (10)

"Beautiful song, makes me feel like crying and dancing at the same time, lol."

@shoful (10)

"This is where her new electronica sound really hits home for me. I am obsessed with this song. Its so edgy, unique, and jittery but in the best way possible! Another song about her confessing that love is all everyone needs in the world. Her disapproval of the naivety/selfish attitudes of her younger self is really shown in this song. She states how only the future can take the past away. Maybe saying that even Madonna has some regrets of the things she's done in the past. But in the end she is now "awake" and realizes that "Nothing Really Matters, love is all we need!"


"Like Ray of Light this is another contagious dance-floor filler. One of the most commercial tracks but still an alternative banger (not generic) with quality."

@Eclipsa (10)

"That intro is pure perfection and, for some reason, whenever I close my eyes and listen to the song, I think of a 80s\90s club, which is odd, cause I don´t know how a 80s\90s club is like. It is really a bop and it deserves praise. Lots of them."

@juju (9.5)

"Ahead of the curve, this single embraces the oncoming EDM storm that would conquer the charts a decade later. Although it was a major flop in the US and barely reached the Top 100, it was one of the best Madonna singles of the 90s. After all, love is all we need! (and don't get me started on that video! #aesthetic!)"

@monsterdino (8.5)

"I think this is the most mainstream song out of the album which I'm kinda shocked that it didn't do well as a single. The song is up-tempo dance with techno influences and musically it's easy to like, but what I really love about this song is the meaning of the lyrics (which I can relate to) even though the lyrics are very simple. Madonna talks about mother-child love, which she was unfamiliar with because her mother had passed away when she was very young. This whole album actually is made because Madonna became a mother, she realized so many things when she became a mother and one of them is unconditional love. She never knew that someone could love her so hard unconditionally and all the other things suddenly didn't matter to her anymore but just the love for and from her daughter."

@TheShameMonster (8.5)

"One of the most dynamic tracks on the album with infectious techno beats and an amazing bridge. It just sounds so polished and cohesive. One of the more well-textured songs on the record."

@MAC (8)

"Reflective Madonna.  Really like the message of this song."

@MonsterJames333 (8)

"A fan favorite, with one of Madonna's best music videos, Nothing Really Matters is admitting your childish ways and celebrating the freedom in knowing love is all we need.  The best part of this song for longtime fans is the return of Niki and Donna in the background.  Full circle moments don't always sound this good!"

@Maleficent (8)

"the hip-hop influences contrast nicely with the ambiance of the synths."

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This is the catchiest out of ROY shook that is not in top 3 and shook that Skin is still in and also Power Of Good-bye and Ray Of Light should have left after Little Star, Has To Be and Shanti (excluding Candy Perfume Girl bc it deserved to be in top 3) 

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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#3] The Power Of Good-Bye
[Score] 9.29


[High Scores] @TheShameMonster @KingOfTheClouds @Nirvana @DeanWinchester @juju @GagaInTheZone 11

[Low Scores] @ARPIT 5

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

My 3rd favorite track from Ray Of Light, pure talent. Her voice is so soft and fragile as she's singing about missing someone, and it's an amazing prequel to To Have And Not To Hold, sonically it's just flaw-free, and lyrically it's just stunning. Beautiful.

[My Score] 10

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#3 - #2 - #3 - #2 - #2 - #2 - #2 - #2 - #3

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

above 5

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@juju (11)

"The best single of Madonna's career. A stunning song with a stunning video. There has never been a moment in Madonna's entire discography that her voice has sounded more luscious or ethereal - this really is that song to me, it is everything. It is the whole universe. Not much else can be said, and I know you guys will knock her out early, but trust and believe that I know her rightful place as #1."

@TheShameMonster (11)

"Gorgeous vocals, instrumentation, melody, beats, message, everything. A clear reminder that a techno song does not have to be blasting with noise in order to leave an impact."

@DeanWinchester (11)

"A very touching ballad. I am honestly torn which track I like the best--this one or Frozen. Frozen was my absolute favorite track before. But this has won me over recently. While Frozen longs to keep the relationship, this song stresses the importance of knowing when to let go, and why and how. This is now Madonna telling us to move on. And yet it's not with ease and without pain. Quite the contrary, you can feel the pain and heaviness in the verses before the chorus begins lifting you up. Madonna's vocals reach a really different level here, with a gospel-like quality, and she becomes incredibly worthy of the name Madonna."

@shoful (10)

"The sister of Frozen. It would be hard for any song to be able to succeed Frozen in the track listing, but this song was able to handle that pressure. This song is amazing as well! Madonna reveals that she her lovers "heart is not open" so she must leave behind this relationship and only the pain of this goodbye might make his heart defrost."

@Thomas P (10)

"This song makes me sad cuz I know the albums almost done."

@MonsterJames333 (10)

"The flawless followup to Frozen, Power of Goodbye is the most accessible ballad on the album. Madonna's vocals are some of her best here as her fragile voice realizes "there's no more heart to break".  Freedom comes when you learn to let go...."

@Uncle ARTPOP (10)

"The Perfect transition from Frozen to here, it's like a realization that you must leave this frozen hearted person and will be better for it... But..."


"One of her best singles hands down. Breathtakingly beautiful. ''Spell has been broken i loved you so'' What a line"

@Antichrist (10)

"i must mention this was a contender for the 11/10, solely because the lyrics..... the lyrics are heart-breakingly amazing. i cant find words for this song, it's just too good to be explained."

@LoisLilMonster (9.75)

"Such an emotional ballad. I like everything about this song: its melody, the vocals, the instrumental. And after the bridge it just gets even more beautiful."

@Maleficent (9)

"I can really feel the melancholy in her words, I think everyone can associate this song with someone from their past they had to leave behind."

@Johny Wayne (8.5)

"Most basic and most pop track on this album. The predictable 4 chord progression kinda bugs me. But hey, it has this anthemic feel to it and the masses love songs like this so even if I’m a wannabe erudite asshole, I can’t help but hum and feeling like putting a lighter in the air each time I listen to it. The album needed a song like this so I apreciate it for that reason."

@monsterdino (8)

"This is another ballad from the album, but first love ballad. The track is very melancholic where Madonna talks about "The Power Of Good-Bye" where she feels a relief from quit caring about a person that doesn't cares about you and that the person was a lesson that she learned a lot from. It's said that this song is about Madonna's ex-husband Seann Penn who allegedly beated her up. Madonna also talks how she is still not over this person even tough she said goodbye she still can't get rid of him mentally (it's been almost a decade when she divorced him when she wrote this song)."

@Sam Dey (8)

"This song is very obvious. It's about saying goodbye to someone important in your life and dealing with that loss. I've never had to cope with a serious loss or someone I had to say goodbye to in my life so I can't really relate to it that much as the other songs. But after all it's a beautiful and emotional song that I know has made a lot of people very emotional."

@DontDoubtDavid (7.5)

"It’s a nice song. I heard a remix with this instrumentals and Gaga’s The Queen, and they went together very nicely."

@MAC (7)

"Love her vocals on this track.  I like the song and understand why it was a single but is not one of my top faves.  It is probably the most straight forward pop song on the album in my opinion."

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Thank god.... this should have been #11 but oh well

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5 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#2] Ray Of Light
[Score] 9.385


[High Scores] @Thomas P @Pink Tape @Bear @halcyonpop @John Slayne @ARPIT @Antichrist @Johny Wayne 11

[Low Scores] @Creyk 1

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

The only song I can consider to be a "bop" on Ray Of Light, it's the only track that really gets you jumping and singing and it's beautiful, although it didn't succeed commercially as much as Frozen, in my humble opinion it's the more remembered track by the public. On the charts (of this rate) Ray Of Light had an awful start but it climbed each time until it reached the top 2, and even though I don't think it deserves this spot, props.

[My Score] 10

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#10 - #8 - #6 - #5 - #4 - #4 - #3 - #3 - #2

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

above 5

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@Johny Wayne (11)

"If in substitute for love, Madonna has her first realization that she hasn’t been living for the right reasons and in Swim she tries to go into that happier place she finally acknowledges to exist, in Ray Of Light, she finally gets “home”. One of the happiest, most vibrant songs I have ever heard in my life. You can’t sit quiet when it’s playing, it just instantly cheers you up and inspires you to do something, whether that something is to simply dance in a pace that’s so fast you didn’t even know it was humanly possible to do so. I think I can hear the sounds of the Big Bang somewhere in this track because its production just joins so many elements and mechanical sounds to create one of the most powerful electronic dance tracks I’ve ever heard. Definitely my favorite track in Madonna’s discography and a brilliant climax after the 1st two songs."

@Antichrist (11)

"i could write a million paragraphs about this song and it wouldn't justify the love (:ladyhaha:) i have for this song. one of the first songs i ever heard from the queen, THIS GOES WAAAY TO HARD. the whole song is, simply put, PERFECTION. i cant word myself differently, because the emotional attachment i have towards this song is indescribable. all i have to say is that this will forever be the best thing my ears have been blessed with to be able to hear, and i will love madonna forever for giving me such an honour!!!"

@Thomas P (11)

"Its been a constant battle in my life to determine my favourite madonna song, but it's always come between Like a Prayer and Ray of Light. Very recently the latter took the cake, so may we all spaz like Madge in the iconic mv."

@MAC (10)

"Madonna at her best.  Great vocals and energy.  Makes me wanna dance whenever I hear it."

@MonsterJames333 (10)

"With so many perfect dance songs under her belt, there is none quite like the swirling, urgent magnum opus that IS Ray Of Light. The lyrics are fascinating, the chorus is orgasmic and the way all musical elements come screaming together in a crescendo of pure adrenaline in its final 90 seconds, Ray Of Light is a centerpiece in an album full of them. Evita did a voice great and Madonna allows herself to lose control in the best of ways. And the result is thrilling!"

@TheShameMonster (10)

"There is so much power in her vocal delivery that it easily outshines the other elements. This whole song exudes emotional warmth and liberation. I blast this whenever I need a boost to my day."

@DontDoubtDavid (10)

"Really fun song, just makes me feel like dancing."

@shoful (10)

"Another song about finding herself with the discovery of Kabbalah and the birth of her daughter. Madonna talks about just getting home which I could only see as her saying that she finally found herself in the haze that was the fame. Great title track. It really encompasses the themes of everything she has jam-packed into this powerful album."

@DeanWinchester (10)

"The energy of this song WOW! First it lulls you into thinking it's another ballad, but then once the synth hits, your senses are assaulted and you are pulled into a rapidly accelerating high-adrenaline track. The lyrics may not seem empowering literally, but the delivery just makes you almost like you could fly! Or something you haven't done before!"

@Sam Dey (9)

"This song to me is about pure freedom. The lyrics are brilliant. I love how it's a pop song but it still manages to maintain a psychedelic, trance vibe."

@Maleficent (8.5)

"I don’t actually LOVE this song that much… maybe because I’ve heard it too often."


"The biggest electronic dance cut of the album that was a universal success. While it's so anthemic it's not my fave album track. Still love it."

@Uncle ARTPOP (8)

"This song has all the bells and whistles of Swim and executes them perfectly, the vocals are beautiful the visuals are always on POINT."

@Eclipsa (8)

"That beginning for some motive, gives me Vogue beginning vibes. The song is really good, but her vocals feel kind of messy sometimes and the instrumental at times doesn´t help too. Regardless, a bop."

@LoisLilMonster (7.5)

"Her vocals and the melody in this song are undeniably good. However, I don't find it to be so good if we compare it with other stuff on the album."

@juju (7)

"One of the more uptempo tracks from the record, the second official single is a stark contrast to the album's lead, Frozen. It plays with rock music and electronic effects like whistles to make an undeniably-catchy track that is dance-oriented, but unlike anything else in the singers extensive catalogue. However, the biggest surprise is Madge's newfound vocal ability; her tone is crisper and clearer than ever before, showing her improvement post-Evita."

@monsterdino (7)

"I think that this song is about Madonna finally finding what she was looking for, a 'Ray Of Light'. She finally found freedom and clarity, and feels like she was reborn again. This song feels like it's an anthem for Madonna, where she is cutting loose and belts "And I feel like I just got home". But the song is also about her being sad about her mother, she embraces it all on this track the happiness and the sorrow of her life and she won't have it any other way."

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[#1] Frozen
[Score] 9.775


[High Scores] @Antonio @KING ELIZABITCH @androiduser @slayo @MichealScott @Anveeroy @AM98GJ @FFXSoul91 @joannester @shoful 11

[Low Scores] @juju 4

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

My ultimate favorite on Ray Of Light, and my #3 favorite song in Madonna's entire discography. Sonically flawless, the production is incredible, those drums :giveup: and the humming, innovative tbh! May be the predictable winner but we all know it's the best song on here by a landslide.

[My Score] 11

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#1 - #3 - #1 - #1 - #1 - #1 - #1 - #1 - #1

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

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@shoful (11)

"THIS IS THE GEM OF THE ALBUM. THE HEART! THE GREATEST SONG TO EXIST! This song is so beautiful and really shows the power of her newly trained voice! I listen to this song so much. Its addictive! The lyrics, the instrumental, the vocals.... everything about this song is perfect!!!!! Obviously this song is about someone who is "Frozen" to her and that her love will be able to bring them together and ultimately bring eternal happiness and love."


"Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before :giveup:"

@MonsterJames333 (10)

"If a pop song can be sacred, it's gotta be Frozen.  An inspired choice for first single, Frozen was unlike anything ever heard from Madonna before. The whole album was a different experience but Frozen is a grand sweeping representation. Managing to be once cold yet warm at the same time, Frozen is about what you will allow. "If I could melt your heart, we'd never be apart". But it's the delivery of the line "give yourself to me" that gives me chills. Easily one of the best songs in her career and incredibly powerful live, Frozen is a modern day classic."

@Antichrist (10)

"i'd give this a 11/10, but since ROL is my ultimate fav of hers, all i can do is give a 10. an out-of-this-world, innovative, phenomenal, mesmerizing, shocking, career-destroying track. immense respect that she created this, i feel like nobody else but her could pull this off!"

@MAC (10)

"Excellent choice for the first single. Another one of my all time faves. Everything about this is perfect."

@DeanWinchester (10)

"This is the first Madonna song I know whose release is contemporary to my pop music consciousness. I know Madonna from her past hits, but this is the first time I witnessed her artistry first hand--no prior opinions to the track, to its message, to her approach, to her vocals. Just me and my opinion. And I loved it. A lot. And I still do. An amazing ballad with a timeless message. Very good delivery and phrasing. Like Swim, this track capitalizes on Madonna's humming sounds, and it just works so well. It puts so much emotion into the song. In a way, it could be seen as a pained attempt to say something but the words don't come out, because in dealing with someone whose heart and mind is closed, one wrong word can spell disaster. This is like Madonna trying really hard to choose the words she needed to say, and she succeeds in finding the right words. If I could melt your heart...Madonna longs so much to fix things You are the key, but she realizes that there's only so much (or so little) she can do without her lover's consent or cooperation, and it's just so powerful and beautifully done."

@Thomas P (10)

"I WANT TO GIVE YOU AN 11!!! If it weren't for ROL this song would have taken the cake as my favourite. It's probably my favourite ballad by any artist in history."

@Sam Dey (10)

"Hauntingly BEAUTIFUL. This song has a million different meanings to me. One being that it's about struggling with inner demons and trying to set yourself or someone else free from all the darkness in their heart. I just can't explain the emotions that this song gives me. This is a piece of ART at its finest. The MV for this is also hauntingly stunning."

@LoisLilMonster (10)

"What can I say of this masterpiec? Definitely one of Madonna's most beautiful songs ever. Her voice, the violins... With this song you just let perfection flow into your ears and delight you."

@Uncle ARTPOP (10)

"the harmonies, the orchestration... It's so haunting, you feel it. You relate to it you cannot help to, you know someone who has avoided feeling, especially for you."

@Johny Wayne (9)

"At this point the album takes a turn from more uplifting and even sultry songs (Candy Perfume Girl, Skin) to the heartwrenching ballads and Frozen is definitely an impactful way of changing the course of your album. Hauting meolodies, beautiful use of strings. Even though the instrumental takes you to this desert frozen land, Madonna’s warm motherly voice gives you solace in the cold atmosphere and that’s the duality I love about this song."

@Maleficent (8.5)

"Again, I’ve heard this song too much to appreciate it anymore, but the lyrics are some of M’s best."

@monsterdino (8.5)

"I think this track is about Madonna herself, where she talks to her younger self. The title "Frozen" and lyrics contrast with the albums name "Ray Of Light", where I see it as Madonna was "Frozen" before but now when she gave birth to a child and she read the Kabbalah, the sun or the "Ray Of Light" has hit her and melted her frozen heart and opened up her mind. This is a really beautiful mid-tempo electronic ballad and a landmark in Madonna's life, I'm very glad that it became a hit, everything about this track is beautiful, the simplicity, the lyrics, the iconic "mmmm", the video and it's concept/story. Just perfect."

@DontDoubtDavid (8)

"Her voice sounds great song in this song. Beautiful lyrics."

@TheShameMonster (7)

"I don’t see the hype or obsession with this song. It’s too slow-paced and repetitive; the length could’ve been cut by 2 minutes at most. However, the lyrics are very meaningful and the violins along with her hm’s are indeed beautiful."

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@juju (4)

"I know you hoes will make this song win, because y'alls tastes are so predictable. This song is pretty sweet and I love the humming chorus, but it really is far from the best songs on this album - it's not Top 5 material, although it'd place it high in the Top 10. So just know, I'm judging each of you who make this song fall at the top of this rate, because it's bound to happen. Do auntie Ju a favor and relish in the deeper cuts por favor."

Wait I missed Skin's placement I guess then, it was predictable all of the singles making it into top 5 especially the top 2...Ray Of Light should have been at #10, so I'm happy that Frozen won against it

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6 hours ago, Antonio said:

[#8] Skin
[Score] 8.571


[High Scores] @Uncle ARTPOP @Thomas @MonsterJames333 @monsterdino 11

[Low Scores] @DontDoubtDavid 1

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Antonio's Remark ]

Got me hooked from the first listen to Ray Of Light, to be honest it was my favorite from the album from the first listen, and it's still within my top 4 of the album, the haunting vocals and instrumental make for a flawless track from beginning to end, literally flaw-free.

[My Score] 10

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Chart Run ]

#9 - #9 - #8 - #9 - #9 - #8 - #8 - #8 - #8

- - - - - â—† - - - - -

[ Commentary ]

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@MonsterJames333 (11)

"Picking a favorite song upon so many stellar tracks is no easy feat but SKIN gets under MY skin and grabs hold tight!  Deep throbbing beats undercut the verses perfectly as Madonna throws herself deeper and deeper into her longing. "Kiss me, I'm Dying", she urges.  Then the music shifts into sweeping melancholic beauty as she sings of all the things she's said sounding like things she's said before....until the speed kicks in. The song grows faster, harder, stronger with wails of "Im not like this all the time!"   SKIN is a journey that ends completely different than it began.  An electronic masterpiece."

@Thomas (11)

"Truly one of the best songs ever recorded and released. Criminally underrated by both fans and Madgina. Can't believe we still haven't gotten a live performance of this genius track."

@monsterdino (11)

"This song is just simply OUT. OF. THIS. WORLD. The song sounds so futuristic and space-like wich I see those things as "distant" or "unfimiliar" out there but you can't feel it or see it wich correspond to the lyrics and the meaning of them. Madonna is yearning for a "taste" of real, true, deep love for just a little "touch" of love, she want's to feel the love both emotinally and physically too from someone and she is singing this over the beats of electronic orchestra and the very complex instrumental but Madonna's voice still stands out and empowers the track."

@Uncle ARTPOP (11)

"This house track really feels so huge, the thump of the bass and all the percussion makes it really grow around you, it's a perfect dance track."


"This is so hauntingly atmospheric and those tecnho undertones are godly. Pure magic."

@Maleficent (10)


@Sam Dey (10)

"This song gives me space like vibes that are out of this world. This is the most trance-like/trippy track on the album and I LOVE IT."

@Johny Wayne (9.75)

"Words simply can’t describe what this song makes you feel. And maybe I shouldn’t be using them anyway, cuz as madge once said, words have lost their meaning, they don’t function anymore. For me it was one of the songs that took the longest to grow on me but now it has definitely gotten under my skin. It takes over your body and gives you such an unexplainable rush of feelings/emotions when you open your mind to it and allow yourself to get lost in it and it makes you wanna touch someone, love someone. It is not easy to do such thing though (opening your mind up to the song) and that’s why this song remains a missunderstood and underapreciated gem. By the end of the song, everything becomes so caotic you just have this urgency to kiss madonna, would you let her die?"

@shoful (9)

"This song to me seems like a cry for love. She wants to really connect with someone , maybe someone from the past that she might have hurt. She references her past "stupid thing" several times in this song. Maybe showing this person that she really has changed and she's not as self-absorbed as she was previously. I really enjoy this track overall."

@Thomas P (9)

"Amazing song. Just amazing. That's all I can really say."

@LoisLilMonster (8.5)

"The first song that really got my attention. The chorus is so glorious: her yearning voice, the electric orchestra. The best part of the song imo is when that sick beat starts after she says 'put your hand on my skin' after the initial chorus."

@Antichrist (8)

"i had a rave party organized the first time i heard this party (randomly wanted to listen to this song bcuz of the title :derpga:) and i don't regret it at all, if you'll ever find yourself in a situation full of consumed drugs, i advise you to listen to this song, you wont regret it. NOTE: 04:20 onwards, the song ****s evreything up (perfect number, too :ladyhaha:)"

@MAC (8)

"Another great song.  Great production.  Sounds very mysterious."

@TheShameMonster (7.8)

"A bit lengthy for my taste and could’ve been trimmed down to avoid overstaying its welcome. I also find it very forgettable. Nonetheless, it has a decent beat and okay lyrics."

@juju (7)

"An orchestral electronic song that sonically takes the listener on a journey through the underbelly of the album's darker moments. I've always had an appreciation for this one, but it doesn't stand out amongst my favorites from the album."

@DeanWinchester (6)

"I love the inclusion of new-age space electronica instrumentals but other than that, this song isn't doing much for me."

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@DontDoubtDavid (1)

"Idk, I just don’t like the song. Doesn’t sound well made, kinda sounds off beat."

Oh it was 8 :selena: 

I mean it was predictable.


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It should have been like this

1. Skin

2. Candy Perfume Girl

3. Sky Fits Heaven

4. Mer Girl

5. Swim

6. Drowned World/Substitute for Love

7. To Have and Not To Hold

8. Nothing Really Matters

9. Frozen

10. Ray Of Light

11. Power Of Good-Bye

12. Shanti/Ashtangi

13. Little Star

14. Has To Be


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