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well, Madonna is good now but not great or amazing, she's just good. MDNA is her worst album and this tour is so forced, she looks tired sometimes. The nipple incident was so gross. :pukey:

I think she wants to tour but she feels like she has to keep making albums to accompany them, which IMO she doesn't with a back catalog that big

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I think she wants to tour but she feels like she has to keep making albums to accompany them, which IMO she doesn't with a back catalog that big

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Wait.. So everyone is saying the tour is forced...and she looks tired.. GREAT. I just spent $100+ on a ticket from November.. Great.

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Guest theFuture


To see additional photos from the show go and :)

"My MDNA Day Recap"

by Felix

(Nominated for Longest Post of the Year)

I got up at 4AM and went to work where I left early to catch my train at 10AM. Me and a friend who is also a Gaga stan (as much as I hate this word, this is the only expression I could use here) like me. I guess it might be a little known around here that I am also a huge Madonna fan / stan / ***** / whatever, and I am happy to announce that since 1AM tomorrow night, the Madonna fan base as grown a bit. The high priestess of pop converted, delivered and brain-washed and here is why...

We arrived at the arena, the O2 World which is a very beautiful venue, in Berlin at noon and my mood had reached it's absolute low point. I was expecting the unexpected which turned out to outdo all my worst worries figured out before the show. The night before, people had been camping outside the venue which made a total of about 200 people waiting before us. There were ten separate rows people were waiting in and it seemed impossible to catch a somewhat acceptable place. At least at this point.

A while after, a couple of Madonna crew members came to check out what was going on in front of the arena. They talked and talked, discussed and discussed and eventually came to the conclusion to make four rows out of ten. Which sounds very clever, right?

So, this was the starting signal for the divas, drama queens and all the other types of queens united this day. The ultimate b---h fest started and there was a lot of b---h slapping for stealing places and many many - up to then - unknown insults were thrown around. Eventually, people that came at midnight would be at the end of the row while others were at the front. Everything was twisted and the general mood must have been colder than the "Frozen" video.

I was somewhere in the middle of the very first row and had already given up on a decent place on the general admission floor.

A couple of hours after, it was time to play to game of games - the MDNA pit ticket lottery - which provided just as much excitement, meltdowns and screams like the row disaster before. In every row, people had to line up in pairs, sit down and leave 1m space between each other so that crew members could walk through the middle and give everybody the chance to tip the iPad. Everybody was given a chance to tip it. The emotions on people's faces were priceless and overwhelming. They were also underwhelming considering many won pit tickets without knowing what they won nor able to appreciate the fact that they were going to see Madonna as close as some people don't even dare to dream in their wettest dreams.

Then, it was up to me. I, of course, had prayed and prayed in advance but looking at how many people had won before me, I was once again at my low point. So, I tipped the iPad, expected not to win and smiled to wish the lady a good-bye. The face of my friend sitting next to me... was weird. The lady screamed "You got it!" and I was like "What?" when everybody started clapping their hands like they had done with everybody who won. I was so confused, not able to think properly when that guy came to me and give me a bracelet and a stamp on my neck which would get me inside the pit.

My friend got one as well since I had won one for him as well. I couldn't believe it. Why the hell should I be that lucky in six Madonna-less years including one cancelled show? I didn't get it but felt like the luckiest person on earth. My joy was still overshadowed by the confusion in my face which literally had written "?!" on my forehead.

All the pit tickets winners would be let in like everybody else through the main entrance and rushed then to the left side of the stage inside the pit. Which we did, of course.

It was then that I lost it. Totally. Unable to control emotion and both facial and hand gestures. I must have looked like a nuthouse person running through an open field. Which I metaphorically did, basically. We were right in the middle of the stage, second row with the very best spot anyone could have.


I took this photo from far behind to capture as much from the stage as possible. See the red headed lady? This is I was in the row after her.

But being so close also had its down sides. In front of us, not only was there an enormous stage but also were there enormously annoying people. There was a group of approximately four gays (why I am especially emphasizing this will be explained as this post continues) which couldn't hold back their openly outed s-xuality. In the course of the following three hours, they would grab each other's crotches, stroke themselves in places no person would in public (note, that they were two couples who had just met but still they were all ****ing freely, basically) and consume almost all the space of the pit. I was just thinking (quoting from my internal monologue): "Why don't you take off your clothes and get a pole?"

Yes, it was in fact heavily annoying and I was afraid for my life to be raped, s-xually abused or even scarier, verbally abused by them. It was, by far, the most complicated audience I had ever dealt with. And their space consuming SITTING in front of the stage didn't really contribute to everybody else's comfort.

I know that when you are so close to Madonna, you wouldn't be thinking about these kind of things but this was just too much for me! I am really hoping that none of you will have to deal with this! (!!!!!)


It was about 8:30PM when Martin Solveig took the stage to do his DJ set which was very good, actually. He played a couple of his own tunes, played other songs and incorporated a couple of Madonna classics. He premiered "Love Spent" in his set which was nice since the song is unfortunately omitted in the show itself.

But there was something really weird about the way he seemed to intentionally extend his set. It never seemed to end even though everybody (except for the moody gays that I will call the Bang Gangâ„¢ from now on) enjoyed it. It was around 9:30PM when he left the stage after getting everybody really hot for Madonna multiple times during his set. Saying that people got hot is used as a double entendre. Not only was everyone in great anticipation of the queen, everybody was also physically getting hot since the air conditioning was, as requested by Madonna, switched off.

Now it was obvious: Madonna was being late. I think she pretty much set herself a brand new record for being late at shows. The MDNA curtain dropped and everyone was thinking "Yes, now she's coming, I can't take this **** anymore!" but... this was of course also part of the pre-concert warming up. Another 45 minutes passed by but at least the curtain dropping caused an enjoyable gust of wind that had the entire GA floor sigh.

But the audience had grown a little tired of Madonna being late. Collective boos and whistling multiplied in the course of these 45 minutes. But the peak of the pre-concert was yet to come. The lightening people and camera men had to get on their cranes. They were lowered from the roof of the stage which meant that the pit audience had to take about three steps back. For the Bang Gangâ„¢, this seemed to be an intellectual challenge. They were intentionally refusing to leave their place and discussed with the stage manager how to lower the crew's "workplace" without having them leave their place. One look of both security people was enough to have them rush back really quickly.

And here comes the my favorite Bang Gangâ„¢ moment: there was a super fan who had waited since six in the morning to see Madonna. When everybody went back to their place (which worked fine for almost everyone), she run to the front of the stage and was a little quicker than one of the Bang Gangâ„¢ members. The official "Guuuuuuuurl" party had started. Fists were held in each other's faces and asses were pushed from left to right in order to push the enemy away. You decide who's the enemy!

Eventually, the super fan (who I really felt sorry for) was given another front row place on the right side of the stage. The funny part is that the Bang Gangâ„¢ had arrived at 6PM while the super fan had arrived at 6AM. That is very fair, right?

Everybody had their place and the show was ready to being at 10:20PM. I don't recall Madonna every being that late for a show but I really think there must have been a reason. I didn't see Rocco during the show and I certainly don't want to spread any rumors, but after the show, it was said something had happened with him and Madonna had to take care which is why the show started one hour late.

And the show surprisingly... started!


Madonna was at her best during our show. I don't know what she has been through in the last six years, but I don't recall her ever being that obviously happy to be on stage. She was so relaxed and friendly, it was incredible. She interacted with the audience all the time, waved and smiled non-stop and spoke directly to some fans.

She thanked her German fans for all the years of support and loyalty.

I should receive my personal thank you during "Like a Prayer." I ran to the right side of the stage and squeezed myself to the front not minding if I was pissing people off or not. When she came close to everyone, we reached out our hands... and I died. She touched my hand, hold it for a second, looked right at me, smiled and touched another person's hand.

Skip to 0:44. I will admit to have done something I would mock others for. I cried. Right after this I was having my Madonna revelation after six years of not having seen her. I barely noticed the rest of she show.

During "Celebration" I don't know what I was going through. But I was jumping higher than I ever did in my whole life.

I am putting this part as a spoiler because I am including details about the show and interpretations here...

The first part of the show was really intense. It started with the act of contrition and the incense burner swinging above the audience which was a little scary, actually. And the she came and may I just say "Oh my God?"

She looked great! Tiny as usual but really pretty. She danced for her live and sang decently (!). No playback.


The first part of the show is really symbolic. It is Madonna leaving not to only Catholicism behind her, but also the social string wrapped around her. The entire act is a process of self-liberation with the sad truth of not being able to escape the traps set around her as a woman - especially in organized religion. She is the girl gone wild that gives a **** about the conventions that forbid to be who she is. She is not only going wild, she is also touching the bad side ("Revolver" and "Gang Bang"). No prayers ("Papa Don't Preach") and no exorcism ceremonies ("Hung Up") can save her from her destiny. In the knowledge of not being able to escape, she finds the redemption that allows her to start a new life.

Which continues with the rest of the show.


The "Born This Way" and "Express Yourself" mash-up was hysterical! I was putting my paws up, BTW. (I know how tacky this abbreviation pun is but I think it's hysterical. :dies:)


You probably can't see it but Madonna was smiling and grinning from the second the screens opened. She had to be all "Tits up, motha****ers!" for the first act, of course, but after, her smiling couldn't be stopped.

Another artistic peak is the act built around "Vogue." Not only does it look amazing, it does also set the record straight about where Madonna sees herself and what she has to say about the general opinion on her. She has "NO FEAR" and is not afraid to unveil whatever part of her. Everything makes perfect sense. And all the s-xual references in choreography are rather artistically selected than tasteless. Her performance is the ultimate middle finger to all the assholes and narrow-minders out there trying to put Madonna in a box, declaring her to be old and inappropriate or being over. No words are needed since the imagery speaks for itself.


The performance ends with the beautiful new arrangement of "Like a Virgin." I know I said it before, but this probably is the best rework of a Madonna song I have ever seen. She has, of course, changed the sound of her old songs, but never was she able to profoundly change their meaning and accuracy.

"Like a Virgin" sounds so fragile, mature and absolutely intelligent. It is a wounded soul singing about finding new love and about the struggles one has with the labyrinth that is love. I was barely that touched during concerts but this was purely amazing. Love is a corset that will take your breath away. In a positive and negative way. All imagery Madonna presents in her performance of the song. One of the best artistic achievements she has made in years.

I'll make it short: the "Nobody Knows Me" interlude is ****ing amazing.

I'll continue "reporting" outside the spoiler box now...

Don't worry, I'll stay objective and neutral with the rest of my review.

Madonna was far from looking tired. Anyone claiming this has seen videos and photos only. She was perfect, joyful, youthful and extremely excited and happy to be on stage. I don't recall an artist being that overwhelmed by an audience ever.

She was so extremely friendly and good-hearted, it's incredible. I know I sound like One of Those Madonna Fans (see user title) but Madonna has an aura that is captivating. There is a reason why she she is till on top after 30 years. I love Gaga equally (and I know how annoying this comparison is) but there years of stage experience ahead of her to become the performer and artist Madonna is. I have no doubt about her reaching the exact state in 30 years time, so I don't mean to be negative or belittle Gaga at all.


When the show was over, I didn't know what hit me. I was mind-****ed (both, by Madonna and the Bang Gangâ„¢).

It was one of the best shows I've ever seen and definitely the most emotional concert I've ever been to.

I enjoyed every aspect of the show and I am deeply grateful for the outstanding luck I had that day to go through what happened that night.

I am wishing everybody who's going a great show and I am really sorry for those that will not make it for whatever reasons. You will be just as amazed as I was and am.




(Don't ask me why I closed with a personal note at the end... but love to you all, anyways)

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Guest theFuture

My post is now finally edited and ready to be deleted off the server. (I am kidding, mods) :kisses:

EDIT: Now, it is completed.

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I just went to the official website and saw heaven :rip:


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BTWB poster tbh

But she needs to throw out those atrocious boots

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I think she wants to tour but she feels like she has to keep making albums to accompany them, which IMO she doesn't with a back catalog that big

I know but... GMAYL is terrible, she can do it better.

Edited by DrewStevens
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Wish I could afford to go :(

Are their any plans for a dvd or anything?

I'm sure there's gonna be one!

is she still singing BTW?


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Guest theFuture

Wish I could afford to go :(

Are their any plans for a dvd or anything?

Oh yes! Fans asked crew members yesterday and the tour DVD is planned to be recorded by the end of the year or next year in Australia.

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