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Jimmy Iovine shades Gaga


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8 hours ago, monketsharona said:

Well guys you know there's difference between business and personal life... 

Jimmy may be a good Lady Gaga friend, but that doesn't mean he needs to agree on everything she does in terms of work, management and others...

You really should make difference between job and friendship...

Absolutely. The ppl who love you the most tend to also be the most critical because they care. 

1 hour ago, Kimihiro said:

Stop dragging him please. It's embarrassing. This man did a lot for Gaga's career and what he said was sensible. 

It doesn't matter if it's Gaga or not, but sometimes she needs to listen to people who constructively criticizes her. Part of me believes that where Gaga now is is the result of being surrounded by people who are yes-men. Thet thought they all could do it on their own, but maintaining a megastar is a collaborative effort, not just doing what you want. 


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 Waaait, so when LM says the same exact thing, it's ok and for her own good  because we love her, but when someone who actually worked closely with her saying the same, he's shading?:oprah:

a bit hypocrite imo..

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If it was about Gaga, he wasn't shading her, but Troy and his management skills. He's saying the art suffered because of the business being put first and that it was all a disaster because of that. He wasn't wrong (were it about Gaga); because of the business being placed in front of the art in terms of priority, things were rushed and burned up a bit. That's a diss at Troy for mismanaging, not Gaga.

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Battle 4 Ur Life

Joanne was not written on te road. BTW and ARTPOP were tho.

“Stupid Love aged like Macallan tho”
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Born This Way was made on the road, and it wasn't a disaster. In fact, it was a huge success. And what made ARTPOP 'flop' or whatever was mismanagement. The album could have been a big success too.

Ugh, I can't stand Pharrell anymore. He's too extra these days. 

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Battle 4 Ur Life
2 hours ago, Ziggy said:

If it was about Gaga, he wasn't shading her, but Troy and his management skills. He's saying the art suffered because of the business being put first and that it was all a disaster because of that. He wasn't wrong (were it about Gaga); because of the business being placed in front of the art in terms of priority, things were rushed and burned up a bit. That's a diss at Troy for mismanaging, not Gaga.

this is true

“Stupid Love aged like Macallan tho”
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5 hours ago, SEANGT said:

this isn't about gaga. she didn't make ARTPOP on the road...she spent forever on it during a break. How can y'all forget that. Born THis Way was made on the road and it was a huge success. 

What? ARTPOP was definitely written on the road, we know that because Gaga revealed Princess Die on the BTWB, which she said was a song written for her next album (ARTPOP). And the break between the BTWB and the release of ARTPOP wasn't that long either. Applause was released almost exactly 6 months after the end of the BTWB, in which the album was probably finished.

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Rabbit Heart

He isn't wrong! You can't make  a decent music and do 10 other things beside it! Quality demands focus and time! Love it or hate it Gaga hasn't released an album which seems finished and polished wince TFM (C2C excluded! Yes, ARTPOP was a mess, deal with it, intro to Aura itself is a proof and it goes through the whole album, which certainly has many bright things,don't get me wrong I hladly listen to AP but facts are facts! BTW was good, but still felt unfinished and raw, tho I like that album, it's a fact. Joanne felt nice, but boring and still gave me some unfinished vibe, it had vision but it wasn't executed in the right way! 

Hopefully we'll get some good album from her, as a whole from start to finish! 

So I don't blame this Jimmy for saying those things wheter it was about Gaga or not, there's some truth in his words! The only wrong thing about it is the way he said them, he mocked it and he shouldn't have. 

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But she didn't make ARTPOP on the road and that's the only "disaster" she's ever had.

One Banned Boi
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Der Meister

GAGA  had the concept for ARTPOP in 2011-12. She was supposed to released it in the end of 2012 but for some short of problem she didn't. So she rewrote a lot of songs during the early 2013 and released the album in November of the same year. I don't think he was talking about this album in particular.

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bloody g

ARTPOP was nowhere near a disaster. Her management was awful, everything looked messy and the GP noticed, but economically it did good

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Delulu Rogers

I see no lies. ARTPOP was a disaster and it's not just because of what was happening behind the scenes. The album itself was out of date with it's edm sound, had no cohesiveness, no theme, and was too hyped and conceptualized

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Without a LOT more evidence, based on just this video, I see no basis for thinking that he's talking about Gaga here.

Now personally, I happen to think that Jimmy Iovine is a dirtbag, for getting Stevie Nicks hooked on cocaine. But that's a whole other discussion.

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