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I don't think so. There was a reason she was running away from the girls. Also:

I believe they implied in the Halloween episode that Lucas was ultimately part of "Team A" and Lucas was seen talking with the Black Swan and Jenna, so I believe those three are the rest of Team A.

And regarding the girl in the red dress:

I don't think the girl in the red dress had to do with anything. You can clearly see that she came and talked to Mona the next day. She didn't just wear the dress she wore the night before to visit someone in an insane asylum.

Actually she did have to do a lot? She is Mona's boss and since the series is going accordingly to the book something similar happens at the end of one of the books just that Emily notices the girl

Wait, so was the Black Swan just a distraction?

This is what I think there is a Team A which is Jenna, Lucas & the black swan girl, but then there is also the girl in the red dress.

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Actually she did have to do a lot? She is Mona's boss and since the series is going accordingly to the book something similar happens at the end of one of the books just that Emily notices the girl

This is what I think there is a Team A which is Jenna, Lucas & the black swan girl, but then there is also the girl in the red dress.

Hm, I suppose it could be her. I was thinking that she was just the black swan with a different hair colour.

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No, guys...

Mona IS A. The person she was talking to at the end isn't A. I suppose it could have been Ali's A or something, but A is Mona. Clearly this person is part of everything, probably the "leader" of the whole thing, but they aren't A. Mona was the one who sent all the messages, did all the blackmailing, hacking, stalking, etc. etc. etc. Everything that A did was Mona. We DID find out who A is. Whoever she was talking to at the end is someone else, obviously involved, but not A. They could become A now, though...

I mean, I feel KINDA gypped because they said they weren't going in the same direction as the books, which kind of IMPLIES that A was going to be someone else, but no one ever actually said that A was going to be a different person, which she was. And things WERE done differently than in the books. The whole damn plot line for the whole two seasons was totally different from what I've read. Obviously some things were the same, but they took a lot of their own artistic liberty and changed things around, emitted things, added totally new things, etc. Plus, Mona dies in the books after Spencer pushes her off the cliff.

Anyway... one question answered, but SO MANY MORE TO ASK NOW. Just like they said. :hehe:

Who the **** was the Black Swan? And did she actually have anything to do with it, or did Mona just make her out to be a red herring? She's probably in on it, since she was talking to Jenna and Lucas, but who knows.

What happened to Maya? I'm assuming it's really her based on things Marlene King has said after the fact. They just can't really identify a body AT THE SCENE, even if it's obvious, without DNA and identification and what not. Besides, even if she died way back when she disappeared (which I think she probably did), her body wouldn't have decayed beyond recognition that fast, would it have? I saw someone suggesting that maybe she died in the fire, which would make sense, because then it's very possible they really WOULDN'T be able to identify her. Does this even have anything to do with A/Ali's killer? Was it maybe Paige? Possible, but I don't know how many killers and psychopaths you can put in one high school before it gets to just be ridiculous. :hehe:

Who was Jenna talking to? I'm almost certain it wasn't Mona. I don't think they used body doubles for A in this episode anymore, and it definitely looked like a dude. What did she give the person?

What's with the Toffee mentions from both Melissa AND Mona? Was that just a red herring? Clearly there were a TON of them in the whole two seasons leading up to this, but they were more discrete, I think. That was blatant. It has to mean something, no?

Is Dr. Sullivan's son someone we know, or someone of importance? I feel like they could have and would have gone another route, like A just blackmailing or threatening Dr. Sullivan herself, if it didn't matter. The fact that she brings up her son seems like it means something. People have suggested Toby, but he already said his mom died, so it's not him. Lucas, maybe? Caleb? Ehhh...

Was Mona Ali's A? Ali was bullying her to the extreme, so she would have motive for that. Better motive than the PLLs stealing Hanna away from her, anyway. :hehe: She got really sinister around the Halloween episode.

Mona's watch went off, apparently at midnight (I didn't catch the time, but that's what I've read). What was going to happen at midnight? I'm assuming, had none of this happened (Spencer figuring out the room 2 thing, finding the lair and bringing Mona, figuring out who she is), something was meant to happen at midnight, since she specifically said that whatever they were supposed to do had to happen by midnight ("OR ELSE" kind of being implied there). Was it giving the phone back? I don't remember. I'll have to rewatch the episode today, lol.

Why did Dr. Sullivan call Toby in the first place? I kind of got the idea that they'd been talking for awhile, him going to find her and what not...but how did Toby know she knew anything about A and could be of help? And if she was so willing to go away like A said due to the threats to her son (which makes sense), why would she come back so easily? Also, she totally broke a million laws/rules of psychiatry/whatever by not turning Mona in once she knew she was a threat to herself or other people, but whatever. I can overlook that for now, because most people would do pretty much anything to protect their child, but I think it's also possible that she might be in on the whole thing.

I'm pretty sure I had more questions that came up, but this post is already a novel and my mind is running dry at the moment, lol. I'll post again if I remember anything, either on my own or by re-watching.

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I just we't back and watched the episode again, the b---h in the red dress was everywhere she was next to Ezra & Aria when they kissed, she passed next to Mona,Hannah and Caleb and she also was sitting next to Paige and Emily(though I'm not 100% sure but I'm thinking it was her) the girl in the red dress will probably be a big part in season 3 and it seems they are gonna do the book plot line so we all have and idea to who the girl in the red dress was.

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I just we't back and watched the episode again, the b---h in the red dress was everywhere she was next to Ezra & Aria when they kissed, she passed next to Mona,Hannah and Caleb and she also was sitting next to Paige and Emily(though I'm not 100% sure but I'm thinking it was her) the girl in the red dress will probably be a big part in season 3 and it seems they are gonna do the book plot line so we all have and idea to who the girl in the red dress was.

I read that you could see her face in some scenes in the background and she didn't look like anybody... but she was totally shown too damn much to be no one, no?

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I read that you could see her face in some scenes in the background and she didn't look like anybody... but she was totally shown too damn much to be no one, no?

Actually when she was next to Paige and Emily she didn't have a mask or maybe she did have a different one but they showed her too much and then when they turned the camara away you could still see her in a mirror they showed her way too much in the dance for her not to mean anything to the story

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Ok now I'm sure she is someone important btw I just watched the episode with my mom and she said it could be Kate because she looks tall and has a similar body

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I keep thinking Melissa is faking the pregnancy and she is the Black Swan

Someone said that yesterday to me about her faking the pregnancy! I think so too..

What you guys are saying is getting me so pumped for June!! :excited2:

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I keep thinking Melissa is faking the pregnancy and she is the Black Swan

It kind of looks like Melissa for sure... but it also kind of looks like Hanna's mom?! But that would be REALLY ****ed. I'm not sure they would go that far.

I guess it could also be Jackie...

Also, I don't know... that girl in the red doesn't really look like Ali? At least not from what I can tell. It seems weird that we would be able to see her in some scenes without the mask, even if it's still hard to make out who she is.

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MY idea is

A is 5 people

4 of them close to the girls






yea well let's say all these 4 and there is someone controlling them like Allison kinda did.

And now they got Mona means there is 3 left and the queen B just like Alison

And they will never suspect anything about these people because they love them to much

Why they do this can be reveal d later

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