Manul 7,377 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 1 minute ago, MaryJaneHolland said: It looks like it had a budget of 20k. it wasn't laaaahv Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
StrawberryBlond 14,377 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 23 minutes ago, Mars Spider said: I know I'm a man but I do have an opinion, and I think you are being too extra on this matter, I mean it's POP MUSIC, this culture its about selling and being commercial, sex and nudity sells a lot (I know it very well because I work in a fashion photographer's studio), it has always been like that and it will always be because of the industry and the public's preference, even Gaga had moments like this through her career and you are still here This kind of videos are a standard for Katy, she just did it more nsfw this time tho, but the rest its just like the things she always did. And I don't think she's giving a bad message because as you can see at the end, she kills everyone that wanted to eat her, like a revenge to the things they did to her Yes, you have as much right to your opinion as I do mine but in the case where you're not the oppressed group, it pays to listen. As man, you'll never have to deal with this level of objectification that women deal with witnessing their gender go through every day of their lives. It's in movies, music, tv shows, magazine covers, sends powerful messages about what women think of themselves and their place in the world. It doesn't matter if it's in our culture or what the people want. If this is what they want, the public are f***ed up. There are ways to be sexual without degrading yourself. I don't approve of every sexual thing Gaga's done throughout her career but at least most of the time, she's doing it in a genuinely powerful way that goes against society's expectations and has genuinely interesting social commentary to make with it. This is like nothing Katy has ever done before. I've watched all her videos and I can't think of one that is like a PG version of this. Even I Kissed A Girl is just fully-clothed women having pillow fights. This is not her style at all. She wouldn't have so many kid fans if this was her usual style. She's going sexual for the attention this will bring her. There's nothing empowering about that. It's a sad fact of life that women have to do this while men do not. And in what world is killing people to eat them not a negative message? There's issues in isolation here. Yes, the sexualisation, but what about the glamourisation of cannibalism? As I said previously, can you imagine how any family of cannibalised victims feel watching this? 15 minutes ago, Bio said: Did you even finish watching the video? This is obviously criticism about the way the industry sexualizes women and sell them like products. The ending is pretty self-explanatory. No it isn't. It's just a dumb revenge fantasy in a poorly executed 'story.' It's just thrown in there to make people say that everything in the build-up is now acceptable...just like you are doing now. It's all so sly how the industry does this. If Katy truly wanted to make a video pointing out the evils of industry sexualisation, this was not the way to do it. She doesn't have a clue about social commentary especially when it comes to such sensitive issues like this. If she did, she would not have ended the video the way she did. 15 minutes ago, Givenchy said: What does it have to do with rape? she's presenting the idea of putting food on women and eating it (which happens in real life in some parts of the world in luxurious places, and the don't eat the woman, just the food) in a music video. I don't get where the idea of rape came from. Being a rape victim doesn't mean using that as a card to blame anything and everything for what happened to you. Rape is a horrible crime, but this music video has nothing to do with rape. Understand the concept of it, do some online research and then express how you feel AFTER you've learned what it's all about. Yes, some women do have food eaten off them in some countries (and not just exotic ones, it happens in the western world too in certain underground parts of society) but some women also get killed and eaten! And men too. I actually read an article a while back that highlighted some of the most evil people who killed and cannibalised their spouses, friends and lovers for revenge or sick kicks. This is not something to be glamourised. And you have no idea where the idea of rape came from? There's a close-up of a woman at 3:51 getting her top pulled open to reveal her bra. She's forcibly having her clothes ripped off her. That image sets off the 'rape alarm' in women's heads for obvious reasons. We've seen it depicted many times before. We know what it means. How do you know the chefs didn't do anything else to the victims before they killed them? 12 minutes ago, ItsTommyBitch said: I feel like there's some sort of message here But idk what it is Something... objectification? DWUW teas? Katy, if you're going to try to be woke, just ****ing ask 1 black woman on twitter to give you the tea Save this era before its too late This song isn't as awful as people act like it is though. The production is really slick and Katy's voice sounds really good on it, it just feels like... the chorus is pretty weak, similar to CTTR (though that one is more straightforward) and it never grows or builds other than the Pre-chorus which just leads back to the same energy level. *edit* If you really think about it, this is pretty grotesque, literal objectification of women's bodies, but I doubt Katy really understands that... which is just more reason she needs to stop trying to be half-woke. Like, this is just a weird video with a literal concept based on the song's title, with a very loose plot to her, but it is still very yikes. Guess Im a PC SJW snowflake for realizing that though Not to be too off-topic here, but did you really have to say that a black woman would give her the tea? There's no one race who can educate people. Whites can perfectly explain an issue if they are educated on it, even if they are not the oppressed group. I don't believe in this "whitesplaining" nonsense as long as the right information is said. I have no problem with men talking about female issues so long as they know their stuff. To even suggest that certain races are better at teaching than others is a bit, you know... Bit surprised you like the song. The lyrics are sexist tripe and Katy's voice sounds awful, especially on that flat-sounding bridge. But I see you liked my post, so I'm glad we have eventually seen eye to eye on it. And no, like I said before, being against the objectification of women does not make you PC/SJW. It's sad that feminism has become associated with that side of society. It was here long before SJWism was. Incidentially, I think if it was a black woman who was singing this, people would be outraged and call it racist. But because it's happening to a white woman, it's all well and good, just a fun pop video. What's the harm? I have seen so much sexism towards white women be brushed off/laughed at/applauded but when the same thing happens to a black woman, people lose their minds. 12 minutes ago, Givenchy said: Women's bodies are objects for men? are you serious? the maker of the video is a women who willingly decided to get naked, just like Gaga gets naked all the time, and same goes for Madonna and many other artists. Just because someone is expressing their sexuality or portraying an image, even if it's meaningless, naked, doesn't mean that they're being objects. At the end of the day, it's her body, she can do what she wants with it. She can choose to portray herself as an object, a sex icon, anything. And this isn't exclusive to women, men are also looked at as banks and muscles, or look at as a big **** or a nice ass among women or gays. People love sex, and they love what turns them on and this is entertainment not a lecture about morality. It doesn't matter if the maker of the video (and I doubt Katy directed this) is female. Females can objectify themselves too. There's such a thing as willing objectification. Most women have done this at some point, even me. It doesn't make it acceptable. Problem is, women are viewed as sex objects no matter how they present themselves (ask any fully-clothed woman who get sexually harassed/assaulted/raped) so surely presenting themselves as a literal object will only make things worse? I'm not denying that men are also objectified but it's done in a completely different way. The men are always in control. When they have something that can do serious damage in their pants, you can't not be powerful if you're standing in your boxers. Men's sexuality is always strong and dominant, that's why it's different. Women usually are submissive and sometimes even allude to creepy childishness. Entertainment is a massive part of our culture. So a music video can help to oil the cogs of a culture that enjoys objectifying women. It won't directly cause a man to be abusive but it does help to keep certain beliefs going and helps to shape a man's view of a woman as a product to be used. Just for once, I'd like to see a sexual video that deals with sex in an empowering way, not these pieces of s**t that just make me feel sick and depressed and want to weep for humanity. This does not make me empowered and it does not make other women feel empowered either. 11 minutes ago, River said: The moment when they ripped off the woman's clothes and blindfolded her, put her in a chair and she was hopeless, defenseless, her freedom was taken from her.. It brought bad memories, I'm human being. And some people here behaved with lack of respect to me, really disgusting, I just feel bad now, that's it. It just seems like defending Katy Perry or any other celebrity is above every bad thing that happens to someone who is just a regular person.. Can I just say, I'm so sorry for how people on here have been treating you and brushing off your experience. I thought considering everything Gaga's gone through, GGD would be more supportive of rape victims and take their concerns seriously. Just know that I've got your back and I understand completely where you're coming from and I haven't even gone through the horror you have. I think more people could do with an injection of perspective and compassion. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
911 16,703 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 2 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said: Yes, you have as much right to your opinion as I do mine but in the case where you're not the oppressed group, it pays to listen. As man, you'll never have to deal with this level of objectification that women deal with witnessing their gender go through every day of their lives. It's in movies, music, tv shows, magazine covers, sends powerful messages about what women think of themselves and their place in the world. It doesn't matter if it's in our culture or what the people want. If this is what they want, the public are f***ed up. There are ways to be sexual without degrading yourself. I don't approve of every sexual thing Gaga's done throughout her career but at least most of the time, she's doing it in a genuinely powerful way that goes against society's expectations and has genuinely interesting social commentary to make with it. This is like nothing Katy has ever done before. I've watched all her videos and I can't think of one that is like a PG version of this. Even I Kissed A Girl is just fully-clothed women having pillow fights. This is not her style at all. She wouldn't have so many kid fans if this was her usual style. She's going sexual for the attention this will bring her. There's nothing empowering about that. It's a sad fact of life that women have to do this while men do not. And in what world is killing people to eat them not a negative message? There's issues in isolation here. Yes, the sexualisation, but what about the glamourisation of cannibalism? As I said previously, can you imagine how any family of cannibalised victims feel watching this? No it isn't. It's just a dumb revenge fantasy in a poorly executed 'story.' It's just thrown in there to make people say that everything in the build-up is now acceptable...just like you are doing now. It's all so sly how the industry does this. If Katy truly wanted to make a video pointing out the evils of industry sexualisation, this was not the way to do it. She doesn't have a clue about social commentary especially when it comes to such sensitive issues like this. If she did, she would not have ended the video the way she did. Yes, some women do have food eaten off them in some countries (and not just exotic ones, it happens in the western world too in certain underground parts of society) but some women also get killed and eaten! And men too. I actually read an article a while back that highlighted some of the most evil people who killed and cannibalised their spouses, friends and lovers for revenge or sick kicks. This is not something to be glamourised. And you have no idea where the idea of rape came from? There's a close-up of a woman at 3:51 getting her top pulled open to reveal her bra. She's forcibly having her clothes ripped off her. That image sets off the 'rape alarm' in women's heads for obvious reasons. We've seen it depicted many times before. We know what it means. How do you know the chefs didn't do anything else to the victims before they killed them? Not to be too off-topic here, but did you really have to say that a black woman would give her the tea? There's no one race who can educate people. Whites can perfectly explain an issue if they are educated on it, even if they are not the oppressed group. I don't believe in this "whitesplaining" nonsense as long as the right information is said. I have no problem with men talking about female issues so long as they know their stuff. To even suggest that certain races are better at teaching than others is a bit, you know... Bit surprised you like the song. The lyrics are sexist tripe and Katy's voice sounds awful, especially on that flat-sounding bridge. But I see you liked my post, so I'm glad we have eventually seen eye to eye on it. And no, like I said before, being against the objectification of women does not make you PC/SJW. It's sad that feminism has become associated with that side of society. It was here long before SJWism was. Incidentially, I think if it was a black woman who was singing this, people would be outraged and call it racist. But because it's happening to a white woman, it's all well and good, just a fun pop video. What's the harm? I have seen so much sexism towards white women be brushed off/laughed at/applauded but when the same thing happens to a black woman, people lose their minds. It doesn't matter if the maker of the video (and I doubt Katy directed this) is female. Females can objectify themselves too. There's such a thing as willing objectification. Most women have done this at some point, even me. It doesn't make it acceptable. Problem is, women are viewed as sex objects no matter how they present themselves (ask any fully-clothed woman who get sexually harassed/assaulted/raped) so surely presenting themselves as a literal object will only make things worse? I'm not denying that men are also objectified but it's done in a completely different way. The men are always in control. When they have something that can do serious damage in their pants, you can't not be powerful if you're standing in your boxers. Men's sexuality is always strong and dominant, that's why it's different. Women usually are submissive and sometimes even allude to creepy childishness. Entertainment is a massive part of our culture. So a music video can help to oil the cogs of a culture that enjoys objectifying women. It won't directly cause a man to be abusive but it does help to keep certain beliefs going and helps to shape a man's view of a woman as a product to be used. Just for once, I'd like to see a sexual video that deals with sex in an empowering way, not these pieces of s**t that just make me feel sick and depressed and want to weep for humanity. This does not make me empowered and it does not make other women feel empowered either. Can I just say, I'm so sorry for how people on here have been treating you and brushing off your experience. I thought considering everything Gaga's gone through, GGD would be more supportive of rape victims and take their concerns seriously. Just know that I've got your back and I understand completely where you're coming from and I haven't even gone through the horror you have. I think more people could do with an injection of perspective and compassion. Gurl you're always writing so much, I live for this 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕚𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕞𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕞𝕖, 𝕡𝕠𝕡 𝕒 𝟡𝟙𝟙 Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryJaneHolland 77,348 Posted May 12, 2017 Author Share Posted May 12, 2017 People have to stop looking so deep into a pop song video Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
God Control 2,181 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 6 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said: Yes, some women do have food eaten off them in some countries (and not just exotic ones, it happens in the western world too in certain underground parts of society) but some women also get killed and eaten! And men too. 1. I actually read an article a while back that highlighted some of the most evil people who killed and cannibalised their spouses, friends and lovers for revenge or sick kicks. This is not something to be glamourised. And you have no idea where the idea of rape came from? There's a close-up of a woman at 3:51 getting her top pulled open to reveal her bra. 2. She's forcibly having her clothes ripped off her. That image sets off the 'rape alarm' in women's heads for obvious reasons. We've seen it depicted many times before. We know what it means. 3. How do you know the chefs didn't do anything else to the victims before they killed them? 1. Yes. And I've heard people killed other people for so many other reasons. This is one thing and that is another. Just because people cannibalized others doesn't mean that any image associated with that idea is "promoting" it. Art doesn't have to be ethical nor does it have to be a life lesson. It just shows an image. It needn't be idea or right. 2. Women who watch it understand that this is a music video, not real life and if they don't, they need to understand that not everything on T.V. is to be taken seriously rather than demanding that it gets taken down. And that the woman who had her clothes ripped off her has willingly auditioned to be in this video. There are countless videos and even ****ography that shows aggression and violence in sex. 3. How do you know that they did? see? you don't. Why? because it's a music video. Nothing happened. And those aren't victims. Those are actors. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
merlot 5,772 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 OMFG THIS IS SO COOL I AM LIVVIING Spoiler why are lil hunties so petty? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
River 109,231 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 4 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said: Can I just say, I'm so sorry for how people on here have been treating you and brushing off your experience. I thought considering everything Gaga's gone through, GGD would be more supportive of rape victims and take their concerns seriously. Just know that I've got your back and I understand completely where you're coming from and I haven't even gone through the horror you have. I think more people could do with an injection of perspective and compassion. Thank you so much for this, I need it at this moment His fart felt like a kiss Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlexanderMagno 10,746 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 You know what? Gaga should take some notes. This reminds me of Bad Romance, clearly lol I can't believe no one here thought about it!!! Unfortunately, as corny as it might look, it's still better than lots of videos nowadays, And John Wayne was pretty corny (but didn't look as good as this). Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
cacaca 1,210 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 Just a heads up guys: you are allowed to like a video from another artist. Some of the comments here are ridiculous. Good video. Doesn't change the fact it's a poor song. It's Gaga-esque. Loved her to have done something like this. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
MaryJaneHolland 77,348 Posted May 12, 2017 Author Share Posted May 12, 2017 3 minutes ago, AlexanderMagno said: You know what? Gaga should take some notes. I thought the same, but I'm afraid of the WP police The video is so well-directed and edited, the colors are great and match. As professional as it could get, while Gaga is letting her friends direct her videos. Spoiler I'm outta here... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Monsterish 5,520 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 I just came here to say that the song sucks, but the music video, oh, wow, the video is her best Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neight Shayde 7,925 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 I applaud the effort, katy. I really don't get why the track itself didn't have the proper (vague) context that the video was giving. Delete the video and you have a song about wanting to get spread like a buffet. Lily Allen's "Hard Out Here" is a great example of a track that even when separated from the video, delivers is intentions directly. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlexanderMagno 10,746 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 Just now, MaryJaneHolland said: I thought the same, but I'm afraid of the WP police The video is so well-directed and edited, the colors are great and match. As professional as it could get, while Gaga is letting her friends direct her videos. Hide contents I'm outta here... WP for saying what? That this video is better than anything Gaga has released since I don't even know when anymore? Doesn't mean I'm right, but it's my opinion and apparently I'm not alone. And yes, I'm one of those who think Gaga should have released something from the DWUW video. It's a pop video, and for a pop video to bring such strong and controversial themes really shakes things up. People here are hating this video for exploring themes Gaga explored with Bad Romance. Seriously, good for Katy for gaining the guts Gaga seems to have lost in her work. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
StrawberryBlond 14,377 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 4 minutes ago, Givenchy said: 1. Yes. And I've heard people killed other people for so many other reasons. This is one thing and that is another. Just because people cannibalized others doesn't mean that any image associated with that idea is "promoting" it. Art doesn't have to be ethical nor does it have to be a life lesson. It just shows an image. It needn't be idea or right. 2. Women who watch it understand that this is a music video, not real life and if they don't, they need to understand that not everything on T.V. is to be taken seriously rather than demanding that it gets taken down. And that the woman who had her clothes ripped off her has willingly auditioned to be in this video. There are countless videos and even ****ography that shows aggression and violence in sex. 3. How do you know that they did? see? you don't. Why? because it's a music video. Nothing happened. And those aren't victims. Those are actors. If you put a negative idea out into the world and glorify it for whatever reason, you are helping to make this message acceptable. That's why you have to be so careful when you make videos that are darkly sarcastic. You've got to do it right. If Katy truly intended to create a social message here, she failed because it promotes nothing but negativity. I already said that not everyone who watches it won't be able to tell fantasy and reality apart. But the images stay lodged in their head and because they appeal to the sexual receptors in their brain, they may start to find these images titillating in the most morbid way. I have some dark fantasies of my own and I know that they come from some of the vile messages society sends to us. No matter how much I wouldn't condone these actions in genuine reality, it makes me feel a bit guilty. But as long as I keep these fantasies to myself or only indulge in them in controlled environments, they can be handled well. But not everyone has their head on their shoulders. Some will think when it comes to sex, anything goes. I don't care if someone willingly put themselves forward to have themselves presented like this. The fact that there are women out there who are happy to take on this role upsets me. And yes, violent p*rn is a huge problem that is the result of the toxic messages that the media sends us about male sexual dominance and female inferiority. If such messages were not sent, there wouldn't be a demand for such videos. Demand for this didn't just come from nowhere. It doesn't matter if this is all acting. Culture sends messages, whether it's factual or imagined culture. And there's such a thing as implication. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
God Control 2,181 Posted May 12, 2017 Share Posted May 12, 2017 15 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said: 1. It doesn't matter if the maker of the video (and I doubt Katy directed this) is female. Females can objectify themselves too. There's such a thing as willing objectification. Most women have done this at some point, even me. It doesn't make it acceptable. Problem is, women are viewed as sex objects no matter how they present themselves (ask any fully-clothed woman who get sexually harassed/assaulted/raped) so surely presenting themselves as a literal object will only make things worse? I'm not denying that men are also objectified but it's done in a completely different way. 2. The men are always in control. When they have something that can do serious damage in their pants, you can't not be powerful if you're standing in your boxers. Men's sexuality is always strong and dominant, that's why it's different. 3. Women usually are submissive and sometimes even allude to creepy childishness. 4. Entertainment is a massive part of our culture. So a music video can help to oil the cogs of a culture that enjoys objectifying women. It won't directly cause a man to be abusive but it does help to keep certain beliefs going and helps to shape a man's view of a woman as a product to be used. 5. Just for once, I'd like to see a sexual video that deals with sex in an empowering way, not these pieces of s**t that just make me feel sick and depressed and want to weep for humanity. This does not make me empowered and it does not make other women feel empowered either. 1. Acceptable to whom? she's free to do whatever she wants. If you don't wanna sexualize or objectify yourself, you're free to do that. But she's also free to be anything she wants to be. We're not all some type of hive mind where each of us has to do act the way someone else sees it to be appropriate. 2. No, they're not. You're looking at men the wrong way, because you're talking as if "men" only means straight men and as if men only means those who have full control over the lives of their female partners, which isn't true. 3. Many women in many countries take advantage of the law to take over her ex-husband's wealth or to attack him many times, physically and when he responds with an attack, he gets sued for it. Which isn't fair because if you want equality, you either hit and be hit back or you neither hit nor get hit. 4. By your logic, **** should be banned. 5. There are countless videos where the woman ends up beating the man, killing the man for cheating, fighting and breaking him to pieces, but we don't see videos of men doing the same. I'm not asking for that, either, but if you're talking about videos that show empowerment or sex in an empowering way, there are, and generally speaking, sex is something that is felt differently from one person to another. You enjoy sex much differently than I do, and same goes for many people here. Some people actually do enjoy the idea of being submissive in sex, whether they're males or female, straight or gay. It's in our nature. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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