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Katy Perry - Bon Appétit ft. Migos


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I still hate that song, but gurl, this video is amazing :O Only Migos part was bad and the end was kinda weird. But wow :lolly: I really like it :pray:

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5 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I am genuinely flabbergasted. And not in a good way.

This video is disgusting. I actually felt like crying at some points. It is sick how even in 2017, women's bodies are just objects for the male gaze and in this case, literal objects. To be moulded and sculpted (those scenes where her flesh was pinched, her feet twisted and her legs stretched made me want to throw up). Throw in some glamorisation of murder and cannibalism and you have a music video that never should have seen the light of day. Truly her DWUW moment, but at least Gaga and her team had the good sense to halt the brakes on that one and in retrospect, I'm so glad they did. Here was me thinking that all we were going to get at most would be some twerking and some cultural appropriation accusations. I didn't think she'd have the guts to go for Xtina levels of controversial video because this just isn't Katy's style. She's about nudge nudge wink wink sexuality, not the explicit stuff. Partly because she likes to keep things PG for her large child audience. This video goes against her image in the worst possible way. I knew it was going to get hate and be controversial but this is stratospheric. I hope people hit the dislike button so hard on this and make it her most disliked video of all time. We need to send the message loud and clear that we do not want this image of women and such negative messages in our society. Katy claims to be a feminist. She brings shame to our cause.

I can't believe so many of you are saying you like this. I notice most of you don't even bring up the negative messages in this video at all. Not to be offensive here, but seeing as the majority of you are likely male, I'm not surprised that you don't get it. You don't even consider the implications this video has. As men, they don't apply to you, so they are irrelevant. As a female, this video makes me feel genuinely ill. If this is also the feeling that anyone else feels deep down in their heart, don't worry: you're not a prude if you don't like it. Being offended and disgusted by the objectification of women while men are are glorified is not prudish. It's called being compassionate and humane.

I know I'm a man but I do have an opinion, and I think you are being too extra on this matter, I mean it's POP MUSIC, this culture its about selling and being commercial, sex and nudity sells a lot (I know it very well because I work in a fashion photographer's studio), it has always been like that and it will always be because of the industry and the public's preference, even Gaga had moments like this through her career and you are still here

This kind of videos are a standard for Katy, she just did it more nsfw this time tho, but the rest its just like the things she always did. And I don't think she's giving a bad message because as you can see at the end, she kills everyone that wanted to eat her, like a revenge to the things they did to her

... and now i just sit in silence.
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The ending is messy and I hate Migos they can choke

Overall I really like this I think. It is fun, sexy, campy and you can definitely see it is a high budget video

Im plesantly surprised

This got me spread like a buffet


Still hate the song tho

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She's so hot in the beginning :giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup::giveup:

But the ending was meh

also the rappers part was tragic

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God Control

Loving the music video. I'm glad there are still artists and singers willing to spend on making something that doesn't just dancing against a green screen or random footage taken here and there of the artist singing his/her song in different outfits.

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Fiona Apple
17 minutes ago, River said:

you are ****ing reported.


This is not against any rules so I don't care. Stay bitter xo

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stir the pot
16 minutes ago, Dominic Marc said:

A woman feels empowered and sexually liberated.

Everyone: no! That's wrong.  You're doing feminism all wrong. Do it the way we tell you. 

Isn't the video a commentary on just that? How she was going to be objectified but turns the tables around? Hence her tweet "I'm not a piece of meat". 

Why do we always blame the women and never those who objectify them? 

Usually agree with you but on this occasion it's a no from me. Blame my sex if you want. 



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24 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I am genuinely flabbergasted. And not in a good way.

This video is disgusting. I actually felt like crying at some points. It is sick how even in 2017, women's bodies are just objects for the male gaze and in this case, literal objects. To be moulded and sculpted (those scenes where her flesh was pinched, her feet twisted and her legs stretched made me want to throw up). Throw in some glamorisation of murder and cannibalism and you have a music video that never should have seen the light of day. Truly her DWUW moment, but at least Gaga and her team had the good sense to halt the brakes on that one and in retrospect, I'm so glad they did. Here was me thinking that all we were going to get at most would be some twerking and some cultural appropriation accusations. I didn't think she'd have the guts to go for Xtina levels of controversial video because this just isn't Katy's style. She's about nudge nudge wink wink sexuality, not the explicit stuff. Partly because she likes to keep things PG for her large child audience. This video goes against her image in the worst possible way. I knew it was going to get hate and be controversial but this is stratospheric. I hope people hit the dislike button so hard on this and make it her most disliked video of all time. We need to send the message loud and clear that we do not want this image of women and such negative messages in our society. Katy claims to be a feminist. She brings shame to our cause.

I can't believe so many of you are saying you like this. I notice most of you don't even bring up the negative messages in this video at all. Not to be offensive here, but seeing as the majority of you are likely male, I'm not surprised that you don't get it. You don't even consider the implications this video has. As men, they don't apply to you, so they are irrelevant. As a female, this video makes me feel genuinely ill. If this is also the feeling that anyone else feels deep down in their heart, don't worry: you're not a prude if you don't like it. Being offended and disgusted by the objectification of women while men are are glorified is not prudish. It's called being compassionate and humane.

Did you even finish watching the video? This is obviously criticism about the way the industry sexualizes women and sell them like products. The ending is pretty self-explanatory. 

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God Control
43 minutes ago, River said:

It's not art, it's just to laugh about rape victims.. there's no message behind it..

It's Katy, she's laughing about anything bad that happens to someone else (gays, Britney etc.)

It's a sad excuse really..

If you plan to reply, you are talking with a rape victim (my uncle raped me when I was 11), so think twice before you write something please.

What does it have to do with rape? she's presenting the idea of putting food on women and eating it (which happens in real life in some parts of the world in luxurious places, and the don't eat the woman, just the food) in a music video. I don't get where the idea of rape came from. 

Being a rape victim doesn't mean using that as a card to blame anything and everything for what happened to you. Rape is a horrible crime, but this music video has nothing to do with rape. Understand the concept of it, do some online research and then express how you feel AFTER you've learned what it's all about.

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Katy trying to blunt Miley's momentum. It won't work. Miley had over 24 million views in one day. Holy sh** !

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All this wasted food :giveup: 

But she looks good! I don't think the video will "help" the song, but this is miles better than the CTTR video, so there's that. Come through Miss Perry. :lolly: 

ps: Migos' part still makes the song. :lolly: 

❤ x ❤
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6 minutes ago, Omar Vela said:

Because...again...ART DOESN'T HAVE TO BE HAPPY AND PRETTY ALL THE TIME. It's about aesthetics, artist message (good or bad) and what it makes you feel (the fact that you felt disgusted it's part of all of this). You SJWs are in favor of freedom but at the same time want to ban everything that doesn't go with your opinion. It's a music video, it's not like she murder someone in real life.

I'm not saying art has to be happy and pretty all the time but there is a line to be drawn. That line is when you are sending repellent messages to society and glamorising them. Women make up 50% of the world's population, so a video degrading them and glamorising the atrocities that happen to them is 100% unacceptable. It's sick how, as a society, we still can't get this into our heads. And I am not an SJW. I spend most of my time these days debunking SJWs. Standing up for the image of women is not an SJW stance, it was around long before SJWs was even a thing. Saying it's a music video to validate it all means nothing. What is depicted in music videos can mirror what is going on in some real people's lives. Horrible as it is to imagine, there are some people out there who have been killed and cannibalised. How do you think the families of some of these victims would feel watching a video like this? We're so numb to the atrocities that we see in society now. We just accept them. Don't think it's worth making any kind of fuss. And that's when we start to accept them when they happen in real life as well as in art.

6 minutes ago, ReidOne said:

Not to be rude, but I think you are missing the point... She's making this exact statement herself by the end of the video, where she "turns the tables" and becomes the consumer, not the consumed. 


This has been her image since day one. :awkney:

"the taste of her cherry chapstick"


I'm not missing any point. I don't care what "twist" she put at the end. That's just to make the video halfway acceptable at the end because she becomes the one "in power." It doesn't excuse what came before it, the bit that's supposed to reel you in and keep you watching with T&A shots. And the twist is still not right either. The levels of sick just continue.

Her image hasn't been this overtly sexual and this misogynistic. Like I said before, her image is all about tease and suggestion, not explicitness. She's never done a video this seriously sexual. She only does goofy sexuality, nothing this dark. It doesn't suit her, her fans won't like it, the parents of her young fans certainly won't like it. She's trying to expand into a more adult fanbase but she picked the worst possible way to do it and failed.

1 minute ago, Dominic Marc said:

A woman feels empowered and sexually liberated.

Everyone: no! That's wrong.  You're doing feminism all wrong. Do it the way we tell you. 

Isn't the video a commentary on just that? How she was going to be objectified but turns the tables around? Hence her tweet "I'm not a piece of meat". 

Why do we always blame the women and never those who objectify them? 

Usually agree with you but on this occasion it's a no from me. Blame my sex if you want. 

This is not what empowerment and sexual liberation looks like. This is what men tell women it looks like. Shook that you don't get the irony here. Men tell us to be this sexual because if they didn't, well, the sex industry would fall apart wouldn't it? If women were actually taught that you can be sexually empowered without removing your clothes and without disrespecting yourself, there would be no more applicants for all the sexual roles men want us to fulfill. No more topless models, no more strippers, no more p*rn stars, no more hookers. So, men keep telling us this lie that to be sexual means you're a strong, confident woman. And we eat it up for breakfast.

Her attempt to turn the tables was a big fail. It doesn't excuse the objectification that came before it (but you've fallen into her trap of believing it does) and it certainly doesn't excuse the atrocities that happen to the other people, including one women who is implied to be stripped naked. Oh, sure, cut up that women and eat her, but not this woman! This one's empowered!

I am blaming those who objectify women as well. Anyone who plays a role in it gets criticism from me. Maybe you've never seen how much anger I have for men who indulge in the sex industry but I assure you, I have put these views forward before.

It's not about blaming your gender. It's about pointing out that men don't see the problem with videos like this and this paints a worrying picture of society. We should be shocked and appalled at a video like this and demand it be taken down. But no, we've seen it all before and she looks hot, so who cares? That tells you everything, doesn't it? Sexualisation and objectification is fine, so long as the woman's hot. If the degrading images of women were replicated to any other group in society, it would be seen as highly offensive. But if it's women, we don't care. Makes me sick.

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I feel like there's some sort of message here :duck: 

But idk what it is :laughga: Something... objectification? DWUW teas? :emma:

Katy, if you're going to try to be woke, just ****ing ask 1 black woman on twitter to give you the tea :ladyhaha: 

Save this era before its too late :smh: 

This song isn't as awful as people act like it is though. The production is really slick and Katy's voice sounds really good on it, it just feels like... the chorus is pretty weak, similar to CTTR (though that one is more straightforward) and it never grows or builds other than the Pre-chorus which just leads back to the same energy level.


If you really think about it, this is pretty grotesque, literal objectification of women's bodies, but I doubt Katy really understands that... which is just more reason she needs to stop trying to be half-woke. Like, this is just a weird video with a literal concept based on the song's title, with a very loose plot to her, but it is still very yikes. Guess Im a PC SJW snowflake for realizing that though :emma: 


私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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God Control
1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I am genuinely flabbergasted. And not in a good way.

This video is disgusting. I actually felt like crying at some points. It is sick how even in 2017, women's bodies are just objects for the male gaze and in this case, literal objects. To be moulded and sculpted (those scenes where her flesh was pinched, her feet twisted and her legs stretched made me want to throw up). Throw in some glamorisation of murder and cannibalism and you have a music video that never should have seen the light of day. Truly her DWUW moment, but at least Gaga and her team had the good sense to halt the brakes on that one and in retrospect, I'm so glad they did. Here was me thinking that all we were going to get at most would be some twerking and some cultural appropriation accusations. I didn't think she'd have the guts to go for Xtina levels of controversial video because this just isn't Katy's style. She's about nudge nudge wink wink sexuality, not the explicit stuff. Partly because she likes to keep things PG for her large child audience. This video goes against her image in the worst possible way. I knew it was going to get hate and be controversial but this is stratospheric. I hope people hit the dislike button so hard on this and make it her most disliked video of all time. We need to send the message loud and clear that we do not want this image of women and such negative messages in our society. Katy claims to be a feminist. She brings shame to our cause.

I can't believe so many of you are saying you like this. I notice most of you don't even bring up the negative messages in this video at all. Not to be offensive here, but seeing as the majority of you are likely male, I'm not surprised that you don't get it. You don't even consider the implications this video has. As men, they don't apply to you, so they are irrelevant. As a female, this video makes me feel genuinely ill. If this is also the feeling that anyone else feels deep down in their heart, don't worry: you're not a prude if you don't like it. Being offended and disgusted by the objectification of women while men are are glorified is not prudish. It's called being compassionate and humane.

Women's bodies are objects for men? are you serious? the maker of the video is a woman who willingly decided to get naked, just like Gaga gets naked all the time, and same goes for Madonna and many other artists.

Just because someone is expressing their sexuality or portraying an image, even a meaningless one, while they're naked, doesn't mean that they're being objects. At the end of the day, it's her body, she can do what she wants with it. She can choose to portray herself as an object, a sex icon, anything. And this isn't exclusive to women, men are also looked at as banks and muscles, or as a big **** or a nice ass among women or gays.

People love sex, and they love what turns them on and this is entertainment not a lecture about morality.

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