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Remy Ma ENDED Nicki Minaj (Receipts)

Lion Heart

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Honestly, remy needs to hang it up! She won the fight but lost the war. She didn't gain anything by going at nikki, and nikki didn't lose anything. :gaysia: so what was the point? Remy is always trying to go at the top dog! One day she will learn that no matter how well you can rap! If your songs doesn't appeal to the masses, it's ok mama! Just do you.... not everyone is meant to be mainstream! 

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One word: overexposure.

She's become the poster girl for basic and everyone's tuned into the fact that she's a sellout. If someone in the pop world wants to suddenly sound 'urban' they just ring Nicki up to do a feature and she'll always do it, and she'll only do it for the money, not because she's an artist. If she was an artist she wouldn't hop on every Tom, **** and Harry's records because she would have her own musical integrity and 'brand' to upkeep. Aligning your brand with everything is always just as bad as aligning your brand with nothing because you dilute it so much with so many other things that it doesn't stand for anything anymore, and that's what she is now; just a rent-a-rapper. When I see "Ft. Nicki Minaj" I automatically don't listen to it because it's just like really girl? Another one? 

Not to mention how she uses gay fans for their money but couldn't even muster up a tweet to acknowledge the biggest atrocity against that community, combined with her (as previously mentioned) huge ego.

It's a shame because I used to love her and be a big fan but as time went by she just started showing her true colours. 


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14 hours ago, DeanWinchester said:

Her music is tired repetitive garbage about

-being queen

-dont mess with her

-her butt

-she earned a lot

-more butt

-quick shoutout to lead artist that ft her

-she's the best

or a combination of those so 


ALL OF THIS TEA. :icega:

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15 hours ago, Lion Heart said:

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Remy Ma ENDED Nicki Minaj? (Or at least left a massive dent). 


Nicki Minaj has released a grand total of 8-9 (?) songs this year (Light My Body Up, a song with Jason Derulo, Changed It, Bom Bidi Bom, No Frauds, Regret in your Tears + others that I don't remember :madge: )  

NONE of them became hits. The song with Jason Derulo is discounted and hasn't risen past 30 (to my knowledge). LMBU was getting a few spins on radio, and then it completely fell off radio and iTunes. No Frauds was #1 on iTunes for some hours (it is now the 90s). (Side to Side was released before the Remy Ma debacle- I think- so it doesn't count). 


What's going on??? Did Remy really tarnish her image? Did her fanbase leave her?? No seriously, what's going on? Discuss. 


You wish she had . Nicki is already a household name and she is STILL and WILL BE the most succesful female rapper until someone new comes and dethrones her. I don't see it coming from Remy Ma who is an irrelevant rapper who just wanted to build her 5 minutes of fame on this feud.

Let's remember these songs were the features and maybe people got sick and tired of Nicki constantly being featured. (But remember Nicki cashed in on it and she is rolling in money).

(Light My Body Up underperformed and I doubt it will rise , Swalla is a decent hit in many countries and the video has got millions of views. Bom Bidi Bom was never a single. No Frauds' video is slaying and it's an urban song that is having its revival now.

Don't worry about Nicki. She will be just fine and it is she who won this battle-Remy was the one who was itching to scrap and we all know she had a ghostwriter aka Papoose. The other diss track was unbearably baaad.

Nicki Minaj is an internationally known artist/female rapper and I don't think she needs to stoop to Remy's level. She released a hot track that also serves as a hot diss track. Plus, Nicki's flow is way better. She has killed many verses throughout her prominent 9-year career and she is here to stay. EVERYBODY KNOWS WHO SHE IS and Remy is a nobody in the music industry. To shoot a friend over a rack you have to be a lunatic.

Last but not least, there are the myriad of Nicki haters/detractors on this site so the majority of users are extremely subjective. You can call Nicki names but you won't change the fact she is THE QUEEN, ask Ms Ellen ;)

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15 hours ago, BROSEIDON said:

Don't you have to do something other than sit in a prison cell to be invited to those?

Wow I love u for saying that <3

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6 minutes ago, BloodyJudas said:

You wish she had . Nicki is already a household name and she is STILL and WILL BE the most succesful female rapper until someone new comes and dethrones her. I don't see it coming from Remy Ma who is an irrelevant rapper who just wanted to build her 5 minutes of fame on this feud.

Let's remember these songs were the features and maybe people got sick and tired of Nicki constantly being featured. (But remember Nicki cashed in on it and she is rolling in money).

(Light My Body Up underperformed and I doubt it will rise , Swalla is a decent hit in many countries and the video has got millions of views. Bom Bidi Bom was never a single. No Frauds' video is slaying and it's an urban song that is having its revival now.

Don't worry about Nicki. She will be just fine and it is she who won this battle-Remy was the one who was itching to scrap and we all know she had a ghostwriter aka Papoose. The other diss track was unbearably baaad.

Nicki Minaj is an internationally known artist/female rapper and I don't think she needs to stoop to Remy's level. She released a hot track that also serves as a hot diss track. Plus, Nicki's flow is way better. She has killed many verses throughout her prominent 9-year career and she is here to stay. EVERYBODY KNOWS WHO SHE IS and Remy is a nobody in the music industry. To shoot a friend over a rack you have to be a lunatic.

Last but not least, there are the myriad of Nicki haters/detractors on this site so the majority of users are extremely subjective. You can call Nicki names but you won't change the fact she is THE QUEEN, ask Ms Ellen ;)

So she did stoop to that level?

I don't think anyone wins in this situation really. There's no artistic quality on either side. Nicki really should just go into the studio and record something worth listening to. 

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Katharine Hepburn
15 hours ago, JohnWayne23 said:




I believe this #1 hit of hers is from the year 2004


The library is open!

xoxo Joanne
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14 hours ago, DeanWinchester said:

Her music is tired repetitive garbage about

-being queen

-dont mess with her

-her butt

-she earned a lot

-more butt

-quick shoutout to lead artist that ft her

-she's the best

or a combination of those so 


Aren't these the themes that constantly appear on male rappers' songs? (expect male rappers don't brag about their butts but about big posteriors of their hoes? I am not a rapper expert but I guess they talk about it since people wanna hear it and it's a part of their ideology. There is nothing wrong with being bossy ,fierce and savage sometimes ;).

I suppose may people adhere to the view that it is ok for male rappers to rap about these above-mentioned things but when it is done by a female, she is called a repetitive talentless slut.

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5 minutes ago, ZacharyMark said:

So she did stoop to that level?

I don't think anyone wins in this situation really. There's no artistic quality on either side. Nicki really should just go into the studio and record something worth listening to. 

She had to respond somehow and she didn't go for a wacky diss track. She released a hot track that peaked in Billboard top 20 and has millions of plays. She dropped a stunning video and her jabs at Remy are smart, plus she did not directly mention her.

And I agree with you. I wish she would stop releasing features already. She should go to the studio and finish her fourth album-this should be her priority.She has never let me down when it comes to her albums and I hope she will keep up the good work.

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49 minutes ago, BloodyJudas said:

Aren't these the themes that constantly appear on male rappers' songs? (expect male rappers don't brag about their butts but about big posteriors of their hoes? I am not a rapper expert but I guess they talk about it since people wanna hear it and it's a part of their ideology. There is nothing wrong with being bossy ,fierce and savage sometimes ;).

I suppose may people adhere to the view that it is ok for male rappers to rap about these above-mentioned things but when it is done by a female, she is called a repetitive talentless slut.

And i never said i like that about male rappers as well but i like that you tried to make it look like i did.


Just like i grew tired of eminem always rapping about how on nearly every album that he will change and avoid his mistakes but it's the same old tired crap, i grow tired of minaj spitting about the same old crap

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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1 minute ago, DeanWinchester said:

And i never said i like that about male rappers as well but i like that you tried to make it look like i did.


Just like i grew tired of eminem always rapping about how on nearly every album that he will change and avoid his mistakes but it's the same old tired crap, i grow tired of minaj spitting about the same old crap

I feel what you mean and I agree with you on this. As much as I am a Nicki fan, I also believe she should change the topics that appear in her rap (I have grown tired of  the "all these bitches is my sons" line ;)

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17 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

But for a rapper who's always boasting about her numbers, it's a problem when she's not successful. So many rappers claim to be successful when they're clearly flopping and it bugs me how no one says anything about it. 2 of the biggest rappers are on No Frauds and she's getting views and likes and sales at a snail's pace. Something clearly isn't connecting and that's a problem. She only has 3 US top tens in the 7 years she's been famous, only one per album and she's yet to have one this era. If any popstar did that, they'd get no mercy for being a flop. But in rap, sales and chart positions are kinda overlooked? I don't know why the double standard is applied.

As I just showed though, it's normal for her :huh: her numbers are fine....They have been like that throughout her entire career and they are pretty impressive numbers for a rapper :shrug: I'd call that a success... She is still the most successful female in the game and nobody else is close.

Kendrick also brags about how he is the greatest rapper alive and he only just scored his first top 10 hit.

Drake brags about how he is the most commercially successful rapper but he has similar stats with his features, there are his last seven features:

2 Chainz 'Big Amount' didn't chart,  French Montana 'No Shopping' #36, Gucci Mane's 'Back on Road' #81, YG "Why You Always Hatin?" #62,  PartyNextDoor 'Come and See Me' #55, Rihanna 'Work' #1, 

I ended on Work to be nice, but it's a similar trend... This isn't abnormal in the slightest for Nicki or for any commercially successful rapper. It doesn't make sense to judge her based on her features.

No Frauds hasn't been performed, it hasn't been promoted (not even by like a radio interview), it's music video came super late, it's not being treated like a lead single, it performed fine for what it is (#14) :shrug: 

"She only has 3 US top tens in the 7 years she's been famous, only one per album and she's yet to have one this era"

Of her own songs sure but I mean we could count:

Super Bass, Starships, Bottoms Up, Turn Me On, Beauty And A Beat, Anaconda, Hey Mama, Dance (A$$), Bang Bang, Side To Side... 

I mean, like with her non charting features, I'm not giving her huge props for this (although I do admire her worth ethic - she is like Wayne in that respect) but she is clearly a big name whose been involved with some hit songs.

Also, she hasn't dropped an album yet... so if you're only counting her solo singles it doesn't make sense to be like 'she has yet to have one this era' - like... Of course, let her drop an album first.

Nicki Minaj is clearly able to brag about numbers, she is the most successful female rapper in the game :smh: 

"But in rap, sales and chart positions are kinda overlooked? I don't know why the double standard is applied." 

But Pop = popular music. Of course when discussing pop music it's more relevant to talk about top ten hits. Sales and chart positions are not at all overlooked in rap, they're discussed often, it's just a different scale... Katy Perry releasing a single that doesn't go top ten is one thing, Nicki Minaj being featured for 15 seconds on a single that doesn't go top ten is something totally different.

I mean look at Kendrick Lamar, he is already talked about like he is one of the greatest of all time and his album is selling very well - but he has released 4 albums and has 1 top ten hit to his name. People don't expect rappers to be releasing #1 hit after #1 hit like they do with pop artists. 

Not only is Nicki Minaj the most successful female rapper currently, you could count the number of rappers, period, that are currently more successful than Nicki on one hand. Nicki has mostly managed her top ten hits by swerving into the pop lane where you would expect more hits - she has quite a few top 20 hits to her belt as a rapper which is impressive.

Again to mention someone like Kendrick who is seen as the top of the pack currently - Before Humble, Swimming Pools was Kendrick's biggest hit at #17 (even including songs he was featured on) Nicki has had 9 solo singles that have peaked higher and too many to list if we count songs she has featured on.

We can see that rap music just falls on a different scale, Metallica are seen as one of the greatest metal bands and they are wildly successful and major touring forces - but nobody expects their lead single to go #1 :shrug: It's not a double standard, it's just obvious that there are going to be different expectations in regards to each genre. A top 20 rap single is pretty impressive for most rappers and many rappers build very successful careers from top 20 hits.

We'll see what Nicki's lead single does when she starts to promote her 4th album - then we will have more of an idea about where she is at. It just doesn't make sense to judge her based on songs she is featured on. There isn't a rapper on the planet that can propel a single to #10 on the charts with a 20 second guest verse alone and you can see that in the numbers of any rapper.

One thing is very obvious, Remy hasn't 'ended her' (which is remember, the topic being discussed). Nicki is performing in a manner comparable to her other eras, she is performing in the same way she was before the feud. 

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Green Detox

No, it didn't became hits because it didn't(has something to do with the music or promo), but Remy Ma is too underground compared to a huge force like Nicki, so she can hardly even touch her, the GP don't even have idea about the feud, only those people who are regularly updating their selves about the latest celeb happenings.

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22 hours ago, DeanWinchester said:

Her music is tired repetitive garbage about

-being queen

-dont mess with her

-her butt

-she earned a lot

-more butt

-quick shoutout to lead artist that ft her

-she's the best

or a combination of those so 


Let's not forget about her "sons" either :toofunny:

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