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My friends guessing Gaga's age...


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Where do you live? Because if it was, say, LA, I could kinda understand since so many people there have plastic surgery to look younger or are covered in make-up to look younger, so it can create a false impression of what someone really looks like at a certain age. But if you don't live there, I don't really know what to say.

This actually really concerns me. Because a big reason why so many pop girls success tapers off is because they've simply got too old by music industry standards. That's why most of them go through their first flop at the age of 30 or thereabouts. It happened to Madonna, Mariah, Xtina, Britney, Beyonce...Katy seems like she's about to go through it now and you could argue Gaga's already going through it. So, is part of the reason why Gaga's music doesn't sell like it used to because...people think she's much older than she is and therefore, uncool, irrelevant and past it? Because if that is the reason, that is extremely unfair and her real age should be blasted from the rooftops if that's the case. I dread to think how much older people are going to think she is when she puts out mature looks with ASIB. She did herself no favours by making herself look so old in the C2C era and this could make it worse. I've never understood why she went through a phase of making herself look ugly because it made people think she genuinely was. And she also went through a phase of making herself look older and it made people think she genuinely was. Wonder if she ever regrets doing that? Superficial as it may be, appearing young and pretty is how you keep successful in the industry.

I'm 27. I can't even tell you how upset and offended I'd be if someone thought I was 37 or older. I'm the opposite, people think I'm much younger than I am and that's annoying enough but to think I'm much older would be marginally worse.

3 hours ago, Radio Ga Ga said:

I think there's always a notion that pop girls who came off of their peak are always 40 already

people think Britney Beyoncé Christina are at that age too

That's a good point. Honestly, it feels like Britney and Xtina are that age, even though I know how long they've been around. They've just been here so long, it kinda makes you forget the time scales. Britney at least is engineered to be more youthful but it's like Xtina deliberately sabotages herself by making herself look like an overly-made up woman in her 40's.

3 hours ago, Modern Ecstacy said:

I feel like I'm the only little monster who thinks she looks like she's in her 40s. I'm sorry she just looks very old to me.

How many 40 year olds have you seen? I'm genuinely curious as to why you think this. When she was dolled up for the C2C era, I get it, but outside of that, how does she resemble middle age? She looks really young in the PI and JW videos, even parts of MR. If you want to see an artist in their 30's who looks like they're in their 40's, look at Beyonce. After seeing all the conspiracy theories that she's lying about her age, I now wonder if they're on to something. Beyonce's debut album came out when she was 21/22/23 years old and she clearly does not look that age in those old videos, she's so womanly and mature in face and body that there's no way she was genuinely that age. Recently, she really does look early-mid 40's.

3 hours ago, callumxoxo said:

There's this guy at my school who thought Katy Perry was half Lady Gaga's age lmao. I actually died. :giveup::poot:

How ironic that Katy's 1.5 years older. Though with that tragic blonde hairdo and 80's suit she had going on during her BRITS promo recently really made her look much older.

2 hours ago, Edonis said:

Gaga's always looked older than she actually is. During The Fame I thought she was older than early 20's so I could believe people think she's in her late 30's. But 40's or 50's? Girl...

Really? I thought she looked really young in her Fame era. Considering that I'm only a few years younger, I could easily relate to the age range of her looks, so I never doubted her age. Look at her in her Lovegame and Eh Eh videos and tell me she doesn't look early 20's.

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3 hours ago, callumxoxo said:

There's this guy at my school who thought Katy Perry was half Lady Gaga's age lmao. I actually died. :giveup::poot:

Haha isn't Katy older than Gags ? :sweat:

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49 minutes ago, Harry said:

I know that a lot of people think she looks older than she is but I honestly don't get it :emma: I think she looks her age, honestly... Sure in some looks she might seem a little older, but idk... I guess I just don't see it

yeah, the same here. I wonderded if that's the case of being her fan or something. But on the other hand my bestfriend who's started to like her because of me, also thinks she looks her age. 


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2 minutes ago, BloodyJudas said:

Haha isn't Katy older than Gags ? :sweat:

Katy will turn 33 this year 

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12 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Where do you live? Because if it was, say, LA, I could kinda understand since so many people there have plastic surgery to look younger or are covered in make-up to look younger, so it can create a false impression of what someone really looks like at a certain age. But if you don't live there, I don't really know what to say.

This actually really concerns me. Because a big reason why so many pop girls success tapers off is because they've simply got too old by music industry standards. That's why most of them go through their first flop at the age of 30 or thereabouts. It happened to Madonna, Mariah, Xtina, Britney, Beyonce...Katy seems like she's about to go through it now and you could argue Gaga's already going through it. So, is part of the reason why Gaga's music doesn't sell like it used to because...people think she's much older than she is and therefore, uncool, irrelevant and past it? Because if that is the reason, that is extremely unfair and her real age should be blasted from the rooftops if that's the case. I dread to think how much older people are going to think she is when she puts out mature looks with ASIB. She did herself no favours by making herself look so old in the C2C era and this could make it worse. I've never understood why she went through a phase of making herself look ugly because it made people think she genuinely was. And she also went through a phase of making herself look older and it made people think she genuinely was. Wonder if she ever regrets doing that? Superficial as it may be, appearing young and pretty is how you keep successful in the industry.

I'm 27. I can't even tell you how upset and offended I'd be if someone thought I was 37 or older. I'm the opposite, people think I'm much younger than I am and that's annoying enough but to think I'm much older would be marginally worse.

That's a good point. Honestly, it feels like Britney and Xtina are that age, even though I know how long they've been around. They've just been here so long, it kinda makes you forget the time scales. Britney at least is engineered to be more youthful but it's like Xtina deliberately sabotages herself by making herself look like an overly-made up woman in her 40's.

How many 40 year olds have you seen? I'm genuinely curious as to why you think this. When she was dolled up for the C2C era, I get it, but outside of that, how does she resemble middle age? She looks really young in the PI and JW videos, even parts of MR. If you want to see an artist in their 30's who looks like they're in their 40's, look at Beyonce. After seeing all the conspiracy theories that she's lying about her age, I now wonder if they're on to something. Beyonce's debut album came out when she was 21/22/23 years old and she clearly does not look that age in those old videos, she's so womanly and mature in face and body that there's no way she was genuinely that age. Recently, she really does look early-mid 40's.

How ironic that Katy's 1.5 years older. Though with that tragic blonde hairdo and 80's suit she had going on during her BRITS promo recently really made her look much older.

Really? I thought she looked really young in her Fame era. Considering that I'm only a few years younger, I could easily relate to the age range of her looks, so I never doubted her age. Look at her in her Lovegame and Eh Eh videos and tell me she doesn't look early 20's.

I must say that to the GP Gaga probably is ageless in that matter. I mean, she peaked when most of them have thought that she was in her 40s already, so I think she doesn't have to go through that agism thing of not being succesfull over 30.



And just one more thing cause I got into that a little bit later. There is nothing wrong with your age, with looking older, being older. There is nothing to be offended by, if someone says that you look older than you in fact are. 

And Gaga made herself look ugly just to show people that they don't have to conform to those beauty standards to feel precious.

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Just now, Emigrante said:

I must say that to the GP Gaga probably is ageless in that matter. I mean, she peaked when most of them have thought that she was in her 40s already, so I think she doesn't have to go through that agism thing of not being succesfull over 30.

Well, seeing how her success majorly suffered past 2011, it's hard to think of it that way. People thought she was old back then too, not helped by those facial horns.

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I asked my grandma to guess who (from the music industry) was celebrating birthday today. She guessed wrong , so I told her it was Gaga's birthday and I said that I was wondering if she could try to guess how old Gaga was and my granny's answer was 51 :sweat:I swiftly shook my head and uttered - no she's 31. She misheard and thought I said  Gaga was 41 years of age and she was pleased she was kind of close and I quickly responded- no ! She's 31!!!! And my grandmother ended the game by stating - she's still young :hor:

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1 minute ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Well, seeing how her success majorly suffered past 2011, it's hard to think of it that way. People thought she was old back then too, not helped by those facial horns.

And just one more thing cause I got into that a little bit later. There is nothing wrong with your age, with looking older, being older. There is nothing to be offended by, if someone says that you look older than you in fact are. 

And Gaga made herself look ugly just to show people that they don't have to conform to those beauty standards to feel precious.

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Alien Tulip
3 hours ago, Amphetamine said:

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who thinks Gaga looks her age :madge:

Me too. People (even on here) don't realize that she wears makeup to make herself look more older and sophisticated.

Like here she looks in her 40s


but you see its the makeup, hair and styling.

This is her 3 years after that picture


she looks in her 30s or late 20s

its all about hair, makeup and styling.

You have to be delusional if you think you would mistaken this woman as 40


Gaga also takes really good care of her skin. Naturally Gaga looks her age (31). People that look older no matter what is Britney Spears. As much as I love her I can understand why people think she looks older. Her skin got bad from so much cigarettes, stress, anxiety, and excessive tanning. At the same time I still think Britney looks good and has a phenomenal body.

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Alien Tulip
3 hours ago, callumxoxo said:

There's this guy at my school who thought Katy Perry was half Lady Gaga's age lmao. I actually died. :giveup::poot:

Because Katy Perry is childish, still makes fart and head shaving jokes, makes childish corny children music and has the intelligence of a kindergartener. I will say Katy does have a great makeup artist that covers her lines well because I've seen up close photos (like at this years grammys) and chiiillldd that woman has bad skin. Crows feet, forehead lines, etc. Katy has paler skin than Gaga so any sun damage on her skin really effects her which is why she wears excessive amount of makeup all the time. 

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Just now, Emigrante said:

And just one more thing cause I got into that a little bit later. There is nothing wrong with your age, with looking older, being older. There is nothing to be offended by, if someone says that you look older than you in fact are. 

And Gaga made herself look ugly just to show people that they don't have to conform to those beauty standards to feel precious.

There's nothing wrong with age and getting older, no, but if you look older than you are, well, that's a problem. It can majorly affect people's perception of you. It can especially mean that you stop being considered attractive and your chance for dates drops. This is why I'm already looking into natural ways to keep myself looking young so I can maintain my looks better as I age. It's sad but society just sees women past a certain age as being worthless. My aunt once said: "I don't have a problem with turning 50, but it's how the world looks at you when you're a woman of that age that gets to me." Men are treated like fine wines as they age, but a woman has a very different time. You're not considered that worth paying attention to when you're no longer in your child-bearing years and you start to feel invisible. I'll be damned if that happens to me before I actually reach that age.

I know why she made herself look ugly but I don't think the pay off was worth it for the reasons I listed above.

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2 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

There's nothing wrong with age and getting older, no, but if you look older than you are, well, that's a problem. It can majorly affect people's perception of you. It can especially mean that you stop being considered attractive and your chance for dates drops. This is why I'm already looking into natural ways to keep myself looking young so I can maintain my looks better as I age. It's sad but society just sees women past a certain age as being worthless. My aunt once said: "I don't have a problem with turning 50, but it's how the world looks at you when you're a woman of that age that gets to me." Men are treated like fine wines as they age, but a woman has a very different time. You're not considered that worth paying attention to when you're no longer in your child-bearing years and you start to feel invisible. I'll be damned if that happens to me before I actually reach that age.

I know why she made herself look ugly but I don't think the pay off was worth it for the reasons I listed above.

that's horrible point of view from people. And maybe that's the case for Gaga. To show people that no matter what age you are you can still be beautiful, have success, be amazing. She seems like a person that have no problem with being her age, saying things like exploding into her 30s and stuff. Cause if you're not doing nothing, you will always be perceived that way. 

Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
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31 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:


Really? I thought she looked really young in her Fame era. Considering that I'm only a few years younger, I could easily relate to the age range of her looks, so I never doubted her age. Look at her in her Lovegame and Eh Eh videos and tell me she doesn't look early 20's.

Well it wasn't more so her look as opposed to the way she carries herself. Gaga acts very mature for her age (even now) and that definitely played a role in how people perceived her. It wasn't that common to see such well spoken mainstream pop stars like herself at such a young age. And it wasn't like I thought she was in her 30's or anything, I knew she was in her 20's. I just assumed she'd be 26/27 as opposed to 22/23

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