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Art Of Star [Open Temporarily]


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Oh, it looks awesome but I can't exclude a finalist, thank you anyways Star <3

I don't get tat part!!

Do you want me to add That band?

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Don't worry i will! I just hope nobody sees this set until i have it. I want it to be a surprise. Can i next time request you via PM?

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Don't worry i will! I just hope nobody sees this set until i have it. I want it to be a surprise. Can i next time request you via PM?


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I don't get tat part!!

Do you want me to add That band?

Of course, I mean, those are the 5 finalists from the #popindustry game, and without the band, it's incomplete.

Here are some other images from the band:







And, if you could add more color to it would be perfect :)

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Of course, I mean, those are the 5 finalists from the #popindustry game, and without the band, it's incomplete.

Here are some other images from the band:


http://userserve-ak....erries TTFD.jpg





And, if you could add more color to it would be perfect :)


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would you please make me this: http://www.google.co.cr/imgres?start=124&um=1&hl=es&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=630&tbm=isch&tbnid=-d14jjFrzd985M:&imgrefurl=http://ultimategaga.net/%3Fp%3D781&docid=ANh-M1vLm7G_kM&imgurl=http://gagamagazine.net/wp-content/uploads/BTWBALL.jpg&w=655&h=445&ei=8K6lUIGOOMrA0AHjroHICQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=330&vpy=189&dur=1301&hovh=185&hovw=272&tx=205&ty=90&sig=104210512537125215363&page=6&tbnh=149&tbnw=206&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:32,s:100,i:100

For my facebook cover i want it like that effect that looks like a galaxy, i want her to be like close to transparent but not completely in the same tones of the background

Pole dancer
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