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Lucy Hale Faces Backlash over "Baby Hair" Comment


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2 minutes ago, KingRedd said:

Then maybe that should be the focus, not black people claiming hairstyles and clothing styles. We don't need to claim things, we already know what styles were originated from our culture. It's not fair to scold white people for something that all races do. We all are allowed to dress and act as we want. Nothing is forbidden and exclusive to one race- Sounds a lot like segregation huh? Not acceptable and not progressive. 

This tbh.

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I don't know if anyone has ever noticed this, but Hale's hair is extremely thick and looks to have a natural curl/frizzeness to it. Instead of just small baby hairs, she has hair around her face that is frizzy, thinner and three to five inches long.

I know girls that have this type of hair and those three to five inch hairs (that never grow past that length) can't be used as bangs and can't be cut to try and get rid of them or they will stick straight out. It looks to me like Lucy has these types of hairs around her forehead, temples and in front of her hairs. She has probably grown up calling those baby hairs since she was putting her hair in ponytails in elementary school. 

Now, obviously, she has layers with her baby hairs in this photo, but I believe she was referring to these thinner hairs as being "put to good use". 

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Queen Gloria

Wow.. People need to apologize now for their own hairstyles.. Seriously, this whole overly PC culture is going to turn in on itself and implode. 

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6 hours ago, Versus said:

i dont know why i have to say this its 2017

black and latinx baby hair is specifically styled because of a difference in hair texture and is rooted in their culture - yes white people have baby hair but the specific styling is not a part of 'white culture' . it has been adopted by white people because it 'looks cool' , and those white people are heralded as innovative for stealing it meanwhile black and latinx people are vilified for doing the exact same thing . its exactly the same as a white person wearing dreadlocks - its appropriation 

my point is that white people CANNOT speak over POC voices and if one more person quotes me with some white apologist bullshit im going off

cool but 

1.she probably didn't even know about it (hell who cares about hair in some culture? are you obligated to know it? nope

2.she didn't make fun of it, it's not like she's posing as latina on this pic or something so chill please with this whole stealing cause it's not

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6 hours ago, KingRedd said:

Then maybe that should be the focus, not black people claiming hairstyles and clothing styles. We don't need to claim things, we already know what styles were originated from our culture. It's not fair to scold white people for something that all races do. We all are allowed to dress and act as we want. Nothing is forbidden and exclusive to one race- Sounds a lot like segregation huh? Not acceptable and not progressive. 

Did I ever contribute to this thread at all scolding her about how she or any whitenperson apparently not suppose to have baby hair? According to the history on my page and my memory, no.

I replied to only one thing that stood out to me, honey.  :ladyhaha:

✿ cherry blossom girl ✿
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I get where they're coming from. It's unfair to them that sometimes white women get credit for something colored women are shunned for. But in spite of that, I do think this particular photo was dragged much too far. I also am surprised that she calls that baby hair because it seems like normal hair to me but Idk...

At the same time I think a lot of you guys shunning them as stupid or over sensitive is a little unfair. Idk what SJWs are but let's try to see things from their point of view first.

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6 hours ago, monstereo said:

Another example of how ~tolerant~ you are of differing opinions?

In addition to your "intolerant" claims toward me (which actually apply to yourself) I find it ironic that you're labeling me "woke" acting when you're behaving like you came straight out of a Sociology 101 course/Tumblr-like site. But to each and his own.


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Teal Ambition

People just look for something to complain about all the time :saladga:

▌│█║▌║▌║ before I am Canadian, I am Chromatican ║▌║▌║█│▌
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Swan Heart

lol who gives a **** about 'baby hairs', find some real problem to fight for and stop bitching about everything.

They say it's the last song. They don't know us, you see. It's only the last song if we let it be.
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