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I don't think Gaga can be relatable


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Ok, the title is sorta clickbait-y, but:

- During the Joanne era, Gaga has expressed many times how she'd like to let her music be a medium to relate to the average person, and how she'd want listeners to feel what she felt while songwriting.
- Now only did her music take a different turn from her past eras, both sonically and lirically, but also her image changed. She doesn't really rely on strong, extravagant visuals anymore, be it in her videos, performances, or in her daily routine.

- Nevertheless, I'm not sure the average person can relate to Gaga. What she sings about is what she feels, what she lives, and what she lives is not what the average Joe lives.

- I believe it becomes particularly obvious when we look at the last videos we have of her. I see a woman riding her horse in her immense garden, a woman struggling to drive her Rolls-Royce, a woman going at Starbucks with her personal trainer holding her dog, or going to the supermarket with her assistant holding her cart. This is not everyone's life.

-I'm not suggesting it's Gaga's fault because this is the life she has to live, regardless of her desires. What I'm saying is that maybe the Joanne experience seems fake to some because they can't really relate to Gaga on a personal level, whereas paradoxically it was easier to relate to her during her extravagant eras, because of her rethoric of loving who you are, and embracing being an outcast.

- Finally, I wonder if she's aware that her life is not the average life, and if she takes that into account when she says she wants to relate to people.

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Saint Laurent

Materialistic things don't make you relatable, I don't relate with my friends because they have the same iPhone as I do.

Your values, beliefs, struggles, heart etc. are all things that make you relatable.

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Yeah I get what you're saying. But be careful, the Joanne experts will drag you.

Gaga tries to be relatable all the time but it's creepier now, since she's actually trying to reach straight people :toofunny: In the past she would try to reach the freaks.

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I can absolutely relate to her. I don't need to own any of the things she does in order to relate to her - her beliefs, her mental illnesses, her feelings etc. is why I relate to her A LOT

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Sure, she never really experienced being broke. I personally can't relate to her in her songs, in the Joanne album there's nothing relatable but the song Angel Down is a perfect depiction of this generation and is the only song to me that can be close to something more familiar to me. Other than that, I guess her mental health problems but I don't know tbh

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holy scheisse

I understand and agree. And ARTPOP in and of itself was about Lady Gaga being Lady Gaga. Aura, donatella, ARTPOP.. etc. We're all just about her being famous and not in a "the fame" way where it was just dreams and not yet real. I don't think she's relatable cause her persona became too strong and overshadowed her humanity. I think that's something she's trying to recover with Joanne but it still comes off as a tiny bit forced 

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19 minutes ago, Saint Laurent said:

Materialistic things don't make you relatable, I don't relate with my friends because they have the same iPhone as I do.

Your values, beliefs, struggles, heart etc. are all things that make you relatable.

I'm not too sure about that...our values, and struggles, are heavily conditioned by our material situation. I experienced it first-hand more than once, and I'm far from a millionaire celeb. Other people in this thread have mentioned mental illness, and while it might be true I, for how selfish it might sound, am glad I can't relate to having PTSD

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23 minutes ago, Saint Laurent said:

Materialistic things don't make you relatable, I don't relate with my friends because they have the same iPhone as I do.

Your values, beliefs, struggles, heart etc. are all things that make you relatable.

This.   Gaga is more relatable to me now than ever.  I don't live a life like hers, yet she is very relatable now.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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27 minutes ago, Impostor said:

Yeah I get what you're saying. But be careful, the Joanne experts will drag you.

Gaga tries to be relatable all the time but it's creepier now, since she's actually trying to reach straight people :toofunny: In the past she would try to reach the freaks.

How is she reaching more to straight people? In Joanne?:oprah: I feel like TFM and BTW were about the freaks and Joanne about herself. Maybe she isn't tying to be relatable... She said it herself " the woman with the child and the wine blablabla was me"

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My straight friends love Poker Face, Bad Romance, Telephone. :awkney:

Stream Kylie-Janet Discographies!
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Sometimes I don't know what "relatable" really means.

I realized while talking in a Forum few days ago that songs that sound "relatable" are the ones that people usually like the most\crave to be a single: The Edge of Glory, Gypsy.. these are kind of simple "human" songs.

But it's not like everyone can feel relatable to "Applause". But funny because, people who live like that, just like Taylor Swift, they like the song. It's "Relatable" then.

Songs like Bad Kids, Hair, Marry the Night, Alejandro... they're not "universal" but they're all somehow relatable. So does songs like "Joanne" & "Perfect Illusion"

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666 others
9 minutes ago, Listerine said:

How is she reaching more to straight people? In Joanne?:oprah: I feel like TFM and BTW were about the freaks and Joanne about herself. Maybe she isn't tying to be relatable... She said it herself " the woman with the child and the wine blablabla was me"


7 minutes ago, Tanveer Anoy said:

My straight friends love Poker Face, Bad Romance, Telephone. :awkney:

Exactly. Also rather than reaching to a particular group, I think she focuses more on loving and embracing one's true self. The straights are already accepted as normal, so it seems that she is pandering particularly to the LGBTQ+ who are still considered freaks. Remember, "no matter gay straight or bi/lesbian transgender life/I'm on the right track baby, I was born to survive."

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With Joanne she's not trying to be relatable in the sense that she wants people to believe that she lives somehow the same life as an average american person... she knows that her life is (and saldy will always be) the life of a celebrity (remember that she is an artist not a celebrity)...but she's definitely trying to build a connection on an emotional level with people.
What she feels is what everyone else feel because she's a human too. Loss, grief, depression, heartbreaks, the desire to have stable relationship, friendships those are all emotions a human person feels and she wants people to see those emotions in her... 

Also another big message in the album is unity (or the need of unity to be precise): women sticking together, different people from different beliefs or different ethnicity coming together, and all humanity coming together to fight against the atrocities of these past years (mass shootings and black people being killed in the streets for no other reasons than because they're black)..

Gaga wants to bring people together... she was able to do this with the gay community and now she feels she need to spread her message even further than the gay community.


she might be forcing this toned down version of her I agree on that but she's not forcing the message of the album at all.. it's how Gaga has always been since day 1


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1 hour ago, ArtPLAUSE said:

Ok, the title is sorta clickbait-y, but:

- During the Joanne era, Gaga has expressed many times how she'd like to let her music be a medium to relate to the average person, and how she'd want listeners to feel what she felt while songwriting.
- Now only did her music take a different turn from her past eras, both sonically and lirically, but also her image changed. She doesn't really rely on strong, extravagant visuals anymore, be it in her videos, performances, or in her daily routine.

- Nevertheless, I'm not sure the average person can relate to Gaga. What she sings about is what she feels, what she lives, and what she lives is not what the average Joe lives.

- I believe it becomes particularly obvious when we look at the last videos we have of her. I see a woman riding her horse in her immense garden, a woman struggling to drive her Rolls-Royce, a woman going at Starbucks with her personal trainer holding her dog, or going to the supermarket with her assistant holding her cart. This is not everyone's life.

-I'm not suggesting it's Gaga's fault because this is the life she has to live, regardless of her desires. What I'm saying is that maybe the Joanne experience seems fake to some because they can't really relate to Gaga on a personal level, whereas paradoxically it was easier to relate to her during her extravagant eras, because of her rethoric of loving who you are, and embracing being an outcast.

- Finally, I wonder if she's aware that her life is not the average life, and if she takes that into account when she says she wants to relate to people.

Oh puhleaze. Do you actually think any celebrity can actually be relatable though? There are so many actors, actresses, music stars, etc that try to convey they are "just like us", but it's all a ploy, they aren't like us, we live in totally different worlds, however, I find Gaga to be the most authentic, and through sharing her struggles with us, ever since she became a star, it makes her very relateable, she continues to share her struggles, and things she's gone through as a kid, as a teen, as someone just trying to follow their dream and make it in the world, and to try to make the world a better place, and to provide for family and friends, just like a lot of us do, she is very relatable, in my opinion, one of the only relatable people in Hollywood. Like what? You think Kim Kardashian or Kanye West or Beyonce or Taylor Swift are relatable? Hell to the no. GAGA IS. 

And this is also exactly what makes Gaga think she has to come off more relatable, or more human, people look at the external aspects of her life, the superficial things, such as what you talked about, rather than what she goes through mentally, mentally she has struggles, she struggles with her emotions like us, with love, with hate, with friends who are sick, being a daddy's girl, loving her family, death of loved ones, etc, that is what she means when she says she wants to appear more human, because a lot of people, as you exhibited with this post, is you only see how she lives her life externally and in the public eye, rather than privately and mentally. Songs on Joanne are about those emotions, conveying a sense of humanity. HELLO! 

Go see A Star is Born
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Sneaky Oliver

I think everyone can relate to Perfect Illusion, Million Reasons, even Joanne (the song) but I get your point! 

Ps.: Dancin' In Circles as well :giggle:

In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel living in the Garden Of Eden
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