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Can We Talk About Frank Ocean


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I am so stuck on Frank right now. Like, shiiit. 

Channel Orange has me so emotional right now. Bad Religion R I P S my heart out, Forrest Gump gives me butterflies in my stomach, Pyramids is a M.A.S.T.E.R.P.I.E.C.E,, Super Rich Kids & Sweet Life r jams, Lost... I mean I really could just go on for days. The man can write.

And then he gives us Blond this summer. Nikes, Ivy, Solo, Self Control, Nights, White Ferrari, Godspeed, Futura Free, to name a few...

The lyrics on both of these albums are so good, and I think songs like "Bad Religion", "Godspeed", and "Solo" are songs where he captures the true poignancy in loneliness, lost love, unrequited love, etc. Bad Religion has shook me like no other song in my entire life, and Godspeed is a close second. You can't help but not feel it. 

I just can't get over these two albums. So. So. Good. 

These albums are so good. I need you all to just fly off the rail w/ ur Frank opinions rn

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Robo Ga

I couldn't agree more. LOVE Frank Ocean. I'm actually sitting beside the poster I have of him on my bedroom wall right now :)

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I love his music I can't wait for my boys don't cry magazine to finally arrive... (i ordered it on black friday like... come on)

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Ferrer Zorola

HE's like, :saladga:
If I picture myself married to someone it's with him dear lord gimme that young skinny muscular black masc REALNESS 



music wise I love "pyramids" I wanna be slowly sexually wrecked to it 
gonna check out his newer work 

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Judas Oyster

<3 <3 <3 <3

I loved and still love channel ORANGE, I listened to the album a great lot. I haven't listened to Blonde a lot unfortunately but I often see myself replaying "Self-Control" specially when I'm all alone driving my car. When the "Iaahh aaaaah aaah know you gotta leave, leave, leave" it feels like heaven.

I also like Nikes a lot but I just need to make the album offline Spotify and listen to it more soon haha

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2 hours ago, bowie1986 said:

I am so stuck on Frank right now. Like, shiiit. 

Channel Orange has me so emotional right now. Bad Religion R I P S my heart out, Forrest Gump gives me butterflies in my stomach, Pyramids is a M.A.S.T.E.R.P.I.E.C.E,, Super Rich Kids & Sweet Life r jams, Lost... I mean I really could just go on for days. The man can write.

And then he gives us Blond this summer. Nikes, Ivy, Solo, Self Control, Nights, White Ferrari, Godspeed, Futura Free, to name a few...

The lyrics on both of these albums are so good, and I think songs like "Bad Religion", "Godspeed", and "Solo" are songs where he captures the true poignancy in loneliness, lost love, unrequited love, etc. Bad Religion has shook me like no other song in my entire life, and Godspeed is a close second. You can't help but not feel it. 

I just can't get over these two albums. So. So. Good. 

These albums are so good. I need you all to just fly off the rail w/ ur Frank opinions rn

You should listen to Endless too. It's a visual album released last year as well. It's pretty good. Oh, and the name of the album is Blonde, not Blond(not trying to be rude).

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