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Video Premiere: Lady Gaga - Million Reasons


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2 hours ago, Haroon said:

I think the Joanne era is shaping up to be her weakest in terms of visuals which makes me kinda worried for the tour :spin:

Im worried about the SB, its a shame that they gave her this opportunity at this time of her career :/

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Is it her worst video in my opinion? 

No, that's for PI. This is the second. 

Does it make me loose hope in Gaga? 


Am I disappointed in what this video came out to be? 

Sorta. It's ok visually and it fits the songs but it's not... interesting? There were way too many shots of her in the pink outfit and not enough of the actual story, can't believe it took 4 minutes for her to open a box, cry, and cry some more but with friends this time. 

I still have hope in the next video though, but should I? 

One, five, ten lay a million on me
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Just now, Joel said:

Im worried about the SB, its a shame that they gave her this opportunity at this time of her career :/

I think she really surprised us at the VS show, maybe it will be the same for SB

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I think the "continuation" thing got people hyped, and she shouldn't have used this. It sounded like people were expecting a very basic video, but the "continuation" thing happened and it hyped people up. I feel like it's just unused footage from the PI video (Which it is, isn't it?) so...it didn't have a real reason to be a continuation.  I'm not necessarily disappointed, but this feels like a pretty last minute MV that she could of released a long time ago since a lot (if not all) of this footage is months old now.

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1 minute ago, BurqaSwg said:

I think she really surprised us at the VS show, maybe it will be the same for SB

i still have hope :)

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Oh my god i watched the video by accident because i had actually forgotten it was coming out today so i had no expectations and was not pumped at all...

it was s**t. It was the apple commercial with cringe worthy guitar playing (gaga cannot play the guitar / strumming along with the basic chords everyone learns when theyre 13 is not playing the guitar and its worse cos she acts it out like shes playing this amazing skillful tune) so the apple commercial merged with rejected shots from the PI video. 

It was boring and ****. Sorry. Whoever says otherwise will have to really explain themselves cos just look at it - visually its the worse shes done. 

In terms of meaing it kind of feels like she is 'leaving the illuminati which made her go crazy (pi video) and then shes lost her soul thats why shes in the dessert snd thenn her new team and friends come and pick her up and her sister reminds her of her christianity and now she has her soul back and she has left the illuminati - hence no radio play, no hits no viral stuff. 

What about creativity though? Surely all her cool past videos weren't only other people's ideas... 

overall - terrible, worst video she has done.  I am going to take some time off stanning for her cos it's all extremely boring and such a let down right now... 

i hope she is able to get 'it' back and make something interesting again... sorry gaga... but this video is really bad. I feel sad. I dont know where your fire, yourncreativity, your passion is gone... i hope you do get it back without fallin into the wrong hands and being controlled again by the wrong people;.. good luck honey.

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Joanne is a great album and deserves better videos. I'm not trying to compare her classic MVs to the new ones. What I'm trynna point here is that you can make great videos without being extravagant. Lana Del Rey is an example. Her videos are nothing like the Gaga's old ones but they're well produced and nice to watch. Even Rebecca Black - New Divide is better than the PI and MR videos together.

I know many of you are gonna tell me "if you don't like don't watch it", but things don't work like that. I want the best for Gaga and I think she can do much better then she has being doing.


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Just now, Joel said:

i still have hope :)

but to be fair, yeah there's a part of me that is really nervous about the show. I trust her for a good SB :) 

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5 minutes ago, Joel said:

Im worried about the SB, its a shame that they gave her this opportunity at this time of her career :/

VSFS says hi.

oops someone mentioned this already

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Tommy Monster

It's nice, but where is the grass field and shimmering lights??? :noparty: Amas hyped me so much, I really thought the vid would be about her in the field... it's not bad though, I guess I just got used to not expect too much tbh :toofunny:

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Its simple unique and personal, it matches the song very well, and we see Gaga in a different way, more on a human and emotional level! :) I am not here for negativity in this thread so....:classy: For Fans who dont like it, its all about a process, watch the next video and single be John Wayne or Dancing in Circles, My two favorites with a bull blown video and choreography :hor::excited2::rockstar: I think around six maybe seven song will have video's I think Joanne will be one to, like Born this way was half way between reality and fantasy, Joanne is half way between Gaga, the performer, and Gaga the person, her fathers daughter  :P

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The scene where she's on the ground and those women are around Gaga urging her to get up is so awkward. :emma:

Don't care for the song, so I could care less about the video, to be honest.

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