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"Come to Mama" song discussion


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9 hours ago, jujubae said:

I'm just.......


Majorly disappointed tbh?

I've never felt this way about a song in Gaga's discography. I'm shook tbh. I find it so cringe-y, even the best parts seemed forced and messy to me. Like a rejected song from a Lifetime Christmas special. I would've prefered TIHTY on the album. it's a no from me. I don't like this one at all, it feels unnecessary, and I hope to GOD it grows on me.


People are indeed different! Hearing the first words, my jaw literally dropped. I was surprised this song IS great!

Enjoy the other songs then! :hug:

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Didn't expect to like this at all!


It's the most Amy like song on Joanne - classic retro Ronson production. It's fun and cheerful. 

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This one is in the running to be my favorite. I'm done :giveup:


𝙸'𝚖 𝚊 𝚓𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚓𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕.
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Honestly, I think this might be one of my favs. I LOVE a good sax in any song.. The only thing I wish was that there was a sax solo. Otherwise this song is great for me!

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Been a long time but I'm back in town, and this time I'm not leaving without you
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This is so cute but also amazing and uplifting, I think it might even be "campy" in a sense, but i LOVE IT

Not sure where, but its in my top 5 on the album :giveup: 


私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Queen Gloria

CTM needs to be a single, end of discussion. Unfortunately, it might be too late for Gaga to make it a Christmas single, but if there's a will, there's a way. It's one of her best songs ever, and any angry Little No-Tasters who disagree need to move to the back of the line. :classy:

This song is literally her explaining her role as Mother Monster, telling us to come to her and confide in her. More powerful than any lyrics on Born This Way, tbh. If Come To Mama isn't at least performed on the Joanne tour, I'm going to be very upset. 

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It's official, this song is my favorite off the album :firega:

It just beat Dancing In Circles for me. It gets stuck in my head so easily and makes me want to listen to it. And when I do, I get slayed all over again :giveup:

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CTM, just another day, grigio girls are all the best songs on the album. honorable mention: angel down (not worktape). 

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I don't get the rainbows did more than they ever done part. What does it mean and why is the phrasing so vague? they who? not the rainbows or that won't make sense at all

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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6 hours ago, PrisonOfTheMind said:

CTM needs to be a single, end of discussion. Unfortunately, it might be too late for Gaga to make it a Christmas single, but if there's a will, there's a way. It's one of her best songs ever, and any angry Little No-Tasters who disagree need to move to the back of the line. :classy:

This song is literally her explaining her role as Mother Monster, telling us to come to her and confide in her. More powerful than any lyrics on Born This Way, tbh. If Come To Mama isn't at least performed on the Joanne tour, I'm going to be very upset. 

Omg finally someone who interprets it the way I do!!!! When I heard the leak, that was the first impression I had of the song. None of the other monsters interpreted it that way and I thought I was goin crazy haha. Bio mom is coming back into my life and it's making me kinda irrational haha. Yeah she gave birth to me but gaga will always be "mom" to me because she was there in ways my bio mom wasn't. She promised she would never let me go and she's kept good on that promise. She's been my rock for 8 years and I thank god everyday for that

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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It's one of my favorite songs. Serious side eye to those of you shading it based on the snippet leaks. I love the influences of the song and album in general. This song, Joanne, and Hey Girl could easily be from the 60s-70s but still sound modern and fresh.

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On October 18, 2016 at 6:29 PM, FreeAsMyARTPOP said:

Is it just me or does this song sound like it would perfectly fit on BTW?

I think so to. I interpreted it as she's telling us she wants us to come to her and confide in her because she loves us so very much and cares about our happiness. She hates when we hurt because she feels our pain 1,000x more. We'll always be her monsters no matter how old we get

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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On October 18, 2016 at 0:11 AM, PrisonOfTheMind said:

I'm sorry, but this song makes me really emotional. I feel like it speaks to us on so many levels, but most people are treating it like some cheesy 60s pop song because of the production. Read the lyrics to Come To Mama and imagine it as a ballad like Speechless or Joanne, then tell me those lyrics are freakin' genius. 

I feel like she's referencing herself both as Mother Monster, and as a shoulder to cry on. A tough 50s/60s "mama" like she's in a biker gang who will kick someone's ass if they hurt her man or child. It brings out her protective nature, while also referencing people's ideologies. She's brings up religion, and the lyric "Why do we gotta tell each other how to live?" is brilliant. It could apply to so many things - racism, homophobia, sexism, religion, etc. 

To me it's the most relatable song on the album. The lyrics blow me away, mixed with the infectious, joyous early 60s pop beat. You can't go wrong with Come To Yasss Mawmaw. 

I'm desperate for it to be a single/video/performances. 

Please, Gaga, if you see this, make Come To Mama a single from Joanne. I think it's a really important song to her, she mentioned it a few times in interviews. If the single is handled/promoted right, it could potentially become one of her greatest hits. There's Meghan Trainor, but mostly no one is doing that 60s doo wop sound on the radio right now. It has a strong message of accepting others' differences and the concept of "live and let live." While also being protective and saying "If you don't let my lover/child/fans believe what they want, I'm coming for you." I think most of y'all are missing the deeper meanings of the lyrics because you're too caught up and going "EWW, I DON'T LIKE 60S MUSIC". Almost just brought a tear to my own damn eye writing this, I should win a Nobel prize for this sh*t. 

Exactly. There isn't another artist who has such a strong maternal bond with their fans like gaga does. Her love for her monsters is so strong and fierce that it defies all logic and crushes any negativity in its path. It's a love that will last until the last beat of her heart. Yeah she's sweet and loving and funny but she'll go from 0-100 in the blink of an eye if she feels like we're being threatened in any way. It's that maternal instinct that drives her to protect/look out for us. Nothing scarier than a mama protecting her "babies"

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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