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Lady Gaga's Sexist Subtext

Gracious Gaga

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6 minutes ago, Gracious Gaga said:

Okay.  And I don't feel bullied for people disagreeing, I feel bullied for the condescending, rude, and disrespectful way some people are expressing their opinions to me here.

Well when you act elitist when people give their opinions on an open discussion, and act as if all other opinions contrary to yours, then people will respond in the same manner... 

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You need to leave your safe space every now and then and thicken your skin a bit I'd say.

If you are 'offended' and 'harmed' by what she said, I'd also suggest therapy. 

Seriously who are you to decide what is okay to do, to say and especially to joke about? All on the grounds of 'it makes me uncomfortable'. That is quite authoritarian of you. Liberals SUPPORT freedom of speech. As for gender roles they exist for a reason both physically and mentally, the majority of people try to work with the strengths it provides, rather than against. You and the Tumblr crowd can continue ignoring its existence and work hard against the big bad patriarchy! 

You may be 'sensitive' and 'soft' but to expect dandelion sunshine treatment from the rest of the world is unreasonable - and not going to happen. Grow up.

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Born To Slay
28 minutes ago, Nafen said:

You need to leave your safe space every now and then and thicken your skin a bit I'd say.

If you are 'offended' and 'harmed' by what she said, I'd also suggest therapy. 

Seriously who are you to decide what is okay to do, to say and especially to joke about? All on the grounds of 'it makes me uncomfortable'. That is quite authoritarian of you. Liberals SUPPORT freedom of speech. As for gender roles they exist for a reason both physically and mentally, the majority of people try to work with the strengths it provides, rather than against. You and the Tumblr crowd can continue ignoring its existence and work hard against the big bad patriarchy! 

You may be 'sensitive' and 'soft' but to expect dandelion sunshine treatment from the rest of the world is unreasonable - and not going to happen. Grow up.

Gender roles aren't positive, they just keep people down. Society needs to let just let people be who they are.

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22 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

Gender roles aren't positive, they just keep people down. Society needs to let just let people be who they are.

I disagree. The majority of people fall into these archetypes, it works. Just look at society.

Although, no one should be bullied for not fitting in an archetype I agree. Anybody can be anbody, however to expect everybody else to stop in their tracks and change so dramatically because a couple special snowflakes feel a 'microaggresion' or 'offended' is absurd. It is entitled, it is immature, and it is not going to happen.

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Born To Slay
7 hours ago, Nafen said:

I disagree. The majority of people fall into these archetypes, it works. Just look at society.

Although, no one should be bullied for not fitting in an archetype I agree. Anybody can be anbody, however to expect everybody else to stop in their tracks and change so dramatically because a couple special snowflakes feel a 'microaggresion' or 'offended' is absurd. It is entitled, it is immature, and it is not going to happen.

Not everyone fits into the archetypes tho, why do u think men have a higher suicide rate? Because they can't express their emotions in the same way woman can. Men shouldn't feel embarrassed to cry or feel, society taught them the wrong thing. 

also, looking at society, I don't see it working. Gender roles have made people judgmental and close minded. I'm not saying people should never follow gender roles, if u fit, that's fine but the concept of having gender roles that everyone agrees should always be followed or ur a *** is very toxic. And that's what's happened. That's why LGBT people are so much more likely to have depression or do drugs and suicide and **** like that. It largely stems from gender roles, that gay men or people who are biologically male but are actually woman (trans people) aren't men enough (I know there's religion as well). Gender roles as a concept are toxic. Peopl should be encouraged to do whatever they want and should be treated fairly. If gender roles weren't a thing my life would've been better. The OPs life would've been better as well.

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Gracious Gaga
4 minutes ago, Born To Slay said:

Not everyone fits into the archetypes tho, why do u think men have a higher suicide rate? Because they can't express their emotions in the same way woman can. Men shouldn't feel embarrassed to cry or feel, society taught them the wrong thing. 

also, looking at society, I don't see it working. Gender roles have made people judgmental and close minded. I'm not saying people should never follow gender roles, if u fit, that's fine but the concept of having gender roles that everyone agrees should always be followed or ur a *** is very toxic. And that's what's happened. That's why LGBT people are so much more likely to have depression or do drugs and suicide and **** like that. It largely stems from gender roles, that gay men or people who are biologically male but are actually woman (trans people) aren't men enough (I know there's religion as well). Gender roles as a concept are toxic. Peopl should be encouraged to do whatever they want and should be treated fairly. If gender roles weren't a thing my life would've been better. The OPs life would've been better as well.

Thank you for you kindness.  People here can be so evil.

♥ Kindness Police.
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Gracious Gaga
9 hours ago, Nafen said:

You need to leave your safe space every now and then and thicken your skin a bit I'd say.

If you are 'offended' and 'harmed' by what she said, I'd also suggest therapy. 

Seriously who are you to decide what is okay to do, to say and especially to joke about? All on the grounds of 'it makes me uncomfortable'. That is quite authoritarian of you. Liberals SUPPORT freedom of speech. As for gender roles they exist for a reason both physically and mentally, the majority of people try to work with the strengths it provides, rather than against. You and the Tumblr crowd can continue ignoring its existence and work hard against the big bad patriarchy! 

You may be 'sensitive' and 'soft' but to expect dandelion sunshine treatment from the rest of the world is unreasonable - and not going to happen. Grow up.

Reread the OP. I have a special message somewhere in there just for you!

♥ Kindness Police.
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Gracious Gaga
10 hours ago, HowIsSheTho said:

Well when you act elitist when people give their opinions on an open discussion, and act as if all other opinions contrary to yours, then people will respond in the same manner... 

Hmm yes this theory is true, just understand how this treatment began to happen from peoples initial responses to the OP, before I had a chance to respond to them.  You know what I mean??

♥ Kindness Police.
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Gracious Gaga
10 hours ago, HowIsSheTho said:

I did read it, but you're not really explaining yourself... so what is it that you want?

What is it that I want?  I CLEARLY state in the OP my wants wishes dreams and desires.  Thoroughly reread the OP and allow yourself the chance to fully absorb what I say to get a better grasp at what's being discussed here.


please.  I do make it extremely clear what I am fighting for and the message I am trying to spread.

♥ Kindness Police.
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Born To Slay
3 minutes ago, Gracious Gaga said:

Thank you for you kindness.  People here can be so evil.

You're welcome, this thread resonates with me. As a kid all I wanted to do was have long hair and listen to pop music, I got so much **** for it it's incredible. From my dad and the public. Luckily Lady Gaga taught me to not give a **** what they said, so I didn't. Nowadays it drives me crazy how I get **** just for crossing the gender line. My friends like doing people's make up and both my parents get pissed off when I volunteer. My cousin did a good job and I promised I'd where it to school the next day and my mom threw a huge tantrum, of course I wore my wings and lip stick to school tho. What r they gonna do? There's a school bus after all. 

But ur right, that these phrases that Gaga ignorantly said, r part of the problem and give credibility to these societal roles. I'm not against masculine men but people should never feel pressured to be something they're not. People shouldn't get all the crap I got for the reasons I got it. Most people aren't strong enough to take all that.

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2 hours ago, Gracious Gaga said:

What is it that I want?  I CLEARLY state in the OP my wants wishes dreams and desires.  Thoroughly reread the OP and allow yourself the chance to fully absorb what I say to get a better grasp at what's being discussed here.


please.  I do make it extremely clear what I am fighting for and the message I am trying to spread.

"The reason for this thread is because I dream of a world were no boy, or girl, ever has to grow up living under the influence of such stupid phrases, sayings, or expressions.  To some, this may not be a real issue, but for others you never know how deep words can cut.

A lot of people on this thread are coming off as very anti supportive of my hopes for a better future in society.  I'm not doing anything wrong or harmful, no intentions of hurting anyone or to deflate anyone's dreams.  It actually feels like many people here are making fun of me and trying to belittle me.  In my opinion, such a person is a bully and the exact representation of everything lady gaga probably wouldn't have wanted her fans to treat others during the BTW era.  Hopefully one day we can live in peace."

Supposedly you want there to be a world of peace, and clearly the general consensus here was that either

A) you were reading too much into it

B) There are much more alarming and concerning issues 


C) You may need to toughen up because what Gaga said was something that is often said in American culture, whether it be masculine or have an undercurrent of sexism, it is something that is said by both women and men,

But, seemingly, when people tell you these things you decide to get even more offended an consider it bullying. But it ISN'T. The honest truth is that you are being too easily offended by this. From what I gather, you are too easily shaken by what other people have to say and what other people think, and that's fine, but other people are the polar opposite. Some people live their lives without having to worry about what other people think and don't let themselves get shaken by that, if you, on the other hand do, as you clearly have, then that reflects on your character and personality. 

But when people have an opinion opposite yours that actually has some merit to it, there is really no reason to be rude about it, as you are being. :reductive:


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Gracious Gaga
3 hours ago, HowIsSheTho said:

"The reason for this thread is because I dream of a world were no boy, or girl, ever has to grow up living under the influence of such stupid phrases, sayings, or expressions.  To some, this may not be a real issue, but for others you never know how deep words can cut.

A lot of people on this thread are coming off as very anti supportive of my hopes for a better future in society.  I'm not doing anything wrong or harmful, no intentions of hurting anyone or to deflate anyone's dreams.  It actually feels like many people here are making fun of me and trying to belittle me.  In my opinion, such a person is a bully and the exact representation of everything lady gaga probably wouldn't have wanted her fans to treat others during the BTW era.  Hopefully one day we can live in peace."

Supposedly you want there to be a world of peace, and clearly the general consensus here was that either

A) you were reading too much into it

B) There are much more alarming and concerning issues 


C) You may need to toughen up because what Gaga said was something that is often said in American culture, whether it be masculine or have an undercurrent of sexism, it is something that is said by both women and men,

But, seemingly, when people tell you these things you decide to get even more offended an consider it bullying. But it ISN'T. The honest truth is that you are being too easily offended by this. From what I gather, you are too easily shaken by what other people have to say and what other people think, and that's fine, but other people are the polar opposite. Some people live their lives without having to worry about what other people think and don't let themselves get shaken by that, if you, on the other hand do, as you clearly have, then that reflects on your character and personality. 

But when people have an opinion opposite yours that actually has some merit to it, there is really no reason to be rude about it, as you are being. :reductive:


Okay.  I think you're still not seeing exactly where I'm coming from however...because I could supply a counter argument to A B and C regarding how those pints trail away from the base of my original argument.  

If someone supplied evidence as to why society is better off keeping these types of sexually objectifying and stereotyping and classifying phrases, then I would consider those opposing view to be valid and a conversation worth having..but if people are only going to disagree, tell me I'm wrong, solely because they feel I'm "overthinking" or "too sensitive".,,that's not really what my argument is about, and I personally don't think it is a strong or convincing counter argument on their behalf.


Also, people be aware of the millions of people who actually are negatively impacted by society in this exact way and never end up finding the strength to pay no mind to it and take their lives because they don't ever feel stable in today's society.   All I dream to do is make the world a safer place for people like that.  And I think you and I both know those people exist everywhere.  And I am not someone who is going to brush that off as "no big deal, there's bigger issues in the world"...I am aware of many different issues in the world, please understand that.  But today's thread is about this one in particular.  


but it's okay!! I'm sorry for coming off rude to you.  As you can see I'm very passionate about this topic.  So I do apologize!!  I hope you don't feel as those I am trying to harm anyone, as that is the opposite of what I aspire to do!


♥ Kindness Police.
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Gracious Gaga
6 hours ago, Born To Slay said:

You're welcome, this thread resonates with me. As a kid all I wanted to do was have long hair and listen to pop music, I got so much **** for it it's incredible. From my dad and the public. Luckily Lady Gaga taught me to not give a **** what they said, so I didn't. Nowadays it drives me crazy how I get **** just for crossing the gender line. My friends like doing people's make up and both my parents get pissed off when I volunteer. My cousin did a good job and I promised I'd where it to school the next day and my mom threw a huge tantrum, of course I wore my wings and lip stick to school tho. What r they gonna do? There's a school bus after all. 

But ur right, that these phrases that Gaga ignorantly said, r part of the problem and give credibility to these societal roles. I'm not against masculine men but people should never feel pressured to be something they're not. People shouldn't get all the crap I got for the reasons I got it. Most people aren't strong enough to take all that.

Yes.  I totally get you.  I think things as little as clothes make up products in general become extremely problematic because so many people think they're for one gender only and if the other gender participates in it then they're less then they're weird they're abnormal and I wish all those unwritten laws in society about what's for boys and what's for girls would be done and over with.  Can't we live in a world where people are content enough with themselves and their own identity to not have to put others down for being themselves as well.  A boy wearing makeup is causing no harm to anybody.  However saying that it is not "manly" to wear makeup is extremely subjective and can have very harmful results.  I wish people would understand this concept.



@HowIsSheTho do you see where we are coming from?

♥ Kindness Police.
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I can't believe this is still going 32 pages later.

I'm a woman, a proud feminist and don't support gender roles...and I don't see anything wrong with what she's saying. Have you ever heard of the phrase "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar?" I'd highly suggest that you don't over-analyse this stuff too much or it'll drive you insane one day. I've got OCD and anxiety, I should know. It would depress me no end if all I thought about all day were the problems women face, for example (much as I like discussing them, obsessing over them isn't going to happen). Overly obsessing over stuff like this isn't healthy. Telling yourself that you are right to obsess over it is even more unhealthy.

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shes from NY :poot: derp

spread love and peace with every intention. Cherish everything u have. Be Yourself
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